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B ^ ^P^S 00231 2919
Published by
PRICE $1.00
Copyright 1922
Published by
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The New York Numismatic Club was organized as a social organization
by a number of collectors and others interested in Numismatics, at Keen's
Chop House in 36th Street, New York City, on December 11, 1908. Subse-
quently on December 3rd, 1909, the Club was incorporated under the laws
of the State of New York. Its first officers were elected at the first meeting
of the Club, and annual elections provided for new administrative officials
every year. The following is a brief summary of the principal executive
officers who have guided the activities of the New York Numismatic Club
during the fourteen years of its successful and prosperous existence.
President . . . : FRANK C. HIGOINS
Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
Treasurer EDGAR H. ADAMS
Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
Treasurer EDGAR H. ADAMS
^ Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
^-^ Secretary and Treasurer WAYTE RAYMOND
"^ " Chairman Executive Committee ELLIOTT SMITH
Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
Secretary and Treasurer -MORITZ WORMSER
Chairman Executive Committee FRED C. C. BOYD
President FRED C. C. BOYD
Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
Secretary and Treasurer iMORITZ WORMSER
Chairman Executive Committee. ..... .ELLIOTT SMITH
Vice President ALBERT R. FREY
Secretary and Treasurer THOMAS L. ELDER
Chairman Executive Committee FRED C. C. BOYD
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1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
President ALBERT R. FREY
Vice President ELLIOTT SMITH
Secretary and Treasurer FRED C. C. BOYD
Chairman Executive Committee ELLIOTT SMITH
Secretary FRED C. C. BOYD
Succeeded by BAUMAN L. BELDEN
Treasurer FRED C. C. BOYD
Chairman Executive Committee MORITZ WORMSER
President ALBERT R. FREY
Vice President BAUMAN L. BELDEN
Secretary and Treasurer JONATHAN M. SWANSON
Chairman Executive Committee GEORGE H. BLAKE
During these years the Club has held regular meetings on the second
Friday evening of each month, and special meetings as occasion arose, at
which usually the wives of the members graced the festivities with their
presence. The meetings are usually preceeded by social gatherings, during
which the members dine together, and enjoy each other's company and ex-
change ideas on Numismatics and any other subjects over the plates and
cups (when cups used to be in style). The dinners are followed by busi-
ness meetings with the usual discussions of the business affairs of the Club,
the special features and exhibits of numismatic material from the members*
collections, and addresses on numismatic and kindred subjects.
The Club aims to unite in its membersiip all Numismatists of conge-
nial disposition who reside in or near New Ydrk City, as well as out of town
members, who have occasion to visit the metropolis, or may be interested
in the activities of our Club in any general way. It cordially invites numis-
matists wherever located to join its ranks, and share in the benefits of mem-
bership, making our Club the social hub in the numismatic center.
During the thirteen years and more of its existence, the New York
Numismatic Club can pride itself on having achieved a position of promi-
nence in the Numismatic world, it has issued several year books, five medals
of its Presidents and several others, and engaged prominently in numerous
Numismatic activities, and the present year 1922 bids fair to become one
of the most successful in its history, as the Club looks forward to enter-
taining in our metropolis the American Numismatic Association, during its
1922 Convention, which we hope to make a memorable one.
For 1922
Vice President BAUMAN L. BELDEN
Secretary and Treasurer JONATHAN M. SWANSON
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Executive Coiumittee
Membership Committee
Publication Committee
Medallic Art Committee
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The New York Numismatic Club
The name of this organization shall be the NEW YORK NUMISMATIC
The object of this organization shall be to bring together under one
fraternal order all persons who are interested in the science of Numis-
matics; to establish and maintain in the State of New York, and more
especially in the City of New York, headquarters where members may meet
for social and literary intercourse and where lectures may be given for the
purpose of stimulating an interest in Numismatics.
The Club shall adopt a seal of such design as will readily identify it,
and such seal shall remain in the custody of the Secretary.
1. There shall be four classes of membership, honorary, active, life,
and corresponding.
2. Honorary members shall be chosen from the ranks of distinguished
Numismatists who have contributed to the cause of Numismatics in this
country or abroad, or who have rendered some eminent service to this
Club. Honorary membership may be conferred at any regular meeting by
a unanimous vote, but notice of such intended action must be given at the
previous regular meeting.
3. Honorary members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club
and also all publications issued by the Club, and shall be exempt from the
payment of dues.
4. Any person over the age of twenty-one years may become an active
member of this Club by giving satisfactory evidence to the Membership
Committee of good standing and interest in Numismatics and by subscrib-
ing to the By-laws.
5. Life members shall be active members with all the privileges and
duties of active membership of the Club, who have anticipated the annual
payment of dues by a single payment of $50.00 which shall entitle them to
life membership and exempt them from any further payment of dues.
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6. As corresponding members there shall be eligible the Directors,
Superintendents and Curators of the Mints of the United States, the Direct-
or of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, also certain officers of foreign
mints, so long as they remain in office, and Numismatists residing in foreign
countries who may be entitled to such recognition. Such corresponding
members are to be designated by the Executive Committee, and shall be
exempt from the payment of dues, and shall be entitled to all the privileges
of the Club except voting.
1. The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Curator. The Offices of Secretary and Treasurer
may be held by one person. There shall be also four standing committees,
as follows:
2. An Executive Committee, consisting of four members, a Member-
ship Committee composed of five members, who hold no other office, a Pub-
lication Committee of three members, and a Committee on Medallic Art,
consisting of five members.
3. All officers and members of standing committees, excepting the
Curator, shall be elected by ballot at the annual election and shall hold
office for one year, but in the event of no election taking place at the pre-
scribed time, they shall hold over until their successors are elected. The
Curator shall be appointed by the President for the same term as the other
Duties of Officers
1. The President shall preside at all meetings, and shall be consulted
upon all important matters pertaining to the welfare of the Club.
2. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President
and act in his stead.
3. The Secretary shall keep a correct report of all meetings and per-
form the usual duties of his office which include notification to members of
all meetings.
4. The Treasurer shall hold all monies of the Club as well as any
securities in which the permanent funds of the Club may be invested and
shall take full charge of same; he shall keep a correct record of all receipts
and disbursements, furnishing a report of same at the end of each year, or
whenever called for. The Treasurer shall be required to furnish a bond,
when in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the amount of money on
hand so warrants it.
5. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the
affairs of the Club.
All matters of business or entertainment shall be presented to the Club
by this Committee.
6. The Membership Committee shall take charge of all applications
for active membership after applications have been read at a regular meet-
ing. They shall investigate such applications and report at the next regular
meeting, when their election or rejection shall be determined. Election of
active members shall be by ballot, but three dissenting votes shall exclude.
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1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
7. The Publication Committee shall take charge of all papers read
before the Club and when it seems desirable shall publish same in a Year
Book or other manner.
This Committee shall, in conjunction with the Secretary, see that the
minutes and other transactions of the Club are promptly supplied to such
numismatic and other publications which will publish same in a manner re-
flecting credit to the Club.
This committee shall also have charge of any other publications which,
this Club may issue from time to time.
8. The Committee on Medallic Art shall, whenever called upon by any
person, institution or society, contemplating the issuing of a medal, placque
or similar article, hold itself in readiness to give its opinion upon the de-
sign contemplated, and when such design is artistic and of sufficient merit,
shall authorize the manufacturer of said article to impress upon it the em-
blem of the New York Numismatic Club; provided always that the person,
institution or society so receiving the advice, and benefit of the Club's
emblem, shall agree to donate to the New York Numismatic Club's cabinet
a specimen or specimens of articles so approved, which shall become the
property of the whole Club.
9. The Curator shall have charge of all the property of the Club
which is not in charge of any of the other officers of the Club as herein
specifically provided; he shall keep record of such property and take care
of its storage or otherwise, facilitate the examination or use of same by
Club members if properly authorized, and shall report on the property in
his charge annually and whenever called for by the Executive officers of the
Club, or a properly authorized meeting.
Order of business, which may be varied as occasion demands.
1. Calling of the Roll.
2. Reading of Minutes of last meeting.
3. Exhibits and reading of papers.
4. Unfinished business and reports of Special Committees.
5. Report of the Secretary.
6. Report of the Treasurer.
7. Report of the Executive Committee.
8. Report of the Membership Committee.
9. Report of the Publication Committee.
10. Report of the Medallic Art Committee.
11. Report of Special Committees.
12. Election of Officers (At annual meeting).
13. New Business.
14. Welcoming guests.
15. Adjournment.
The annual meeting of this Club shall be held at its headquarters, on
the second Friday in December of each year, at which time the election of
officers and standing committees for the ensuing year shall take place.
A Nominating Committee of three shall be elected by ballot two meet-
ings before the annual meeting of the Club, and shall submit its report
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nominating candidates for officers for the ensuing year at the meeting pre-
ceding the annual meeting of the Club; but at annual meetings any mem-
bers present or absent can make nominations from the floor or send such
nominations by mail to the Secretary of the Club.
The regular meetings of this Club shall be held on the second Friday
of each month.
Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee at any time
or place when deemed necessary.
Eleven members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.
The annual dues of this Club shall be two dollars ($2.00) and shall be
due and payable on admission to membership, and on the first day of Janu-
ary thereafter.
Dues for life membership shall consist of a single payment of $50.00
and all amounts resulting from such life membership dues shall be invested
in United States Liberty Bonds or at the discretion and upon the approval
of the Executive Committee any other bonds which in accordance with the
Laws of the State of New York are held legal investments for savings banks
or trust funds.
Members whose dues remain unpaid by April 1st, shall be duly notified
by the Treasurer, and if payment is not made within twenty days of such
notification, shall be dropped from the roll, but may be reinstated by a vote
of the Club at any regular meeting on the payment of the arrears.
Whenever a vote or resolution of the Club calls for the expenditure of
money for any purpose, the amount of money to be expended shall be ap-
proximately stated.
These By-Laws may be added to or amended by a two-thirds vote of
the members present at any regular meeting of the Club, provided the
amendments or additions proposed shall have been presented at a preceding
regular meeting, and the members duly notified of the time when such
amendments are to be acted upon.
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List of Members, January 1922
His Majesty, Victor Emanuel III, King of Italy.
Archer M. Huntington, 50 West 81st Street, New York City.
William Jerrems, Jr., Kansas City, Mo.
Cagiati, Memmo, Villa Mazzao, Posillipo, Naples, Italy.
CJOMPARETTE, DR. T. L., 1602 Mt. Vernon fit., Philadelphia, Pa.
Lanfranco, Marion, Dir. Regia Zecca, Rome, Italy.
Morgan, Oeo. T., Chief Engraver, U. S. Mint, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ralph, J. E., Div. Bureau of Eng. & Print., Washington, D. C.
Perez, Gilbert S., c/o Bureau of Education, Manila, P. I.
The first seven are charter members.
Adams, Edgar H., Box 133, Station L., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Elder, Thomas L., 21 W. 35th St., N. Y. C.
Life Frey, Albert R., Custom House, N. Y. C.
Higgins, Frank C, 456 E. 9th St.,, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kennedy, Daniel R., 60 West 67th St., N. Y. C.
Life Smith, Elliott, Ft. 26th St. & East River, N. Y.
Life Wilson, W. W. C, 111 Crescent St., Montreal, Canada.
Orig. Mem. Wood,, Rowland, A. N. S., 156th St. & Broadway, N. Y. C.
Arnold, Geo. C, 124 Washington St., Providence, R. I.
Beatty, W. Gedney, 247 Central Park W., N. Y. C.
Beesley, E., Box 704, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Belden, B. L., 1 Hamilton Ave., Cranford, N. J.
Berger, Victor, 108 Park Row, N. Y. C.
Blake, Geo. H., 12 Highland Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
Life Boyd, F. C. C, 45 W. 18th St., N. Y. C.
Brand, V. M., 2530 Elston Ave., Chicago, 111.
Brett, Mrs. Agnes Baldwin, 404 W. 116th St., N. Y. C.
Browning, Ard. W., Central Islip, L. I.
Burke, Dr. Martin, 147 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C.
Butler, Dudley, 340 Madison Ave., N. Y. C.
Carey, Clarence J., Norwalk, Conn.
Case, F. V., 28 N. Broadway, Tarrytown, N. Y.
Chapman, Henry, 333 South 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Chapman, S. Hudson, 1128 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Clapp, John H., 1509 16th St., N. W.. Washington, D. C.
Clark, Jas. A., Ill Highland Ave., Middletown, N. Y.
Connor, J. M., Jr., Woodwild, Metuchen, N. J.
Davison, Alfred E., 19 Anderson St., New Rochelle, N. Y.
Deering, Hans, c/o Cullen Trans. Co., 17 Battery PI., N. Y. C.
deLagerberg, J., Shoreham, L. I.
Feith, Dr. H., c/o Adolph Hess Nachf., 49 Mainzer Landstr.,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
French, Dr. Geo. P., 15 Clifton St., Rochester, N. Y.
Greene, John J., 1277 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
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Grimskold, Carl, 107 E. 28th St., N. Y. C.
Guttag. Julius, 52 Wall St., N. Y. C.
Hammer, V. T., Lock Drawer M, Branford, Conn.
Kartell, Palmer C, White Stone Landing, N. Y. *
Heaton, A. G., 1400 S. Olive St., West Palm Beach, Fla.
Henderson, Dr. J. M., 511 Citizens Bank Bldg., Columbus, O.
Hesslein, Wm., Paddock Bldg., Boston, Mass.
El. 1922 Hill, Henry, 112 E. 19th St., N. Y. C.
Hines, Henry C, Box 65, Newark, N. J.
Hirsch, Heinrich, c/o Helbing Nachf, 20 Barer Str., Munich, Ger.
Johnson, B. G., 115 No. 11th St., St. Louis, Mo.
Imhoff, C. H., Fidelity Union Trust Co., Newark, N. J.
Kohler, Rud., 70 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C.
Kunz, Dr. Geo. F., Tiffany & Co., N. Y. C.
Kusterer, Leonard, 126 Summit St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Liveright, Frank I., Box 198, Newark, N. J.
Lipper, M. W., 20 New St., N. Y. C.
El. 1922 Livingston, F. A., 2870 Heath Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Low, Lyman H., 28 Clinton PL, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Marcuson, M., 1611 E. 82nd St., Cleveland, O.
El. 1922 Mayer, Samuel, 79th St. & Riverside Drive, N. Y. C.
Mehl, B. Max, Ft. Worth, Tex.
Merritt, Fred E., 45 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Miller, Thomas Sidney, 1355 Richmond Rd., Dongan Hills, S. I.
Montgomery, John, 397 E. 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nangle, Bernard, 5th Div. Custom House, N. Y. C.
Naumberg, Carl T., 60 Wall St., N. Y. C.
Newell, Edward T., A. N. S., 15 6th St. & Broadway, N. Y. C.
Noe, Sidney P., 570 W. 159th St., N. Y. C.
Orlowski, Alexander, 680 Madison Ave., N. Y. C.
Pulis, Samuel G., 375 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Praskey, David, 912 Sixth Ave., N. Y. C.
Rahr, Harry F., 89 Jackson Ave., Mineola, L. I.
Raymond, Wayte, Anderson Galleries, 489 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
Reilly, John, Jr., 165 E. 71st St., N. Y. C.
Robertson, Robert, 140 33rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ryder, Hillyer, Carmel, N. Y.
Life SALTUS, J. SANFORD, Hotel Seville, N. Y.
Schulman, Maurice, 448 Keizersgracht, Amsterdam, Holland.
Swanson, Jonathan M., 22 Camp St., Newark, N. J.
Southwick, Albert C, 47 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C.
Thorsen, Nelson T., Jones & 15th St., Omaha, Neb.
Valentine, Dr. D. W., 110 Engle St., Englewood, N. J.
Van Wert, William, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Von Lieven, Sig., 1956 Bathgate Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Wernstrom, Ernest R., The Scandinavian Sales Co.,
516 Third Ave., N. Y. C.
Westervelt, L., 7 W. 50th St., N. Y. C.
Woodin, Wm. H., 165 Broadway, N. Y. C.
Life Wormser, Moritz, 95 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C.
Wyman, Arthur C, A. N. S., 156th St. & Broadway, N. Y. C.
Zerbe, Farran, Tyrone, Pa.
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The Past and Present Presidents
Journalist; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7, 1867; s. Paul Lajas Higgins
of Norfolk, Virginia, and Clara C. (Enos) Higgins; on maternal side
nephew of the late Dr. Thomas W. Evans of Paris, who was concerned in
the escape of Empress Eugenie, 1871; ed. Shattuck Military Academy, Min-
nesota, and Dr. Faeris' Academy, Philadelphia; m. St. George, Hanover
Square, London, September 16, 1903, Mile. Marie Louis Jeanne, daughter
M. Auguste Gillot, architect of Paris, and sister of M. Louis Eugene Gillot,
Chevalier of The Legion of Honor, of the Paris Beaux Arts, etc.; children:
Francis Lynch, b. 1905, Marie Pauline Lajus, b. 1907. Began newspaper
work very young under George W. Childs of Philadelphia Public Ledger.
After some service as N. Y. corr. of Western papers in N. Y., was sent to
Paris in 1889 as special corr. of N. Y. Press and Boston Daily Globe. Re-
mained in Europe about 18 years engaged in journalism; in 1896 became
press representative for Non-Flammable Wood Co., Ltd. (immediate per-
sonal circle of H. M. King Edward, then Prince of Wales, in which the
King had large financial interests) known in N. Y. as Electric Fireproofing
Co.; was delegated in 1897 to promote German branch of same in service
of H. R. H. The Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha (Duke of Edinburgh).
Member of the editorial staff, Dry Goods Economist, five years. Has resided
In London, Dublin, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Cologne, Basle, Brus-
sels, Paris, Vienna and Rome. Has written extensively on Numismatic sub-
jects and published monographs on "Copper Coins of Modern Europe.'*
Author: Numismatic History of the Royal German Houses of Wettin and
Welf (published, Spink's Numismatic Circular, 1903-4). Recently under-
taken work as amateur designer of medals and pattern coins, comprising
nine different medals published in 1909-10, principal of which bear his
initials in connection with well known modelers. Member Second Interna-
tional Numismatic Congress, held in Brussels 1910. Fellow, Royal Numis-
matic Society of ^G. B., Member of N. Y. Numismatic Club, (President, 2
years and one of the founders).
The family has been increased by Louis Eugene Higgins, born Decem-
ber 7, 1912, who on December 12th following, was the recipient of a silver
cup suitably inscribed, from the New York Numismatic Club. The young
man, now nearing ten years of age, already evinces a lively interest in
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Mr. Higgins has long since ceased to be a collector of coins from the
standpoint of mere series or varieties, becoming deeply interested in the
study of ancient cabalistic science and the allied subject of comparative re-
ligion. He reduced his collection to one illustrating the astrological, philo-
sophical and mythological symbols of the ancients, to which he has added
one of amulets, cylinders, cones, seals and symbolic objects belonging to
all the ancient civilizations including those of ancient America, a series
w^hich he has been successfully engaged in reducing to a common system
and linking together. This study has enabled him to write much on the
antiquities of Free Masonry on the subject of which he has produced several
books and many newspaper and magazine articles.
In 1917, Mr. Higgins engaged in Wartime activities, acting for nearly
a year as civilian Yardmaster at the United States Engineer Depot, Kearny,
N. J., shipping railroad equipment to General Pershing and the A. E. F.
On account of his command of a number of foreign languages, he was
selected for transfer to the United States Department of State, whose com-
mission as a "Special Agent" he has carried for almost five years. It was
his good fortune to be appointed to receive and care for the comfort of
various bodies of foreign delegates to the recent Disarmament Conference,
in recognition of which he has just been gazetted for decoration by the
French Government,
He is Past Master of Ivanhoe Lodge 610, New York City, Royal Arch
Mason and a 32° Scottish Rite Mason.
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14 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Born in Philadelphia, April 28th, 1844, son of Augustus Heaton, a
prominent citizen. Early showing strong artistic disposition, he began
study at seventeen, at nineteen went to Paris, and in 1864 was the first
American to enter L'Ecole des Beaux Arts. After return home, was in
1866 and '67 appointed High Art Professor of the School of Design for
Women (where he taught and lectured four years). President of the Phila-
delphia Sketch Club, and Associate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine
Arts. Later he moved to New York and in 1879 to Paris where he had a
studio and exhibited in the Salon until his return in 1884, to live in Wash-
ington after the Government had bought his painting, "The Recall of Colum-
bus," for the Capitol. He painted portraits there and in many other cities,
together with occasional pictures, large and small, had a studio in New
York, 1908 to 1918, going abroad nearly every summer, and finally in
1919, bought a fine property in West Palm Beach, for old age.
He is the author of a religious epic, "The Heart of David," "Fancies
and Thoughts in Verse," "The Nutshell," a little quarterly publication, and
"Mintmarks," the authority and only work on its subject.
Mr. Heaton became seriously interested in Numismatics about 1900,
contributed many articles in prose and verse to the Numismatist, was third
President of the American Numismatic Association for several years, be-
came life member of the New York Numismatic Society, and second Presi-
dent of the New York Numismatic Club. His collections of Gold One and
Three Dollar pieces of all mints complete and of Silver Mintmarks of all
denominations, (complete except one piece) and of portrait silver coins
about quarter dollar size, of every reign of the leading nations of Europe
were his triumphs as a collector.
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Was born in New York City in the year 1866 of New England parents.
His mother's forbears coming to this country in 1631 and his father's some
time previous to 1755. At an early age he attended private school, thence
a public school, and afterward went to college. His first situation was with
the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company; after several
years he took a position with a cement importing house in lower New York
and later went into business for himself. While he made a success of the
new venture he thought best in 1896 to associate himself with his father's
business, that of dealing in building materials, the firm being Candee &
Smith and some time later the name of the company was changed to Candee,
Smith & Howland Company, address New York City, and of which corpora-
tion Mr. Smith is now the Vice President and Secretary.
Mr. Smith at the age of ten became interested in postage stamps. He
still has the stamps of his original collection and is still collecting them.
His father really started him in Numismatics by giving him in early youth
a nice collection of small cents, telling him to remember that the eagle
cent of 1856 was very rare. (At this writing Mr. Elliott Smith has seven
distinct varieties of that coin.)
The subject of this sketch is a born Numismatist, but aside from the
pursuit of his hobbies, he is active in the building fraternity, being at one
time secretary of the Mechanics' & Traders' Exchange, and president of the
Building Material Exchange. He was also at one time interested in elec-
trical contracting. Mr. Smith has been deeply interested in politics. He was
a member of many committees in New York between 1890 and 1900 and
after removing to New Rochelle, N. Y., in which place he resided for about
sixteen years, he still pursued, more for the pleasure and excitement, the
game of politics, being a member of county, city and ward committees, also
a governor of a political club. He was even a candidate for office, but per-
haps luckily for him he was defeated! Mr. Smith took a great interest in
baseball, tennis and bicycling, being at one time Local Consul in the League
of American Wheelmen. He is past president of a volunteer fire company,
is also much interested in patriotic societies, being a past commander in
the Sons of Veterans, an honorary member of the Spanish War Veterans,
and honorary member of Army & Navy Veterans, a member of the Military
Order of the Loyal Legion, a member of the Society of War Veterans of the
Seventh Regiment, a member of the Sons of the Revolution and many
In numismatics Mr. Smith is a life member and one of the council of
the American Numismatic Society, a member of the American Numismatic
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16 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Association, a life member of the British Numismatic Society, one of the
charter members and past president of the New York Numismatic Club, of
which he is also a life member. He is also a member of the Powelton Club
of Newburgh. Mr. Smith was also interested in boating and was one of the
organizers of a boat club in New Rochelle.
Mr. Smith's hobbies are many and varied, but his greatest deliglit is
being in company with his hobby collecting friends and he is always inter-
ested in the other fellow's line of endeavor as well as his own.
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Was born in Henderson, Kentucky, April 10, 1874, attending the
country school up to the age of thirteen. While at school, he started col-
lecting coins. His first coin was the large United States Cent of 1822,
which he picked up in the country store in the village. This 1822 Cent by
the way is still in his collection, in extremely fine condition.
He left home in his thirteenth year and went to St. Louis, and acted
as printer's devil in a printing establishment. From St. Louis he worked
his way around the United States, visiting all the large cities, and at the
age of seventeen, arrived in Chicago, Illinois, and went with the firm of
Marshall Field & Co., as travelling salesman, working from Chicago to
San Francisco. His keenest delight in those days, after calling on custo-
mers, was to go around to the different second hand stores and pawn
shops, looking for rare coins and coins which he did not possess in his col-
lection. He spent six years with the above mentioned firm, and then moved
to Cincinnati, and became manager of a department in the old dry goods
firm of Alms & Doepke. From Alms & Doepke, he became identifed with
the Hill Cigar Co., which was located at Fountain Square and Vine Street,
Cincinnati. He made more progress in the making of his collection in Cin-
cinnati in that year than any of the years since then, this year starting his
collection of Fractional Currency, and broken bank bills.
From the Hill Cigar Co., he was transferred to the American Tobacco
Co., New York City, which happened in the year 1898, working his way up
finally to the position of advertising manager. From there he became
identified with the old firm of H. B. Claflin & Co., for a period of sixteen
years, in an executive capacity. From there, went to the Union News Com-
pany, as manager of the department of purchases.
His activities in the Numismatic line cover collecting of paper money,
types of the United States coins, silver and copper, one, two and a half,
and five dollar regular United States issues, types of the ten dollar issue
and the twenty dollar; the gold coins of California, the quarters, halves
and one dollars; Political medals. New York Store Cards, encased postage
stamps, fractional currency, types of the regular United States currency,
and as a side line, books and ivories. Also the gold coinage of Russia, Eng-
land, Siam, China and Japan and Mexico.
In 1917, he decided to dispose of his collection of United States silver
and copper coins, with the result, to quote Mr. Boyd's own words: "The
happy thought came to my mind of holding a mail auction sale. If any
other members of the Numismatic fraternity ever have occasion to dispose
of their collections, take a tip from me: — don't try to sell them yourself."
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18 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Boyd has held every office in the New York Numismatic Club,
with the exception of the office of Vice President. He is a member of the
American Numismatic Association, and the American Numismatic Society.
Born in New York City on March 7, 1863. Parentage of Dutch colonial
and Irish English descent. Educated in public and private schools, and re-
ceived the degree of D. D. S. from the New York College of Dentistry in
1887. Practiced in 1887-8 in New York City, then one year in Vienna,
Austria, again in New York until 1896, and since then in Englewood, New
Jersey. Married Miss A. Belle Colwell, October 1896 and is blessed with
two daughters, Marion K. and Margaret.
Became interested in Numismatics during boyhood days through help-
ing as clerk and cashier in father's hardware store. At that time Civil War
tokens were not current, so reprimands were the regular order should they
appear in the cash. Fractional paper money was still in use, but the Gov-
ernment soon authorized the issue of metallic fractional coins. This gradu-
ally eliminated the fractional paper money, but interest in this line was
created by the tender of some of the earlier issues, in payments by custo-
mers. Interest in foreign coins originated while working and travelling in
Europe in 1888-89.
Became a member of the New York Numismatic Club in 1910 and
took up the study of United States Fractional Paper Money and United
States Half Dimes — these subjects have been worked upon and monographs
are being prepared for the printer. Was honored by being elected Presi-
dent of the Club, 1918 and 1920. Became a member of the American
Numismatic Association in 1912, and is also a member of the following
societies, Chancellor Walworth, #115, F. & A. M., B. P. O. E. #1157,
First District Dental Society of N. Y., New Jersey State Dental Society and
the National Dental Association.
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Was born in New York City, February 17, 1858, and has been connect-
ed with journalism since 1880.
He was one of the founders of the New York Shakespeare Society in
1885, and one of the editors of the Bankside Shakespeare, published by that
Society in 1888.
'From 1903 to 1906 he was President of the American Numismatic As-
sociation, and in 1911 he edited the "Numismatist." He was also one of
the organizers of the New York Numismatic Club and held the office of Vice
President for ten years consecutively; during 1919 and again in 1921 he
was President of the Club.
In addition to a large number of contributions to periodicals and liter-
ary journals, he is the author of the following works:
"Sobriquets and Nicknames" — 1884.
"William Shakespeare and Alleged Spanish Prototypes" — 1886.
"The Dated European Coinage Prior to 1501" — 1914.
"A Dictionary of Numismatic Names" — 1917.
Seventh President of the New York Numismatic Club, was born at New
Haven, Conn, on March 9, 185 4, the only child of Theodore Saltus of an
old New York family and S. Elizabeth Sanford, daughter of John C. Sanford
of Virginia and Susan Hull, who was a cousin of Commodore Isaac Hull.
His parents moved to New York when he was very young and, except
for frequent extended trips abroad and to distant parts of this country, he
has lived there ever since. Was educated at the Anthon Orammar School,
New York, and later studied art at the Art Students Lreague.
In 1885 he married Medora S. Hubbell of Philadelphia, also an artist,
and for a number of years they occupied a studio in The Chelsea, on West
23rd Street, New York. Mrs. Saltus died in 1906 and since then Mr. Saltus
has spent the larger part of his time abroad, principally in France.
In 1909 he conceived the idea of a statue of Joan of Arc in New York,
and his efforts in this direction resulted in the erection of the beautiful
statue at Riverside Drive and 93rd Street, w^hich was executed by Miss Anna
Vaughn Hyatt and unveiled December 6, 1915, at which time the French
Ambassador by direction of the French Government conferred upon Mr.
Saltus the decoration of the Legion of Honor. The plot of ground upon
which the statue stands was named Joan of Arc Park, by resolution of the
Board of Alderman, approved by the Mayor, December 14th, 1918.
In 1921 Mr. Saltus presented a replica of this statue to the City of
Blois, France, in recognition of which he was made a Citizen of Blois.
He has been interested in Numismatics for many years, is an early
member of the British Numismatic Society, after serving as a Vice Presi-
dent of that Society for a number of years, he was, in November 1921,
elected President, which office he now holds.
In 1892 he became a Life Member of The American Numismatic and
Archaeological Society, now The American Numismatic Society — served as
Corresponding Secretary and Vice President and is now Honorary Governor
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1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
for Life, and through generous gifts of money, coins, medals, decorations,
paper money and books, became a "Benefactor of the Society."
The J. Sanford Saltus collection of Foreign Decorations and American
Insignia in The American Numismatic Society, is probably the best in exist-
ence, and his donations of British and other war medals as well as numis-
matic material of all kinds have been most extensive.
Some years ago he established and endowed The J. Sanford Saltus
Medal which is awarded annually by the American Numismatic Society for
excellence in medallic art.
Mr. Saltus was elected to membership in the New York Numismatic
Club several years ago, and is a life member, and on December 9, 1921
was unanimously elected President.
He has written a considerable number of articles relating to numis-
matic and kindred subjects, and also regarding the Mystery of Louis XVII,
Animals mentioned by Shakespeare, and various other topics.
In addition to his numismatic affiliations, he is Honorary Vice President
of the Museum of French Art, New York; Honorary Member Salmagundi
Club; Honorary Member, Art Students League; Honorary Member of the
Fencers Club and the Amateur Fencers League, both of New York, Member
of the French Branch Y. M. C. A. of New York, member of the Gypsy Lore
Society of England, and the Carnival Committee of Nice, France. He also
has the following French decorations: — Officer, Legion of Honor, Officer,
Public Instruction; Chevalier, Order of Merit, Agriculture.
In 1918 he established a gold medal, to be awarded annually by the
National Academy of Design, for excellence in painting or sculpture, the
competition for this medal to be open to artists of all nations.
Just as this Year Book is going to press, we have received the sad news
of the sudden death of our President, Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, in London,
England, on June 24, 1922.
We complete his biography with the expressions of the deepest sorrow
and grief over the loss of our friend, associate and President.
In addition to its presidential medals, the New York Numismatic Club
The issue of this medal originated at the meeting of the New York
Numismatic Club held on November 11, 1918 at Keen's Chop House. This
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meeting marked the tenth anniversary of the Club and also coincided with
the signing of the Armistice, which was to conclude the World War, and
at the same time was the birthday of His Majesty, Victor Emanuel III,.
King of Italy.
To quote from the minutes of the Club: "Mr. J. Sanford Saltus spoke
of the medals which had been issued by the Club, and complimented the
Club and the sculptor, Mr. J. M. Swanson, on the uniformity of size and
design. Mr. Saltus stated that it had recently come to his attention that
the King of Italy, Victor Emanuel III, was our first Honorary Member, and
that he would suggest the Club strike a medal to our first Honorary Mem-
ber and to present him with one in gold, and if the Club favored the sug-
gestion he would be pleased to defray the expense of making the dies, and
would present the gold for the presentation medal. Moved by Mr. Smith,
seconded by Mr. Belden, that the Club accept Mr. J. Sanford Saltus' kind
offer with a rising vote of thanks. Motion carried. Regularly moved and
seconded that a medal be struck in gold and presented to our first Honor-
ary Member, Victor Emanuel III, in commemoration of our tenth anniver-
sary. Motion carried. Mr. Saltus then informed the Club that our Mem-
ber, Mr. J. M. Swanson, would be the designer of the medal."
The gold for the striking of the presentation medal was donated by
Mr, Saltus and was made of English, French and United States gold coin.
The medal was duly presented to His Majesty, The King of Italy, — a fact
which is evidenced by the official letters which are illustrated herewith.
Rona, 11 24 NOV 1919
jffll^iffl yff ly ^^ a ^ ^ ^ ^^ fffw
Slgnor Sr eel dent e,
Sua Uaest^sil Ee, Mo Auguexo Sorrano, ha rioevuto
ooa slnoero gradiaexxto I'artletloa medaglla d'oro, oonla-
ta a oura dl ootesto Oiroolo per oommemorare^ aesleme al
10* annlyerBarlo della proiria fondazlone, quello dello
AriBlBtlBio e 11 SO* -oompleanno della Maestk Sua.
L'AugUBto mlo Soyrano ha ooneiderato nel pi^ degno
■odo la oortesla dell'lntenziohe e 31 ^ ooaplaoluto oom-
mettexnl dl far glungere a ootesta Istltiizlone I'espreeslo-
ne del Suol oordlall rlngrasiaoentl.
Oon la preseate ho I'onore dl ademplere all'ufflclo
affldatoal e ml yaLgo dell'opportunitk per dlohlaraTLei
Slgnor Treeldaate, la ala perfetta osseryanza
1 Slffior Ffesldente
del Oiroolo Numienatloo
'•est lC2nd Str., 216 -
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22 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
ROM, H0TMb«r 27th, 1919.
F. C. C. Boyd, Esquir*,
Secretary, tho K«w lortc Itaoiaafttic Clnb,
216 TMit 102 StrMt*
Smt Sir:
X hky Buch pltMaro in infomiae T>n that I •■ la i«c«lpt y»it*r-
day or a lottor from His Ixcallcney th* Minister of tli« Boyal ROoaabold, in-
foralag BM that ha haa racalTOd from tha Qrand Uaatar of Careacnlaa and daly
prasantad to His Uajaaty tha King, tha gold mdal which jour Cluk haa racantly
baaa good aaoag^ to sand tha Xing*
Th* lattar aTtar stating that tha King naa axcaadingly plaasad by
yonr eoortasy, adds that tha Zlinistar of tha Royal Bousahold has bean ohargad
to sand the enclosed letter conveying His MaJastyU thanks to the President
01* the i:nratsr«tic Club of Hew TortE.
I have thorefore the honor to enclose yoa herewith tha abo-raHsantion-
ed letter of thanks, which is addressed to tha President of yonr Clnb.
Believe ne, dear Sir,
Very truly youra.
Charg4 d I Affaires.
Bnclos :
Letter referred to.
The very handsome medal itself is illustrated above. A uniface obverse
and reverse of the medal has been struck in silver and was presented to
Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, the donor, when he returned from Europe, after his
activities there, connected with the War, had ended.
The general issue of the medal was struck in silver and in bronze, and
copies of the silver one were sold at $7.50 and the bronze ones at $2.50;
Mr. F. C. C. Boyd acting as Chairman of the committee in charge of the
distribution of the medal.
At the same time it was voted to adopt the reverse of the King of Italy
medal as the new seal of the New York Numismatic Club, being much more
attractive and artistic than the one heretofore in use.
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Proceedings 1918
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, January 11th, 1918, President D. W.
Valentine presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Frey,
Elder, Proskey, Eeatty, Kohler, Southwick, Butler, Blake, Raymond, Valen-
tine, Boyd, Swanson, Wormser, Beesley, Wood, Belden. Visitor, Charles
Schmall. Messrs. Kohler, Blake and Raymond were welcomed.
After roll call the minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The Secretary reported the receipt of one magazine, and of letters from
J. deLagerberg, enclosing items on "New Currency Issued by Japan, Due to
Small Coinage Shortage," and "Coins, Currency, Medals, etc., in Venezue-
la"; a printed notice from the President of the Numismatic Circle of Naples
in regard to Big. Cagiati; notices of the publication of the names of our
officers in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac and the American Art Annual.
The Secretary reported a cash balance on hand of $56.65, and a $100
Liberty Bond, and that 36 members had paid their dues for 1918. Four
American members had not paid their dues for 1917. Resignations were
received from Messrs. H. O. Granberg, H. F. Williams and J. Barnet. It
was moved their resignations be accepted.
The Treasurer was authorized to subscribe and pay for The Numismatist
for 1918 ($1.50), the publication to be turned over to Mr. Frey, Chairman
of the Publication Committee.
The report of Mr. Wormser, Secretary and Treasurer for the year 1917,
was read and approved, the report to be audited by the Executive Com-
mittee at its next meeting.
The Secretary was authorized to write to F. G. Duffield, Editor of The
Numismatist, to express the Club's thanks and felicitations for generous
printed notices of the meetings, etc., and to ask if he would not insert for
us a notice in The Numismatist that our Club will welcome visiting numis-
matists from points outside of New York who may find themselves in this
vicinity on the second Friday of each month, when our meetings are held,
at the Park Avenue Hotel, Fourth avenue and 33rd streets, the Club meet-
ing at 7 o'clock P. M. * •
The subject for the next meeting of the Club was announced as "The
Arabic Glass Coins or Weights."
The Secretary was asked to write a letter to the Rev. James Nies, of
Brooklyn, an authority on these pieces, inviting him to our next meeting.
Mr. Frey, for the Publication Committee, reported that the Year Book
was finished and ready for the printer. The printer having asked for an
increase per page in the cost of printing, it was decided to have the Ex-
ecutive Committee consult regarding the matter before awarding the print-
ing of the book.
Dr. Valentine stated the Paper Money and Store Cards Committee would
report at the next meeting.
The Secretary and Executive Committee were asked to meet at Lubold's
Restaurant on Thursday, January 17th, at 6.30 P. M., to consider printer's,
charges. Treasurer's report and other matters.
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24 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Wormser made remarks about the matter of the dues of persons
who are non-resident. No definite action was taken.
The subject of the evening, "The Coins of the Hanseati'c League,** was
next taken up. Dr. Valentine commented, saying he regarded the League
a league of merchants, and quoted from Ambassador James W. Gerard's
**Four Years in Germany,*' in which he compares the free ports of Germany,
without a protective tariff, to American ports. In these free ports raw
goods were manufactured and then exported, of course to the advantage
of the country permitting this system. Mr. Gerard speaks of the advan-
tages of such free ports and suggests some application of the principle to
our own.
Mr. Wormser spoke at length of the Hanseatic League and its history
to the time is was swallowed up by Prussia, stating that the union was for
the main purpose of spreading German colonization and to protect com-
merce. The League had a London office, its English office having been
closed up comparatively recently. The League was especially strong in
controlling the trade of the Baltic for Germany. Wismar and Rostock were
once in this League. Hamburg, Lubeck and Bremen were called the Free
Hanseatic Cities. There was no coinage of the League as a league. The
only surviving cities of the League as free cities are Hamburg, Lubeck and
Mr. Wormser made a large exhibit of gold and silver coins of the cities
of Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck. He mentioned the double ducat of
Hamburg struck especially for the Peace of Westphalia, in 1649, and show-
ed an interesting coin of Charles V, showing a knight holding the double
eagle of the German Empire on a shield; a Hamburg medal showing the
present German Emperor with a beard, and other pieces.
Mr. Proskey exhibited 271 different coins, as follows: Hamburg — Gold
11, silver 80; Bremen — Copper 12, silver 53; Lubeck — Silver 31. Frank-
fort — Copper 31, silver 50.
Mr. Proskey gave historical data of the four cities, and stated the word
"Humbug" had originated from the name of **Hamburg." He stated the
League at one time extended as far as Dantzig and Stralsund. He showed
a coin of crown size of Lubeck of 1776, showing St. John; another of 1730
for the Luther centennial, and told that the Rothschild family were instru-
mental in having a coin or coins issued by that city. He spoke of his col-
lection of Jew pfennigs from 1807 to 1821, exhibiting 15 varieties. One
of these bore the traditional three 'balls. Of the gold coins of Hamburg he
mentioned the 1828 one-schilling piece in gold, that one being identical
with one in silver.
The meeting was then adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, February 8, 1918, President D. W.
Valentine presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Adams,
Beesley, Boyd, Beatty, Case, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Reilly, Smith,
Swanson, Valentine, Wormser, Wood. Guest of the evening, Rev. Dr. James
Nies, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
After roll call the minutes of the last meeting were approved.
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The Secretary reported the receipt of a letter under date of February
2nd, informing the Club that at our suggestion Mr. Duffield had inserted a
notice of the Club's meetings in The Numismatist, to give a welcome to
visiting numismatists in New York who could attend any of its meetings.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance on hand of $182.82.
Rev. Dr. James Nies, the speaker, was next introduced, and he spoke at
length on the subject of the evening, "The Arab Glass Coins or Weights."
He mentioned an interesting correspondence between himself and Dr. Stan-
ley Lane Poole, another noted authority on the subject. He stated that
these weights had been used by the Egyptians as long ago as the Ptolemies,
and that we have Egyptian, Roman and Byzantine examples, as well as
Arabic, the latter being the most abundant. The Kharoobah, or Caroub,
was the native Arab unit of value, equal to 3 grains of wheat or 4 grains
of barley. The weights were divided as follows: 1 — Weights for coins.
2 — Bottle stamps for measures. 3 — Weights for merchandise. Dr. Nies
exhibited a very fine plate and some remarkable examples from his fine
collection, and interpreted the inscriptions on each. These weights were
also used for weighing gold, silver and jewels in the market-place. The
larger sized weights were used for merchandise weighing. The British
Museum contains a fine collection, and has issued the best-known work on
the subject. Dr. Nies did not believe these weights ever passed specifically
for money, although many were used for weighing money and possess the
same weight. The Egyptian issues from about 709 A. D. to around 1200
A. D. comprised Omayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid. The smaller and more
numerous of the weights were of the Fatimid dynasty. The weights come
in all colors from white to black, with many interesting color combinations
and shades, some of very brilliant hue. Abd el Melik employed a Jew
named Somair of Taima for a mint master. As some of the glass pieces
have the design of a star. Dr. Nies suggested the possibility that this was
the invention of Somair, and having a reference to the Star of David. The
coins adopted by the Arabs were the gold dinar, half and quarter dinar;
the silver dirhem, half and quarter dirhem, the latter very rare. Great
accuracy in weight was noticeable, some of them agreeing exactly with
coins. Dr. Nies believed these weights were not cast, but he thought the
great accuracy was attained by using gun powder containing the vitreous
elements, first carefully weighed, and then put into a form where it was
melted and stamped with a die while cooling. He stated he saw a complete
bottle with its stamp undamaged in Cairo. One of his examples mentions
a ruler not mentioned in Arab history. Here is a sample inscription quoted
by Dr. Nies: On a piece of green color, li4o inches. "In the Name of God,
The Ameer Ismaeel Son of Ibraheem, honor Him God, a quarter Kist Full."
A vote of thanks was tendered to Dr. Nies, the members rising. Messrs.
Proskey and Wood spoke on the weights in their own collections. Mr.
Proskey believed the glass pieces were actually used as money. Dr. Valen-
tine stated that from the fact of some of the pieces being broken, it was
evident that these pieces could be altered in weight and were altered acci-
dentally. It seemed as if they were used as a guarantee of measure. "Bot-
tle stamps" was a misnomer, for if used as a guarantee of measure for
what was to be put into the bottle, they ought to have been called measure
stamps, not bottle stamps.
Mr. Wood exhibited a large and interesting collection of all sizes, col-
ors and materials, including clay. He had an example containing gold leaf.
He had one remarkable example of a heavy weight with a top to it.
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The regular meeting of the New York Xumismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, March 8, 1918, President Dr. D. W.
Valentine presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Belden,
Dr. Burke, Boyd, Chapman, Elder, Frey, Newell, Proskey, Smith, Swanson,
Wood, Wormser and Valentine. Visitor, Charles Schmall.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary reported the receipt of a copy of Mr. Wormser's work on
Luther and the Reformation Medals.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $197.89.
Executive Committee report: The topic of the next meeting was an-
nounced to be "The Coins of Denmark."
The Treasurer was asked to furnish a list of any delinquent members.
Publication Committee reported that the Publication Committee of last
year has the matter of the Year Book well in hand.
It was suggested that a notice of meetings of the New York Numis-
matic Club be sent to the New York Sun for publication under its heading
"Events of Today," in order to give persons who might be interested an
opportunity to come to our meetings. This resulted in a rather interesting
discussion pro and con. It was moved that newspapers which print the cur-
rent events of the day be given a notice of our meetings. When put to a
vote the original motion was lost, but an amendment moving that the Secre-
tary be appointed to send invitations to such institutions or persons as he
might deem proper, using, if necessary, the mailing list of the Numismatic
Societies, was carried by a small majority.
The subject of the evening was next taken up, being "The Coins of
Mr. Edward T. Newell spoke, saying the only Venetian coins he was in-
terested in were the zecchini, because those coins also passed current among
the Arabs, in Malta, and possibly Rhodes. The copper imitations were
struck in England for use in Arabia and Abyssinia. He exhibited several
interesting pieces, including three silver imitations of zecchini struck in
the East (probably in the Balkan peninsula).
Mr. Wormser spoke of the medallic thalers of Canton of Orisons on
26 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK i
Mr. Elder exhibited 310 examples of the Fatimid dynasty, in his own
Mr. Case agreed with Dr. Nies, that the pieces had not been used for
Messrs. Wood and Proskey were thanked for their remarks and ex-
The Executive Committee reported it had audited the Treasurer's books
and had found them correct.
It was authorized to have the Year Book published.
The subject of the next meeting, "The Coins of Venice."
The Medallic Art Committee will report on the Presidential medal Pi
the next meeting.
The meeting then adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
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the treaty with the Republic of Venice, the treaty being between neutrals
to protect their rights. He exhibited the thalers described.
Mr. Heaton spoke of his collection of Venetian pieces made during his
trips to Europe.
Mr. Proskey spoke of the various Venetian issues, and mentioned Doge
Nicholas Trono as the only doge who had ever had his head put on a coin.
He mentioned the origin of the word osella, and stated that the museum in
Venice possessed the only complete collection of osellas in existence. He
made a large exhibit, representing 55 out of 79 rulers. One interesting
large silver medal commemorated the repulse of the Turks.
Dr. Valentine spoke at some length. He said the right to coin their
own money was confirmed by the Emperor Rudolph of Burgundy to Doge
Orse Participazo II in A. D. 912. In the crusade (1119) the Doge Domenico
Mlchieli became short of funds while aiding Baldwin, King of Jerusalem,
at the siege of Tyre, so he cut coins of leather and promised to exchange
them for good money on their return to Venice. Another historian states
that it was the custom of early doges to make coronation presents of wild
ducks, which custom in time became difficult, owing to lack of game, so
the Doge Lorenzo Celsi in 1361 gave a sum of money. In 1521 the Grand
Council permitted Doge Antonio Grimani to substitute a silver medal, which
was called osella (Venetian for bird). This continued until 1789, to Doge
Ludovico Manin.
Vice-President Frey gave a brief history of Venice and illustrated his
discourse with various exhibits. A large number of types, the speaker said,
originated in Venice, and he gave the history of the matapan, zecchino,
osella, bagattino, lira, giustina, gazetta, etc. Among his exhibits were
early types of the zecchini of the fifteenth century, and coins of the Pro-
visional Government of Lombardy-Venice of 1848, etc.
Henry Chapman exhibited 16 Venetian gold zecchini, a large 12-zec-
chini piece of Paolo Renier, 1779-1789, from Lord Dillon's Collection; a
20-lire piece of the Republic, 1848, also 68 ducatoons and osellas from 1343
to 184 8; also some private gold, etc., U. S. patterns and a "pattern dime'*
with the head of Jefferson Davis, etc.
Mr. Guttag exhibited paper money, "Buono di Cassa" 1 and 2 lire.
The members were thanked for their remarks and exhibits.
The meeting then adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, April 8, 1918, President Dr. D. W.
Valentine presiding. Members present: Messrs. Boyd, Belden, Elder, Frey,
Heaton, Kohler, Reilly, Smith, Proskey, Swanson, Valentine, Wood, Worm-
ser and Wyman.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $201.76.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read.
All American members except two had paid their dues for 1918.
The Secretary received a copy of Mehl's Numismatic Monthly and Mr.
Heaton's Nutshell. The Secretary was asked to drop those members who
still owed their dues.
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28 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Executive Committee: The topic announced for the next meeting was
"The Coins, Medals and Paper Money of Ireland."
The Executive Committee also ruled that excepting regular speakers
for the meetings, no member would be allowed to speak longer than five
Membership Committee: Applications have been received from Sidney P.
Noe, and Arthur C. Wyman, of this city. Seconded by Rowland Wood.
Publication Committee: Will make a report at the annual meeting.
Medallic Art Committee: No report.
Welcoming of guests: Mr. Wyman was welcomed and asked for a few
The subject of the evening, "The Coins of Denmark," was next in order.
Mr. Proskey exhibited 183 pieces in silver, copper and gold, being only
a part of his private collection, and not including the Danish colonies of
West or East Indies. He made remarks, and spoke of the importance and
variety of this series, and regretted the slight demand for Danish coins
among collectors. He mentioned small skillings for Iceland, and referred
to other important pieces, referring also to the copper counterfeits of the 2
and 8-skilling coins of Christian VII. Two interesting pieces were the
thick copper coins issued during the civil war in the 13th and 14th centu-
ries, bearing an anchor and a cross with two dots.
Mr. Wormser mentioned the thaler of 1623 for Gluckstadt, of which he
exhibited two varieties; the Christian V. medal on his coronation, showing
the elephant; Andreas Peter, Count of Bernstorf, 1796, a crown-size medal
commemorating his services; a medal dated 1804 on the erection of a mon-
ument to patriots who fell in 1801; and the gulden of 1717, issued in Sax-
ony, in memory of Anna Sophia, Princess of Denmark; also a ducat on a
similar event.
Mr. Frey showed some rare and valuable gold coins, including those of
extra size, including the triple ducat of 1612 of Christian IV, with a large
elephant on reverse; double ducat of 1673, of Christian V, with elephant;
double ducat of 1704, of Frederick IV, with a view of Christiansborg, in
Guinea, and several choice ducat coins; Mr. Frey also exhibited for Mr.
Beller a splendid collection of large silver coins dating from Frederick III,
including several multiple crowns.
Mr, Julius Guttag exhibited a Norwegian paper bill for one krone, dated
Mr. Kohler make remarks and exhibited late coins of Denmark of
Christian IX, Frederick VIII and Christian X; also commemorative, anni-
versary and mortuary coins of 2-kroner size, and several coins of Schleswig-
Holstein and Denmark.
Dr. Valentine spoke on the Danish coinages and mentioned the coins of
Cnut who ruled England, Ireland and Denmark at the same time. He
mentioned the early Danish seamen who were known as pirates, and said
that the Hanseatic League was founded on account of the depredations of
these pirates of the Middle Ages. He spoke of the wild men shown on
Danish coins. Mr. Frey here exhibited a coin with only one wild man on.
Dr. Valentine also made an exhibit of a group of coins.
Mr. Riley moved a vote of thanks to Mr, Beller for his interesting ex-
hibit of 24 Danish silver crowns and double crowns. The vote was so
.■;., The meeting thereupon adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
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The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, May 10th, 1918, President Dr. D. W.
Valentine presiding. The following were present: Messrs. Butler, Blake,
Boyd, Davidson, Elder, Frey, Hesslein, Heaton, Newell, Proskey, Reilly,
Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wood, Wyman, Wormser, Swanson, Zerbe.
Visitor: Elmer S. Sears.
The minutes of last meeting were approved as read.
The Secretary reported he had received a letter from John A. Klemann,
enclosing a remittance for dues, with his resignation, to take place at the
end of the year. His resignation was accepted. The Secretary had also
received some copies of Mr. Dunham's keys to Breton's work, and to Low's
Hard Times Tokens, also his check list for Encased Postage Stamps, and he
was asked to write and thank Mr. Dunham for the same.
One member was dropped for non-payment of dues. All others, except
several foreign members, had paid their dues.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance on hand of $206.66.
Executive Committee: Chairman Boyd announced that the subject of
the next meeting would be "The Coins and Medals of Scotland."
Medallic'Art Committee: Reported progress.
Publication Committee: Reported progress. The 1917 Committee report-
ed that the year book is printed, awaiting a cut of the Presidential medal.
Membership Committee: Reported favorably on the applications of
Messrs. S. P. Noe and Arthur Wyman, and the Secretary was asked to notify
them of their election.
The subject of the evening, "The Coins and Medals t)f Ireland," was
next introduced, and introductory remarks were made by President Val-
entine relating to early Irish history, its earliest religions, kings and rulers,
and referring to the origin of the use of gold and silver by King Brian Boru.
He mentioned that a Jew, J. Simon, was the best authority on Irish coins,
while an Irishman was the best authority on Jewish coins.
Mr. Wormser spoke of the evolution of the mark, and compared the so-
called "Irish mark" with the Swedish and German mark.
Mr. Proskey showed an interesting series of weights, large and small,
the equivalent of any gold coin which came along, and used by traders and
exchange brokers back to about 1700. He showed a large number of the
necessity coins of James II, and referred to the Fenian medals struck in
1866-7. He mentioned the first copper money for Ireland, including the
Queen Elizabeth twopence and the small pieces of James I and Charles I,
the latter showing several mint-marks and small distinguishing marks,
such as crescents and stars.
His exhibit was large, including: Medals, 59; money weights, 121;
coins, 268; total, 448 pieces.
Mr. Elder, the Secretary, exhibited a sheet of three $5 notes of the
Irish Republic, and $10, $20 and $50 notes of the same issue.
Mr. Wyman read a paper on the McCalla halfpenny, issued in 1729.
Davis describes this piece in his Tokens of the Nineteenth Century, and it
is referred to in Ruding. McCulla was a brazier who proposed to supply
coins. The plan was proposed to Dean Swift, who was a political factor in
Irish affairs at that time. Through the plan a percentage was to be allotted
to the Duchess of Kent, a favorite of King George I, and to William Wood.
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30 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
McCulla was to redeem all worn coins at the rate of 20 pence a pound.
McCulla's share was to be 16 per cent. The coins were put out, but as the
regal coinage appeared in 1730, the McCulla halfpenny disappeared entire-
ly. The main point emphasized by Mr. Wyman was that with a coin like
this, which bore only an inscription and date, while it may be very uninter-
esting to look at, still when one came to examine its history, he would get
much interesting history and pleasure out of it.
Mr. Elmer S. Sears told some funny stories, one of them of such length
as to mark him as an elocutionist.
Mr. Frey spoke of Irish coins and their nicknames.
Dr. Valentine spoke at length of the early history of Ireland being
shrouded in mysticism and legend. He found the Celts were not the orig-
inal Irishmen, but that Turanians and Aryans preceded them. The early
tribesmen were a severe race who levied tribute, held slaves and indulged
in polygamy. They were fire-worshippers, sun-worshippers and probably
snake-worshippers at various times. About the fifth century marked the
beginnings of the Christian religion. Then St. Patrick came, and with
his advent real Irish history. Brian Boru and King T. O'Connor had mints
and struck money. About 1450 a separate coinage was established, and
Henry VI struck money for Ireland in 1459. Dr. Valentine mentioned the
various coinages, and referred to the pewter money of William III and
others. He mentioned the Wood coinage and the uproar raised by I>ean
Swift and others, and Wood's surrendering the patejit in 1724.
Mr. Zerbe, a visiting member, referred to the new variety of the quarter
dollar, the first issue of which appeared in 1916, mentioning as significant
the appearance of Liberty with a coat of mail. He referred also to the
proposal to issue 100,000 souvenir half dollars commemorative of the Illinois
centennial, an event to be commemorated this year. He spoke also of the
proposal to melt up 350,000,000 silver dollars, to supply foreign govern-
ments with silver. The proposed act provides that in time these dollars are
to be replaced. If this is done it might be we would have a new silver
dollar at some future date.
Mr. Blake exhibited two interesting pieces of United States paper mon-
ey, one a $1 note of the first issue of 1862, Note No. 1, and the $5 note of
1862, Note No. 1.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
THOMAfi L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, New York, June 14, Dr. D. W. Valentine presiding.
Present: Messrs. Boyd, Beatty, Belden, Butler, Elder, Prey, Kohler, Smith,
Swanson, Valentine, Wormser and Wyman.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $195.98.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary reported the receipt of one magazine and circular mat-
ter in regard to U. S. War Savings Stamps.
Dr. Valentine made introductory remarks on the subject of the even-
ing. Mr. Boyd then moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Valentine for the papers
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contributed by him at each meeting on the topic in hand. Same was sec-
onded and passed.
Executive Committee: The subject of the next meeting to be "The
Coins and Tokens of Canada." The matter of the Boyd presidential medal
was next brought up. A number of the club members subscribed and paid
for their medals, which were then delivered. Fifty had been struck in
Membership Committee: No report.
Publication Committee: Reported that the Year Book of the Club will
be delivered next week.
Medallic Art Committee: No report.
New Business: Mr. Smith remarked that as a little token of the esteem
of the club members, a medal had been struck in gold and was to be offered
to Mr. Boyd, the ex-president. Dr. Valentine then tendered him the medal,
and Mr. Boyd replied with appropriate remarks.
It was moved and seconded that a vote of thanks be given by the Club
to Mr. J. M. Swanson, the distinguished artist and designer of the Boyd
medal. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Valentine spoke of the exchanging of paper money with several of
the French soldiers. He remarked that in December the New York Numis-
matic Club would be ten years old, and suggested some appropriate action
be taken when the anniversary arrived.
The subject of the evening, "The Coins of Scotland," was next intro-
duced. Dr. Valentine read a historical paper tracing the use of money by
the Scotch from the time of David, A. D. 1124. He referred to Robert Bruce
and the early assignments, annuities and ransoms paid by the various mon-
archs. He mentioned the halfpennies of William the Lion, which appear-
ed in 1214, and the farthings of Alexander III, of the period of 1329, also
the gold St. Andrew, or Lion.
Vice-President Frey's paper called attention to the numerous varieties
existing in the Scottish coinage. Four new types appeared under James III
(1460-1488). These were the Rider and Unicorn in gold and the Plack and
Black Farthing in billon. Under James V were issued the Bonnet Piece and
the Bawbee. The greatest number of new types were struck under the
reign of Mary Stuart. These were the Ryal, Testoon, Hardhead, Ducat,
Nonsunt, Cruikston Dollar, Lorraine and Bodle. James VI issued coins
both for Scotland and for the Union of Scotland and England. Mr. Frey
mentioned the Scotch communion tokens, and stated shillings were struck
in more multiples than in any other country, some of them running as high
as sixty-shilling pieces.
Mr. Proskey exhibited a large and interesting collection, including 152
copper, 119 silver, 8 gold coins, and one medal. He exhibited also a very
rare Cuban Republic note dated 1835, this being the earliest money of the
kind known. The bill was engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson,
of New Orleans, a well-known firm of American bank note engravers. He
mentioned that the Scotch, either through early ignorance or the large num-
ber of varieties of coins, did not seem to understand the correct names of
the coins, hence the many nicknames for Scotch coins. He mentioned the
difference between the English and Scotch shilling values. The 60-shilling
Scotch coin was equal to an English 5-shilling piece. A twelvepence piece
was equal to an English penny. The Scotch coins were inferior to the Eng-
lish in workmanship. The Scotch copper coins were of wretched workman-
ship. Many of the Scotch tradesmen's tokens were issued in Edinburgh and
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32 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Glasgow. He compared the poor workmanship of Scotch coins to that of the
Hebrew mites. The coins of Queen Anne bore a letter E for E<iinburgh.
J. J. Wright (possibly a relative of C. C. Wright) designed many of the
copper tokens.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, Friday evening, July 12, 1918, Dr. D. W. Valentine,
President, presiding. Members present: Messrs. Boyd, Beatty, Butler, Eld-
er, Frey, Davidson, Heaton, Kohler, Noe, Proskey, Smith, South wick. Swan-
son, Wormser, Wood, Wyman and Valentine.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
Dr. Valentine gave an introduction to the subject of the evening, "The
Coins and Tokens of Canada." He referred, as usual, to the early history
of the country from the time of its discovery and settlement. He men-
tioned the early historical medals of Louis XIV for the heroic defense of
Quebec. The early card money was referred to, and the early coins of the
denominations of 15 and 5 sols, and the early multiples of deniers, in either
billon or bronze. He referred to the colonial issues of George III in silver
in fractions of the dollar.
Mr. Davidson, a member of Canadian birth, made remarks expressing
his interest in the subject selected for the evening. Mr. Heaton spoke. Mr.
Wood mentioned important finds made in the Canadian series in Boston in
times gone by. He said quite a number of coins had been unearthed there
which sold for from $20 to $30 each. Lately the bottom seems to have
fallen out so far as this class of coins is concerned and few rarities are
turning up in Boston. He spoke of having written several works on Cana-
dian coins, but received little encouragement from over the border, so
stopped his efforts in this direction.
Mr. Boyd spoke of his visit to the home of Mr. W. W. C. Wilson, of
Montreal, and referred to Mr. Wilson's magnificent collection, the finest of
its kind in existence. Mr. Wilson had shown him many of his gems and
had generously entertained him.
Mr. Proskey exhibited an unusual set of metal Canadian dog licenses
dating from 1877 to 1891, complete. These resembled slavery tags, and
while of no great importance, were of great importance to the individual.
He referred to his collection of several hundred tokens and coins of mer-
chants and coin dealers. In 1858 the Government money was first issued
by Canada. Spanish coins had been current up to that time, together with
the store and trade cards and tokens. Of the half cents of Nova Scotia he
had nine different combinations of dies or breaks and four of 1864. He
referred to the war medals and Indian medals. He said Canadian coins
were not as popular with collectors as the United States series, giving the
reason the lack of speculative qualities. He mentioned that the Canadian
Government had at times refused to allow their own tokens to be brought
into Canada without paying a duty. The jetons, he stated, had never been
used as money, and possibly never circulated outside of France. The 1820
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silver of i^e» %» % s-^d % dollar denominations are so rare that they prob-
ably were only issued as patterns.
Mr. Kohler supplemented Mr. Wood's remarks by saying Mr. Low had
completed a work on the Boquet Sou tokens, but due to a request from Mr.
Breton to refrain from publishing it he did not do so.
Mr. Smith mentioned of his finding many years ago a halfpenny token
of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick bearing the word "Success"; also re-
ferred to the "Side-view pence and half pence." He said the Halifax- Ferry
Token in copper formerly commanded a good premium, but the unearthing
of a whole keg full had caused a decided slump in price.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance on hand of $130.76.
The Secretary reported he had mailed out 71 copies of the year book
to the members; 28 club medals had been sold.
Executive Committee: The subject announced for the next meeting
was "The Coins and Tokens of Australia."
Mr. Boyd, the chairman, suggested a change in the Constitution of the
Club, as follows: Art. VIII to read: "Life membership in this Club shall be
$50. The annual dues shall be $2, and shall be due and payable on admis-
sion to membership, and on the first day of January thereafter."
Same was laid on the table for further action.
Mr. FVey has consented to read a paper at the September meeting, en-
titled "Colors in Relation to Numismatics."
Mr. Elder was asked to correspond with Cowell & Cowell to obtain
more information concerning their directory of collectors.
Mr. Wormser suggested that the members of the Club who do not at-
tend the meetings be given an opportunity to buy the Boyd presidential
medal, and suggested some information on the subject be sent to them. It
was suggested a mimeographed letter be sent out by the Secretary. This
motion was passed.
Mr. Virgil M. Brand of Chicago applied for membership, seconded by
Mr. Boyd and Mr. Proskey.
The Publication Committee of last year was discharged with a vote of
thanks for work and co-operation during the year.
It was ordered that the Executive Committee take up the matter of
Club accommodations for the meetings in future.
Mr. Wormser read an interesting letter from Mr. Schulman, which stat-
ed that Mr. Schulman did not expect to visit America in the near future,
due to war conditions. Food conditions in Holland were mentioned as al-
most intolerable.
Mr. Noe, a new member, spoke favorable words regarding the year
book. He mentioned Mr. Newell's experiences as a juryman. When Mr.
Newell told his occupation to the counsel, both sides concluded he must be
something dangerous, judging from his title of "Numismatist," hence his
release from further jury service. He mentioned, also, the proposed issue
of a medal to commemorate the various countries participating in the cele-
bration of the Fourth of July.
Mr. Wormser told of the "movie" with the coin collector in it, who
was depicted as a sort of miser or hoarder.
Dr. Valentine spoke of the proposed 2% -cent coin. He suggested if
the half-cent addition should be desired, it should be brought about by the
issue of a half-cent piece.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
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34 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Park Avenue Hotel, New York City, August 9, 1918, President D. W. Valen-
tine presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Boyd, Beat-
ty, Beesley, Elder, Frey, Smith, Swanson, Proskey, Valentine, Wood and
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $135.44.
The Treasurer reported the sale of 31 medals, with 28 paid for, at $2.50
each, or $70. A check for $75.46 was sent to the Medallic Art Co. on the
Boyd medal. Seventy-one copies of the year book had been mailed out to
Executive Committee: In regard to the proposed amendment to the by-
laws in regard to life membership, Mr. Boyd moved the adoption of that
motion. Mr. Wood remarked that the life-membership fee should be based
on the annual dues for 15 years. Mr. Wormser agreed with Mr. Wood,
Mr. Proskey said in a question of life membership the matter of fee was
never looked at in the light of a bargain, but that life membership was con-
sidered an honor and usually taken advantage of by people to whom the
membership fee was a mere bagatelle. The amendment, being put to a
vote, was adopted. It was moved to cast the ballot in favor of membership
of Virgil M. Brand. Mr. Boyd stated that Messrs. W. W. C. Wilson, E.
Smith and himself had signified their intention to become life members.
The Secretary was ordered to write each to notify them they could become
life members on payment of $50.
New business: Mr. Frey suggested that we send a copy of the year book
to Mr. Beller, who had made various contributions during the past year.
The Secretary was asked to send a copy to the New York Public Library,
also copies to the Rochester Numismatic Society, Springfield Numismatic
Society, Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society, the Numismatic and
Archaeological Society of Philadelphia, the Numismatic and Archaeological
Society of Montreal, the Pacific Coast Numismatic Society and the St. Louis
Numismatic Society.
The topic of the evening, "The Coins and Tokens of Australia," was next
introduced. Dr. Valentine gave a historical sketch and reviewed the early
coinage history and referred to the discovery of gold in Australia in 1851.
He mentioned the first coins used in Australia, being stamped pieces of
the issue of Charles IV of Spain. The one-pound gold coin of 1852, issued
at Adelaide, was mentioned, and the one struck at Sydney in 1855. He re-
ferred to the copper tradesmen's currency, of which there are approximately
100 varieties known, dating from 1855 to 1910. He mentioned the coin
types used, including the emu, natives and kangaroo.
Mr. Frey referred to the "holey dollar," and said that in 1813 10,000
pounds of Spanish dollars were used, by cutting a piece from the center.
This coin was current until 1829 (See Frey's Dictionary, page 110). Around
the edges of the perforations were placed the words "New South Wales,
1813," and on the reverse "Five shillings, 1813." The central piece was
known as a dump, and was counterstamped with a crown and value of 15
Mr. Proskey said the coins struck in gold at Adelaide were originated
to save the loss of gold dust to the traders. The government assay office
struck gold coins of the values of sovereign and half sovereign from 1855 to
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1869. In 1910 the new 3 and 6 pence and shilling appeared, also the new
issues of penny and halfpenny. He mentioned a 3-pence dated 1838, struck
by a Swedish firm. Mr. Proskey exhibited a large collection of the mer-
chants* tokens, and mentioned the Holloway token as the most common, and
stated a great many of the tokens had been made by W. J. Taylor.
Mr. Proskey Hsted his tokens under the following towns, localities and
metals: Adelaide, South Australia; Auckland, N. Z.; Bendigo, Victoria;
Brisbane, Queens; Castlemaine, Victoria; CJampbelltown, Tasmania; Christ-
church, N. Z.: Canterbury, N. S. W.; Eagle Hawk, N. Z.; Grahamtown, N.
Z. ; Geelong, Victoria; 'Goulburn, N. S. W.; Hobart Town, Tas.; Ipswich,
Queens; Melbourne, Vic. (also Tas.); Norpeth, N. S. W.; Newtown, Tas.;
New South Wales, New Zealand; New Plymouth, N. Z. ; Rockhampton,
Queens; Sydney, N. S. W.; Taranski, Wanganui, N. Z.; Wellington, N. Z.;
Exhibits: Gold, 6; silver, 10; copper, 109 pieces.
The subject of the next meeting was announced to be Mr. Prey's lec-
ture, "Colors in Relation to Numismatics."
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Sep-
tember 13, 1918, President D. W. Valentine presiding. The following mem-
bers were present: Mr. Boyd, Mrs. Boyd, Messrs. Belden, Elder, Prey, Farn-
ham, Proskey* Kohler, Saltus, Smith, fiwanson, Mrs. Swanson, Miss Alice
Swanson, Messrs. Valentine, Mrs. Valentine, Messrs. Wood, White and Wy-
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
Life membership or permanent fund, $200, Messrs. Prey, Wilson, Boyd
and Smith having paid for membership. Medals sold, 34; on hand, 16.
Letters from the Pacific Coast Numismatic Society, the Rochester
Numismatic Society and from Mr. Heaton were read by the Secretary.
Executive Committee: Mr. Boyd announced that at the next meeting
Mr. Swanson would address the Club on the making of coins and medals.
New business: At the next meeting the Nominating Committee will be
chosen to select officers for the next year.
Dr. Valentine made some preliminary remarks. He said it was the in-
tention to make this a slightly humorous and instructive meeting and to
invite lady guests. He expressed pleasure in having those present with us.
He then introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. A. R. Prey, the Vice-
President, who read the paper of the evening, entitled "Colors in Relation
to Numismatics." At the conclusion this paper was referred to the Publi-
cation Committee, and will be incorporated in the forthcoming Year Book
of the Club. (Published below.) After the address was delivered Mr.
Smith moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Prey.
Mr. Proskey exhibited a collection of coins showing the different shades
of color in metals used.
The guests of the evening were then welcomed.
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36 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Saltus remarked that all the mints in the west are closed and visit-
ors not allowed in them since the war. Mr. Saltus told of curious informa-
tion he learned while in Denver in connection with the Indians and their
medals given by this government. The Indians think if they wear these
medals they are protected from personal harm. They are supposed to keep
bullets away. One chief, whose medal had a bullet buried in it, returned
the medal saying it was no good since it did not keep bullets away. Mr.
Saltus mentioned the charms worn by the natives of the West Indies. He
said some of the negroes wore coins for charms, even in New York, especially
on St. John's eve. Many Cuban negroes wear charms. He said interesting
and wierd stories were connected with these charms, connecting them with
voodooism in Hayti. He said someone ought to look this subject up in New
York, as it might be found interesting.
Mr. Proskey spoke of Arab and other charms which were sometimes
put into frames. Voodoo charms, he said, existed all over the world.
Mr. Boyd mentioned that it had been brought to the Club's attention
that Mr. W. W. C. Wilson's name had been omitted from the list of original
charter members of the Club, and he suggested that Mr. Wilson's name be
so inscribed. The motion being seconded, it was declared so ordered.
Mr. Frey inquired as to the charter of the Club, which was stated to be
in the hands of a private party, and ought to be turned over to the Curator.
The Executivo Committee was requested by him to produce the charter.
Mr. Wormser spoke of the present gold shortage. He attributed the
shortage and failure to increase in value to the fact that the Government
had fixed the price at $20 per ounce. He spoke of a movement now on foot
to increase the price.
Mr. Wood spoke of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the
Club. He was advised that the Executive Committee is considering the
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
An Address Delivered Before the New York Numismatic Club,
September 13, 1918.
The circumstances that led to the compilation of the present paper are
somewhat amusing, and I shall recite them to you by way of an introduction.
Several months ago I was riding in a car, and on the seat in front of
me sat two men, one of whom was importuning his companion for the loan
of some money. The voice of the suppliant was almost inaudible, but the
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replies he received were made in such loud tones that it was impossible not
to overhear them. The requests were repeated, and each time were met
with a refusal, culminating in the remark, "I tell you I have not a red cent
to spare.**
Now, of course, the adjective "red" was entirely unnecessary in this
speech, and yet this very word brought to my mind the matter of colors and
to what extent they have been utilized by individuals in their description
of coins. For it is an established fact that form, size, design, and color are
contributing factors to the popular designations of money of v^irious kinds;
and said designations are not confined to the English language, but are
adopted wherever some peculiarity of the circulating medium meets with
favor or disfavor.
In taking up the various colors, a prismatic arrangement is the sim-
plest, i. e. in the following order: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, in-
digo, violet. The primary color white, and the compounds black, brown,
gray, etc., can be left for final consideration.
Red has already been mentioned in its connection with copper; the
qualifying adjective can be traced to the period of Henry VIII. and Edward
VI., whose groats and half groats struck for Ireland were commonly known
as "Red Harps," probably on account of the baseness of the metal, the cop-
per in the composition coming to the surface shortly after they were put
in circulation.
The term "Red Money" was applied to an issue of bills authorized by
an Act of the Assembly of the State of Maryland of May 10, 1781. This
currency differed from previous issues in having the border of the notes
printed in red. About £200,000 in face value was issued, and it was based
upon the confiscated lands of British subjects in Maryland of an estimated
value of £500,000. Most of this confiscated property was in lands, for
which there was not a ready market, and the greater portion was disposed
of on credit, and final settlement was not effected until long after the war
was over.
But the cognomen "red" was not confined to copper coins or to paper
money. At one time even gold pieces were thus described, probably on
account of their ruddy color. In poetical and dramatic writings of the
sixteenth century occur such terms as "red ones," "red rogues," etc., and
John Lyly, in his play entitled "Midas" mentions "golden ruddocks." An-
other author at the beginning of the seventeenth century defines the rud-
dock as a double pistolet.
Two objects almost invariably associated with the adjective red are
blood and fox. It is to be expected, therefore, that these words are to be
found in conjunction with red or ruddy coins. A "Fuchs" or fox, was at
one time a slang designation for a German copper coin, and the term
"Blut Pfennige," i. e., "blood pennies," still survives to define newly minted
red copper pieces.
Yellow and orange are always used when describing gold coins. In
the United States the term "yellow backs" is applied to certificates of the
ten dollar denomination and upwards, which call for redemption in gold
coin. The reverses are of an orange color to distinguish them from other
issues. Similarly "jaunet," the French equivalent for yellow, and "gelltje"
from the Dutch word "geel," having the same meaning, are popular nick-
names for gold coins.
This color is in all probability the earliest one associated with money.
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38 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
The alloy known as electrum takes its name from the Greek word "elek-
tron," meaning "amber"; it was found in considerable quantities in the
river Pactolus in Lydia, and it is referred to by Pliny and Sophocles. Any
one familiar with tne electrum coinage can readily see how appropriately
it is named when compared with the fossilized golden colored vegetable
In compound words pertaining to numismatics this descriptive adjec-
itve is very common. Thus ''yellow boy" is an English slang term for a
guinea or sovereign, and was in use in the early part of the eighteenth
century; "yellow George" was a nickname for a guinea, the allusion being
of course to the portrait of one of the Georges stamped upon it; the Scot-
tish colloquial name is "Yellow Geordie," and Robert Burns in his poem
"The Two Dogs," has the following lines:
"He ca's his coach; he ca's his horse;
He draws a bonnie silken purse.
As lang's my tail, whare, thro' the steeks,
The yellow letter'd Geordie keeks."
Just as the words blood and a fox are generally linked with a red
color, so yellow is associated with certain words whose names have lent
themselves to numismatic slang. Prominent among these are the marigold
flower and the canary bird. The former name was applied to a guinea, and
Cowley the playwright in one of his comedies makes one of the characters
say: "I'll put five hundred marigolds in a purse." Canaries was a common
term for gold coins in allusion to their color. Equivalents are to be found
in other languages; thus the Dutch speak of a "Geelvink" or yellow finch
for a ducat, and in Southern Germany "Gelbvogel" or yellow bird is ap-
plied to any gold coin.
Green, consisting of a mixture of blue and yellow, and blue with its
variants violet, indigo, purple, etc., do not play any prominent part in
numismatics. The name greenbacks was given to certain legal-tender,
non-interest-bearing notes of the United States, because the reverses were
printed in green ink. A slang expression, "the long green" still survives.
Some of the issues of the Confederate States of America had blue reverses,
and were consequently known as "blue-backs." The nickname "blue Wil-
liam" was also applied to any one of them; this of course involves a play
upon the words "bill and Bill," the latter a contraction of William.
The term "green silver" does not apply to any particular coin or coins,
but was a rent dating from feudal times. It was formerly imposed m the
County of Essex in England, where every tenant whose front door opened
to Greenbury was compelled to pay a halfpenny annually to the lord of the
The color that is broken up by the prism is white, and it lends its
name to many numismatic terms in which silver or its compounds are de-
scribed. The Latin word albus and the French word blanc, both meaning
lustrous white, have been adopted as names of coins. The Albus appears
as a billon coin in Germany and the Low Countries as early as the four-
teenth century. The name Grossus Albus, or Weissgroschen was given to
these coins on account of their white appearance, due to the silver of which
they were composed, and which compared favorably with other coins of
the same era.
An even earlier coin was the Denarius Albus, or Weiss-pfennig. It is
frequently mentioned in records of the Middle Ages, and owes its name to
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its white, shiny appearance. The later issues of the Albus, however, hardly-
deserved the name, as gradually more and more copper was added to their
material and their color naturally became darker. Many varieties exist,
taking their names from some peculiarity of the design. Thus the Rader-
albus had a representation of a wheel upon it, the Reichsalbus was adapted
to the currencies of several principalities, and the albulo was a base silver
coin of Lucca, the name being of course the Italian equivalent of albus.
Blanc, or blanque, the old French term for white, is the name of a
silver coin which was struck in France in the fourteenth century and was
frequently known as the Gros Blanc to distinguish it from the Gros Tour-
nois, contemporaneously issued at Tours. Originally it was of very pure
silver from which circumstance it probably received its name, but the later
issues deteriorated in fineness. It was divided into Deniers. The quantity
of the latter, however, varied. The general type was that of the Gros, the
long cross being a conspicuous feature, and the inscription BENEDICTUM
SIT NOMEN DOMINI, etc., was retained for a long period. The later issues
were characterized by various symbols, such as a sun, star, lily, etc., giving
rise to distinctive titles.
The Blanque appears in the Anglo-Gallic coinage issued by Henry VI.
of England. It was a billon groat, silvered over to hide the baseness of the
metal. There existed large and small varieties, known respectively as the
Grand Blanque or Gros Blanque and the Petit Blanque.
The Marque Blanc was the name given to the billon coin of French
Guiana of the value of ten Centimes, struck in 1818. As they contained
twenty per cent, of silver they presented a whiter appearance than the Noirs
or older Marques.
The Spanish corresponding term is blanca or bianco and was applied
to a coin of inferior silver issued from the fourteenth to the sixteenth
centuries. One of the varieties is known as the Blanca Agnus Dei from
the representation of the Paschal Lamb on the obverse. The Blanquillo,
sometimes incorrectly referred to as blankkeel, was a former base silver
coin of Morocco, the name of which is a diminutive of blanca, given to it on
account of its white, shiny appearance. It was divided into twenty-four
Falus. The issue terminated in the latter part of the eighteenth century.
The Asper or Aspre is a billon coin of the value of one-third of a Para,
and formerly current in Turkey and Asia Minor. It weighs from two to
three grains. The name appears to be derived from the aspros of the mod-
ern Greeks, being "white" money, as distinguished from the copper. The
name is also given to a silver coin current in Rhodes in the fourteenth
century and later. It was issued by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem,
and is the same as the Denier of Western Europe. There was a series of
them struck at Trebizond, under the Comnenes, from Manuel I (1236-1263)
to Alexis IV (1417-1447), and they were copied in Georgia under Georgi
VIII (1452-1469).
The Dutch and German synonyms for "white" are respectively "wit"
and "weiss." The Dutch form survives in the word "witje," a slang term
for the current ten cent piece of the Netherlands, and in "witten," the
name given to base silver coins, which originally were issued at Lubeck
about 1380, and were copied in Hamburg, Schleswig Holstein, Hanover,
Mecklenburg, Pommerania, East Friesland, and other north German prov-
inces. They rapidly became the current money, and were of the value of
half a Schilling. There are divisions of half and quarter Witten.
In the Low Countries a Witten Pennine of Brabant was issued about
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40 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
1506, of the value of half a Grote. Under Christina of Sweden and her
successors, the Witten was struck for Stettin, Stralsund, and Wismar; it
was equal to the one one hundred and ninety-second of the Riksdaler.
Finally the word "white** occurs in English numismatics in various
forms. The expression "white money** is used for standard silver coin as
distinguished from black money, which will be referred to later.
The term employed early in the sixteenth century, and in a tract by
Thomas Harman, entitled A Caveat or Warening for Vagabones, 1567 (42),
occurs the passage: ''He plucked oute viii shyllinges in w-hyte money.'*
Beaumont and Fletcher, in their play. Wit at Several Weapons, 1647
(ii, 1), have the lines:
"Here's a seal'd bag of a hundred; which indeed.
Are counters all, only some sixteen groats
Of white money.**
The name was also common to Scotland, and in Blackwood's Magazine,
1820 (p. 158), there is a sentence: '*My hand has nae been crossed with
white money but ance these seven blessed days.*'
A popular name for the shilling in both Scotland and Ireland was
''White Shilling" in allusion to its shiny appearance.
Thomas Donaldson, in his Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 1809
(p. 99) has the line:
**I will give a white shilling, I swear**,
and Seumas MacManus, in the Bend of the Road, 1898 (201), says:
"He hadn't a white shiilin' in his company."
The yellow Geordie has been mentioned; a white Geordie is a common
expression in Ayrshire, Scotland, for a shilling.
Of the compound colors, gray, brown, and black, the last mentioned is
used considerably in numismatic descriptions, and usually as an antithesis
to white. Mixtures of silver and copper, containing more than seventy-five
per cent, of the latter metal are known as **argentum nigrum," or black
billon. "Black Money" is also a general term for coins ostensibly issued
for silver, but which actually contain a large proportion of base metal alloy,
the latter soon giving them a dark appearance.
The principal coins thus debased were the silver pennies, and from
the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries there is frequent mention of the
Denier Noir of France, the Schwarze Pfennige of the German States, and
the Swarte or Zwarte Penninge, which originated in Brabant and the Low
Countries. They are also found in the coinage of Denmark, Ireland, Scot-
land, and in the Anglo-Gallic series.
In the reign of Richard II. Ruding (i. 457) states that "among other
expedients to procure money, a writ was issued for the discovering of black
money, and other subterraneous treasure hidden of old in the county of
Southampton, in whosoever hands It might be, and to seize it to the King*s
use. He afterwards claimed black money to the amount of 150 pounds of
full weight, which had been found in that county, as belonging to him in
right of his crown."
As early as 1331 an ordinance was passed "that all manner of black
money which had been commonly current in the King's realm, should be
utterly excluded."
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"Black Dogs** was a cant name in Queen Anne's time for bad shillings
or other base silver coin. Ash ton, in The Reign of Queen Anne (ii, 225)
mentions "The Art of Making Black Dogs, which are shillings or other pieces
of Money, made only of Pewter double wash*d.**
The same name was given to the Sous of Cayenne, French Guiana,
when they were introduced in the English Islands in the West Indies.
A Scotch Farthing issued in the reign of James III. (1460-1488) re-
ceived the designation of "Black Farthing.*' There appear to be two va-
rieties. One has on the Ob v. I. REX SCOTORVM, with Rev. VILLA ED-
INBVRG and a saltire cross in a circle. The other variety has the crowned
Initials I. R. on the obverse, and a crowned saltire cross on the reverse.
Two contemporaries, or more probably successors of the Gros Tournois
deserve mention in this enumeration. One is the Turney, a variety of base
silver, current in Ireland at the beginning of the fourteenth century. The
name is derived from its being an imitation of the Gros Tournois. In 1339
a writ was issued against the "Black Money called Turneys," but allowing
it to pass current until other money should be provided for Ireland. See
Ruding (i. 212).
The other is the Black Bourgeois, or "Borgesi Neri." According to
Promis (ii. 12), this was a variety of base silver Denier struck in the bor-
ough of Bressa, and by an ordinance of Turin of December 15, 1335, it was
valued at one eighth of the Grosso.
Allusion has been made to the connection of red and yellow with cer-
tain objects. Similarly the color black is associated with coal, and a moor.
The Kimmeridge Coal money was used as tokens, and Morchen, meaning
a small moor, is a name bestowed in derision on certain small uniface Ger-
man coins, on account of their turning black, due to the small percentage
of silver that they contained. They are mentioned in the mint regulations
of Cologne early in the fifteenth century, and circulated extensively in the
Rhenish provinces.
There is a Papal coin known by the name of Murajola or Muragliola,
which was struck from 1534 to the latter part of the eighteenth century,
and was copied by Modena, Bologna, etc. The origin of the name is uncer-
tain, but it is a curious fact that the Italian word for a mulberry is Morai-
uola, and as the coin rapidly turned black from the small proportion of
silver that it contained, the nickname "mulberry" may have been bestowed
upon it.
A "Brown" is an English slang term for a halfpenny, in allusion to
its color; and "Brown money" is a dialect word used both in Ireland and in
Devonshire for copper coins. The Baiocco or Bajocco was a coin formerly
in use in the Papal States. It was originally struck in base silver and later
in copper, and it obtains its name from its brown color, the Italian for a
bay or brown tint being bajo. But Cinagli states that the name is probably
derived from Bayeux, a town of France (old name, Bajocae), where there
was at one time a mint.
A halfpenny with both sides alike is called a "gray,** and its object is
to enable the sharper who owns it to win continually.
Mayhew, in his book London Labour and London Poor, 1851, (i. 199),^
has the following passage: "I don't like tossing the coster lads; they're the
wide-awakes that way. The thieves use 'grays.* They*re ha'pennies, either
both sides heads or tails."
There is also a Scotch phrase or proverb, "It is not worth a gray groat,"
which is used to imply worthlessness.
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42 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Before leaving this color it should be borne in mind that the platinum
coins of Russia which appeared in 1828 were nicknamed by the general
public "serinkie," i. e. "the little gray coins.**
A few words in conclusion. The bright shining appearance of a coin is
sometimes used as a designation for the coin itself. A gold coin of the
value of three Zecchini, called Ruspone, was introduced at Florence under
Giovanni Gastone (1723-1737) of the Medici family, and continued to the
time of the provisional government in 1859. The Italian word ruspa, when
used to describe a coin, means in mint condition, and the name was prob-
ably applied to these pieces on account of their being uniformly bright and
well preserved.
A more familiar term is the slang word "shiner" used for a gold or sil-
ver coin in allusion to its lustre, and the plural form, "shiners," which is
applied to newly minted money in general. Dickens, in Oliver Twist (xix.)
says: "Is it worth fifty shiners, extra, if it's safely done from the outside?"
and Mayne Reid, in his novel. The Scalp Hunters (ix.), makes one of his
characters say: "I will bring you a mule-load of Mexican shiners."
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at
Keen's Chop House, New York, Friday, October 11th, 1918, President D. W.
Valentine presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Boyd,
Case, Beesley, Butler, Belden, Davidson, Blake, Elder, Frey, Heaton, Kohler,
Pulis, Smith, Swanson, Proskey, Wormser, Weil, Wood, Wyman and Valen-
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary reported: Cash on hand $68.98. The Permanent fund,
$200.00. Medals sold, 34; on hand, 16; received for medals, $85. The
Secretary received several letters of inquiry, one from Lionel L. Fletcher,
F. R. S. A., England; also one magazine.
The members regretted that Mr. Boyd was suddenly called from the
meeting on account of the illness of members of his family, and his name
was requested to be recorded as being present.
The Executive Committee announced that the subject for the next meet-
ing would not be given a started name, but each member was asked to bring
three pieces, and if he desired to do so he could make remarks about them.
The Executive Committee intends to meet between this and the next meet-
ing to prepare a program for the tenth anniversary of the Club.
The Nominating Committee proposed and accepted Messrs. Proskey,
Smith and Swanson.
Mr. Pulis was welcomed.
Mr. Swanson was then introduced as the speaker of the evening. He
chose for his subject
His talk was greatly enjoyed by all the members. He explained the
technical part of coin and medal making and about the reducing and engrav-
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ing machines. He said there were very few skilful workers in steel. He
stated the coin dies for the new 25 and 50-cent U. S. coins were cut in New
York City. The Pistrucci Waterloo medal was referred to, and a question
asked by a member as to why no medals had been struck from that die.
He mentioned the risk of the cracking of the metal in the hardening of the
dies. He referred to the manner in which edge inscriptions were put on
coins and medals. Sometimes inscriptions were rolled on, other times a
collar is used, or the collar is made with adjustable parts. Speaking of the
hardness of metals, he referred to copper as being unusually hard, while
silver is softer and easier to strike with. He said a $20 gold coin required
175 tons pressure; the $10 required 120 tons pressure. The striking of
medals is usually done with a "smooth collar." Sometimes there is a little
space between the medal and the collar, the result being the so-called "wire
edge." A medal may be struck several times, then taken out of the die and
then replaced in it for further striking. A medal can be cast into the dif-
ferent parts of the die and then struck. Very frequently the planchets are
cast. Old copper cent dies were still used after breaks in the dies had ap-
peared. Mr. Proskey spoke of the early use of steel for coin dies. The
early dies of the Greeks were of iron. In earliest die-making one of the
dies was used as a punch. The progress of hardening of steel was men-
tioned. This science was known early, but the exact degree of hardness was
not known. Mr. Swanson was thanked by the meeting by a rising vote.
The meeting then adjourned.
THOMAS L. ELDER, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting was held at Keen's Chop House, New York, Fri-
day, November 8th, 1918, President Dr. D. W. Valentine presiding. The
following members were present: Messrs. Boyd, Blake, Belden, Butler,
Burke, Davidson, Frey, Heaton, Proskey, Riley, Swanson, Smith, Saltus,
Valentine, Wood, Wyman, and Wormser. Mrs. Moritz Wormser was pres-
ent as guest.
Our Secretary, Mr. T. L. Elder, owing to his activities in war work, ad-
vised the Executive Committee that he would be unable to continue his of-
fice as Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. F. C. C. Boyd was appointed acting
Secretary-Treasurer by the President.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with a few
minor corrections.
The subject for the evening, "The Three Interesting Coins, Medals and
Paper Money in Your Collection," was then in order.
Mr. Moritz Wormser's exhibit and remarks were as follows:
"The three pieces shown here have been selected with a view to the
news of the moment and the recent history of the World War. The only
period of world history comparable to the present is that of the 30 Years*
War, when almost all of Europe was in conflagration and turmoil.
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Double Crown of Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden, 1633.
"The first coin is a very rare double crown of Gustavus Adolphus, the
reverse showing the coat of arms of Sweden within a circle of shields and
the small date, '1633.' The obverse shows the King galloping to the left,
and in the background a spirited martial scene; a walled and turreted city
and an army with cavalry and artillery outside its walls, probably besieging
it. The most interesting feature of the coin is that it gives the King's titles,
but was struck and dated a year after his death. Neither the mint nor the
artist are known, but the coin is generally regarded as a memorial or me-
dallic one, struck somewhere in Germany by admirers and adherents of the
Swedish Protestant hero.
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Crown of Axel Oxenstierna, Sweden (about 1633).
**The second coin is likewise interesting in connection with the same
periods and incidents of history, being the extremely rare crown of Axel
Oxenstierna, struck without date, about 1633. This was the shrewd, en-
lightened and progressive statesman whom Gustavus Adolphus had en-^
trusted with the diplomatic direction of Swedish affairs, and who conducted
the ship of state as Swedish Chancellor, or what we might call "Secretary of
State," during the life and long after the death of Gustavus Adolphus. The
coin shows Oxenstierna's portrait on the obverse and gives among his titles,
**Baron," "Knight," "Chancellor," "Legate in Germany" and "Director of
the Protestant Confederation," all very significant. The coin indicates that
he must have been awarded the right of coinage.
"Finally, the third coin is a triple crown of Frederick, Duke of Bruns-
wick-Middle Lunenburg, struck in 1647, which you will recall is the year
preceding the ending of the great devastation and the Peace of Westphalia,
a time when everyone must have been near the point of exhaustion and
heartily sick of unceasing warfare. On the obverse is shown the portrait
of the Duke, surrounded by a circle of escutcheons, but the reverse is of
greater interest, as it shows an illustration of the Duke's motto — and the
sign of the times, "Peace builds up, Strife devastates." It shows a landscape
the left half of which depicts a scene of prosperity — farm house, a flock of
sheep, and a mining scene, while the right part of the scene represents all
the horrors of war, burning buildings, dried trees and destroyed orchards,
such as we may now find everywhere in Northern France and Flanders —
truly a prophetic coin!"
Mr. Wyman exhibited a Portcullis half crown, a bronzed proof 1/48 of
a rupee of the Madras Presidency under the East India Co., dated 1794,
and the so-called "pig rupee" of 1911. In regard to these pieces Mr. Wyman
said that the first was one of a series coined in 1600 by order of Queen
Elizabeth of England at the request of the East India Company, which had
petitioned the Queen to be allowed to export to India for purposes of trade
the silver Spanish coins then circulating in England, and which by law could
not be taken out of the country. The merchants had wished to use the
Spanish money because, they said, the natives were already familiar with
its appearance. This statement seemed to have touched the Queen's vanity,
for she replied that she would issue a special coinage for the purpose, so
that the people of the East would learn that she was as great a ruler as the
King of Spain. The portcullis pieces, so-called from the principal device
impressed upon them, were the result. They are very rare.
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Triple Crown of Frederick, Duke of Brunswick-Middle Lunenburg, 1647.
The second piece, illustrated below, was coined at the Soho Mint, and is
probably a pattern and undoubtedly a mule, as its obverse (with the ele-
phant) is found combined with another reverse in a pattern coined at the
same mint for Ceylon. This piece is perhaps rarer than the former, and
"Mr. Wyman stated that he knew of no other specimen in this country, and
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had only been able to find two offered in London in the last twenty years.
The third exhibit was the first rupee coined for India in the present
reign. It shows the bust of George V, wearing the insignia of several or-
ders, among them the Danish Order of the Elephant. Due to a fault in the
design, the trunk of the elephant does not show very clearly, with the re-
sult that the animal looks like a pig.
1-48 Rupee of Madras Presidency Under the East India Company, 1794.
Dr. Burke exhibited a first bronze of Galba in superb condition.
Mr. David Proskey: Eight large silver pieces of Annam.
Dr. D. W. Valentine: Die proof on India paper of a 50c Lincoln reverse.
Mr. George H. Blake: Unusual silver certificate sequence of numbers 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, also an error in'printing one one dollar note; seal and
number appears on reverse; a bank note of Japan, engraved by the Central
Bank Note Company of New York, issued by the Fifth National Bank of
Japan, for one dollar.
Mr. Dudley Butler: Belgium, 1672, 21/2 klippe thaler, weight 1000
grains; siege piece of Amsterdam, extremely rare; Utrecht, 1656, klippe
thaler; Dutch East India Company crown struck in 1739 for the exclusive
use of the Dutch East India Company.
Mr. J. deLagerberg: Silver medal of Hans Hildebrand, the father of
the author of the work on Swedish numismatics.
Mr. Elliott Smith: 1883 $20 gold proof; 1873 $3 gold piece; and gold
life saving medal presented by the President of the United States to for-
The Executive Committee reported that they had decided to hold a club
dinner at the next meeting, and requested the members to invite the ladies
as guests. Further, that they had requested Mr. Frey to address the Club
on the subject "My Ten Years as Vice-President of the New York Numismatic
Club." They further suggested that the Club strike a medal commemorat-
ing the tenth anniversary of the Club.
The Nominating Committee reported nominations for 1919 as follows:
President, Albert R. Frey.
Vice-President, Elliott Smith.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. C. C. Boyd.
Executive Committee, Elliott Smith, J. M. Swanson, Rowland Wood, Dr.
Medallic Art Committee, J. M. Swanson, E. Beesley, A. Heaton, B. L.
Belden, J. Sanford Saltus.
Publication Committee, Dr. D. Valentine, Rowland Wood, Moritz Worm-
Membership Committee, D, Proskey, Thomas L. Elder, Dudley Butler,
W. Gedney B^atty, John Reilly, Jr,
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Mr. J. Sanford Saltus spoke of the medals which had been issued by the
Club, and complimented the Club and the sculptor, Mr. J. M. Swanson, on
the uniformity of size and design. Mr. flaltus stated that it had recently
come to his attention that the King of Italy, Victor Emanuel III, was our
first Honorary Member, and that he would suggest the Club strike a medal
to our first Honorary Member and to present him with one in gold, and if
the Club favored the suggestion he would be pleased to djBfray the expense
of making the dies, and would present the gold for the presentation medal.
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Belden, that the Club accept Mr. J.
Sanford Saltus* kind offer with a rising vote of thanks. Motion carried.
Regularly moved and seconded that a medal be struck in gold and presented
to our first Honorary Member, Victor Emanuel III, in commemoration of our
tenth anniversary. Motion carried. Mr. Saltus then Informed the Club
that our Member, Mr. J. M. Swanson, would be the designer of the medal.
Regularly moved and seconded that the Executive Committee be ordered to
strike a medal in commemoration of the tenth anniversary, one bronze med-
al for each member, and two silver medals to be presented to the President
and Vice-President. Motion carried.
Mr. Davidson then exhibited a photograph showing the King of Italy
shaking hands with his son, L. H. Davidson. The King had just decorated
him with the Italian Valor Medal (Militare al Valor).
The President directed the Secretary to send a letter of condolence to
Mr. J. Guttag and Mr. Frank G. Duffleld, extending our sympathy in their
recent bereavement. Meeting adjourned.
F. C. C. BOYD, Acting Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at the
New Grand Hotel, New York City, Friday, December 13th, 1918, President
Dr. D. W. Valentine presiding. The following members and guests were
present: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. C. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Belden, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. H. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Howland
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. White, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Fairbanks, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swanson, and Messrs. Beesley, Butler,
Frey, Proskey, Riley, Wyman, Wormser, Valentine, King and Lipper.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The subject for the evening, "My Ten Years as Vice-President of the
New York Numismatic Club," was then in order. Mr. Frey stated that ten
years and two days ago there gathered at Keen's Old Chop House about 25
collectors to organize and found the New York Numismatic Club, where
those interested could spend a pleasant evening discussing numismatics and
exhibiting coins, etc. Mr. Frey spoke in praise of all our presidents, and
stated that out of the 120 meetings he had been called to take the chair,
by reason of the absence of the president, only about 20 to 25 times, thus
indicating that our presidents, at any rate, were not remiss in their duties.
A rising vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Frey.
The Executive Committee reported that at our next meeting there
would be exhibited the coins of Genoa and Finland.
The election of officers was then in order. Moved by Mr. Wyman, sec-
onded by Mr. Wormser, that the Secretary cast one ballot for the election
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of the entire ticket as proposed by the Nominating Committee. Motion
The Secretary reported the unanimous election of the candidates for
Under the head of new business, Mr. Boyd moved that the Medallic Art
Committee be empowered to have dies made for a Presidential Medal with
the likeness of the President, Dr. D. W. Valentine, and the Club Seal on
the reverse. Motion carried.
Dr. Valentine then presented to our retiring Vice-President a mahogany
case inscribed "Presented to A. R. Frey by the members of the N. Y. N.
Club as a token of esteem and appreciation. 1908-1918."
Dr. Valentine then vacated the chair and introduced the President for
the coming year, Mr. A. R. Frey.
The President in his opening speech called attention to some deficien-
cies which in his opinion should be remedied. Concerning the subjects to
be brought up for discussion in the future, the President stated that the
xjoming year, 1919, represented the anniversary of numerous important his-
torical events, and he suggested that exhibitions be made to conform to
^uch anniversaries. The following are examples:
In 1519 Charles V, the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella, became
the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Ferdinand Magellan left Seville, August 10th, 1519, and sighted the
coast of South America near Pernambuco, Brazil, November 29th, 1519.
In the same year Cortes was sent out to conquer Mexico, and the Reforma-
tion began in Switzerland, at Basle.
The Thirty Years War broke out on May 23rd, 1618, by an insurrection
At Prague. On August 28th, 1619, Ferdinand became Emperor, and Ga-
briel Bethlen of Transylvania associated himself with the Bohemians against
the Emperor. The Duke of Buquoy, the leader of the Imperial troops in
Bohemia, defeated Ernest, Duke of Mansfield, at Nadelitz, in 1619.
In 1819 Florida was purchased from Spain and admitted as a territory;
in December, 1819, Alabama was admitted as a State. Singapore in Malac-
ca became a British colony in the same year. Queen Victoria was born
May 24th, 1819, and would have been 100 years of age had she lived until
next May.
Many of these historical events could be celebrated by exhibitions and
Regularly moved and seconded that a vote of thanks be extended to
our outgoing President, Dr. D. W. Valentine. Motion carried.
Mr. Moritz Wormser spoke of his trip to the A. N. A. Convention at
Springfield, and of the good time he had there and at the Hartford Museum.
Meeting adjourned at 10.45.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary and Treasurer.
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Proceedings 1919
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held at the
New Grand Hotel, New York City, Friday, January 10th, 1919, President
A. R. Frey presiding. The following members were present: Messrs. Boyd,
Beesley, Butler, Frey, Kohler, deLagerberg, Miller, Proskey, Smith, Swan-
son and Wormser.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The subject for the evening, "The Coins of Genoa and Finland,*' was
then in order. The exhibits were as follows: Mr. A. R. Frey displayed a
specimen of the large gold 96 lira issued by the Genoese Republic in 1796,
and a Genovino d'oro struck under Conrad II (1139-1152). Mr. Rud Koh-
ler displayed gold 10 markkaa, 1882, Finland. Mr. D. Proskey exhibited
the following: Dual City Subway, 1913, Citizens* Banquet Medal; Tunis,
3 proofs of silver, 1294 A. H.; Finland gold 10 marks, silver 25, 50 pennia,
1 and 2 marks 1865-1911, 31 pieces; copper 1, 5, 10 pennia, 1865-1912, 46
pieces; Genoa silver, all sizes from smallest to the broad double crowns,
52 silver and 6 copper coins. Mr. J. deLagerberg displayed the Swedish
Riksbank 250th Anniversary Commemoration Medal, designed by Eric Lind-
berg, 1668-1918, and plaquette of Pennsylvania University, designed by
Albert Laeselle.
President Frey made the following appointments: Paper Money Com-
mittee for 1919, Dr. D. W. Valentine, Chairman; D. Proskey, F. C. C. Boyd
and G. H. Blake; and as Curator, F. C. C. Boyd.
The Executive Committee reported that at the next meeting the Coins
of Ragusa, Monaco, San Marino, Italy as a Kingdom since 1860, would be
the subject for the evening. Regularly moved, seconded and carried that
the Club accept with approval the report of the Executive Committee.
The Membership Committee reported favorably on Mr. M. W. Lipper, 20
New fit.. New York City. Mr. Lipper was elected a member unanimously.
The President greeted our member, Mr. Henry C. Miller, and stated that
owing to the fact that Mr. Miller so seldom attended the meetings, it was
up to him now to say a few words. Mr. Miller stated that he was very
much pleased to see the Club doing so well and that he always enjoyed our
meetings. He spoke of his collection of colonial coins, and informed us
that he was working on his Connecticut cents, of which he has 307 varie-
ties, and that in the near future same would be published. This started a
general discussion on the subject of "Connecticut Cents.'*
The Secretary reported a donation from Mr. M. Marcuson, Cleveland,
Mr. Smith reported the death of our ex-member, Mr. J. W. Scott, the
veteran stamp dealer of New York.
Meeting adjourned at 10.25 P. M,
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary and Treasurer.
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The regular meeting was held at the New Grand Hotel, Friday evening,
February 14, President Frey presiding. The following members were pres-
ent: Messrs. Belden, Blake, Eoyd, Butler, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey,
Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wood and Wormser.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
The topic for the evening, "Coins of Ragusa, Monaco, San Marino and
Italy as a Kingdom," was then in order. Exhibits were as follows:
Rud Kohler: Copper and silver coins of San Marino; copper, silver and
gold of the Kingdom of Italy.
Moritz Wormser: Monaco, 100 francs, Charles III, 1884; Italy, Victor
Emanuel, 50 years' independence, 50 lire, 1911.
D. Proskey: About 130 silver, nickel, bronze, copper and brass coins of
the countries constituting the subject of the evening.
Geo. H. Blake: No. 1 notes of $100 and $1000 denominations issued by
the Federal Reserve Bank.
Mr. Smith reported for the Executive Committee that at the next meet-
ing there would be an exhibition of coins and medals relating to peace
A vote of thanks was voted to Mr. Proskey for his fine exhibit.
Meeting adjourned at 10.40.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular monthly meeting of the Club was held Friday evening,
March 14th, at the New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The
following members were present: Messrs. Belden, Beesley, Blake, Boyd,
Butler, Connor, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Swanson, Smith, Valentine,
IVyman and Wormser. Guest present: Mr. Gorham of Englewood, N. J.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The Treasurer reported as follows: Permanent Fund, $200.; General,
$129.90 — Total, $329.90.
Executive Committee reported as follows: Mr. Elliott Smith, the chair-
man, called attention to the fact that ocean and river steam navigation had
made remarkable progress in this country since the time of Robert Fulton's
experiment with the "Claremont," in 1807, to the year 1819, at which time
the first ocean steamship crossed the Atlantic. The latter year was mem-
orable for the following attempt in navigation:
April 10 — The steamship Savannah, the first steam craft to cross the
Atlantic Ocean, leaves the City of New York for Savannah, Ga., on the first
leg of her historic voyage. She was of 350 tons burden.
May 26 — The transatlantic steamship Savannah leaves the city of Sa-
vannah bound for Liverpool, England.
May 28 — The steamboat Independence, pioneer steam craft on the Mis-
souri River, goes up that stream as far as Franklin.
June 2 — The steamboat Harriet, pioneer steam craft on the Mississippi
Hiver, arrives at St. Louis from New Orleans, after a trip of 27 days.
June 20 — The American steamship Savannah arrived at Liverpool,
September 22 — The first steamship on Lake Erie begins its trip.
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52 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Smith stated that as our April meeting occurred on the 11th of the
month, exactly one hundred years after the departure of the "Savannah"
from New York, the event be commemorated by an exhibition of medals,
tokens, etc., illustrating steamships and steamboats, transportation tokens
and the four most interesting coins or tokens in your collection.
Mr. Smith informed the Club that the Park Avenue Hotel had dis-
pensed with the colored waiters and that he thought it would be a much bet-
ter meeting place for the Club. Messrs. Wormser, Valentine and Wyman
spoke in favor of continuing at the New Grand Hotel, and after a general
discussion it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that we continue
to hold our meetings at the Grand.
Under head of new business Mr. Smith brought up the question of plac-
ing all the ex-presidents on the Executive Committee as ex-officio members,
without vote. After general discussion the matter was laid on the table.
Mr. Connor, one of our members from Metuchen, N. J., made his first
appearance in four years, and stated that he regretted his inability to come
to every meeting, owing to the fact that he is connected with a bank and
for the past four years has had to work nights to keep up with the increased
work. He stated that he would be pleased to invite the Club to his home
in Metuchen some time in the near future.
Mr. Gorham, guest of Dr. Valentine, stated that he had heard so much
about the pessimists' club from Dr. Valentine that he just had to come and
look us over, and that he only discovered this evening that it was a numis-
matic club.
The next order of business was exhibits of Peace Treaty Medals.
Mr. D. Proskey's exhibit: Xero, large bronze with the closed Temple of
Janus, which occurred only during universal peace. George II, 1757, first
peace medal made in America, silver, original. George III, large peace
medal, given to American Indians, silver. President Jas. Madison, large
peace medal for Indians, silver. Medal struck by the Holland Society com-
memorating Holland's treaty with United States, 1783, designs copied from
the original "Fantissimo Foedere Junctae" medal. Athenian Olympian
Games, 1896, bronze. Riga, Livonia Music Festival, 1836, bronze. Lon-
don Athletic Club Medal, presented to "Mrs. Wm. Waddell, 1877," bronze.
Essex Country Club, Manchester, Mass., Goat Medal, in silver. Monticello
Whiskey card and Anna Eva Fay's Mascot card, both copper. Scovill Manu-
facturing Co. Centennial Medal, 1902, bronze, with recipient's name struck
in with tablet die.
The following coins and medals relating to peace treaties were an ex-
hibit by Mr. M. Wormser:
1. Magdeburg "Interim" thaler, (1550).
2. Peace of Passau, 1555. 1855 thaler, struck in commemoration of
Third Centennial by Frankfort.
3. Peace with the Turks, 1604. Holy Roman Empire. Emperor Ru-
dolf I.
4. Convention of Leipzig, 1631. Saxony medal.
5. Peace of Westphalia, 1648. Broad medallic thaler.
6. Peace of Westphalia, 1648. Medallic thaler.
7. Peace of Westphalia, Hamburg. 2 ducats on celebration of anniver-
sary, 1649.
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Some Exhibito of Peace Coins by M. Wormier, Marcli 1M»^OOq1c
54 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
8. Peace of Westphalia, Regensburg medallic thaler on celebration of
anniversary, 1649.
9. Peace of Westphalia, Nurnberg, 1649. Square "hobby-horse ducat."
10. Peace of Westphalia, Sachsen-Gotha thaler, 1350, upon celebration.
11. Peace of Westphalia, Sachsen, Electoral line. Triple thaler, upon
12. Peace of Westphalia, First Centenary, 1748. Dutch medal.
13. Peace of Westphalia, First Centenary, 1748. Leutkirch, ducat.
14. Peace of Westphalia, First Centenary, 174 8. Kaufbeuern, medal.
15. Peace of Nymwegen, 1679. Mayence, thaler of Archbishop Anselm
16. Peace of Ryswick, 1697. Mayence, ducat.
17. Peace of Ryswick, 1697. Mayence, ducat, different type.
18. Peace of Ryswick, 1697. Mayence, double ducat.
19. Peace of Ryswick, Anniversary Celebration thaler of Nurnberg, 1698.
20. Peace of Ryswick, Anniversary Celebration 5 ducats, 1698, Nurnberg.
No. 21.
21. Peace of Rastadt. 1714. Ducat of Baden.
22. Peace of Breslau, 1742. Satirical medal upon Pragmatic Sanction.
23. Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle, 1748, medal.
24. Peace of St. Hubertusburg, 1763. Nurnberg thaler.
25. Peace of St. Hubertusburg, 1763. Austria medal.
26. Peace of St. Hubertusburg, 1763. Hamburg, % Portugaleser.
27. Peace of Teschen, 1779. Thaler, Brandenburg-Ansbach.
28. Peace of Basle, 1795. Fred'k William II of Prussia.
29. Peace of Frankfurt, 1871. Prussia thaler.
30. Peace of Frankfurt, 1871. Bavaria thaler.
31. Peace of Frankfurt, 1871. Saxony thaler.
32. Peace of Frankfurt, 1871. Bremen.
Mr. Wormser's remarks were as follows:
"Mr. Proskey correctly stated that the number of coins and medals
struck to commemorate peace treaties is very large; yet after spending
some time in looking over my collection I could only muster the above
comparatively small exhibit. It is quite varied, however, and presents a
concise survey over European history of the last 450 years.
"An admirable work on the subject is the auction catalog of our fel-
low-member, Mr. M. Schulman, of a sale held in October, 1913, entitled
'Pax in Nummis,' to which I have had reference, and the arrangement of
which I followed, i. e., in chronological order, but grouping anniversaries
immediately after the original event.
"No. 1 (Illustrated) commemorates satirically the very temporary re-
ligious compromise, in 1550, known as the 'Interim,' by which the conten-
tions between the Protestants and Catholics were patched up in a manner
satisfactory to neither side, and the coin, struck by the City of Magdeburg,
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represents the Interim in the shape of the Devil, with the sentiment, 'Get
thee hence, Satan, thou Interim.'
**These religious differences were more permanently and satisfactorily
adjusted a few years later by the Treaty of Passau in 1555, which was to
keep the religious bones of contention in balance for about 50 years at any
rate, and No. 2 represents the third centennial of this event, celebrated by
the City of Frankfurt.
"No. 3 is an interesting oval medal struck by Emperor Rudolf II, upon
a treaty with the Turks, in 1604, the name of which, however, does not
"No. 4 is a medal celebrating a convention concluded at Leipsic, in
1631, for the purpose of further adjusting religious matters under dispute.
"The succeeding series, Nos. 5 to 14, commemorate the all-important
Peace Treaty of Westphalia, which brought to a conclusion the terrors of
the Thirty Years War and pacified warring Europe for a few years, as well
as various celebrations held upon its ratifications, and upon its centenaries.
Thus, No. 7 commemorates the celebration by the City of Hamburg; No. 8
(Illustrated), with the picture of Noah's Ark and the dove of peace, that
at Regensburg; No. 9, the celebration at Nurnberg, when the Imperial Dele-
gate, Count Piccolomini, was honored by a parade of boys on hobby-horses,
to whom these coins were thrown as prizes; and No. 11, a very fine triple
thaler of the Elector John George of Saxony. The Centennial celebrations
in Holland, at the towns of Leutkirch and of Kaufbeuern, are memorial-
ized in Nos. 12, 13 and 14.
"The next series shows peace treaties incidental to the wars against
Louis XIV of France; the attractive thaler of Archbishop Anselm Francis
of Mayence, No. 15 (Illustrated), with a scale weighing the olive branch of
peace against the sword of war, for the Peace of Nymwegen in 1679; and
the three gold coins of Lothar Francis, archbishop of Mayence (Nos. 16-
18), with the emblems of peace in the shape of Concordia-Pax, and an altar.
"The anniversary of this treaty was apparently celebrated with some
consequence at Nurnberg in 1698, as the thaler and 5-ducat piece, of sim-
ilar dies, Nos. 19 and 20 (Illustrated), were issued there.
"The treaty, though called a 'universal peace,' did not last long, how-
ever, being only a scrap of paper, as only a few years later the War of the
Spanish Succession again engulfed Europe in the throes of war.
"While the Peace Treaty of Utrecht terminated this war for some of tho
involved Powers, France and Germany came to an understanding only about
2 years later, at Rastadt, in the lands of Ludwig, the young margrave of
Baden, under the guardianship of his mother, Frances Sybilla, who issued
the attractive ducat No. 21 (Illustrated), showing their conjoined heads.
"The following group recalls to us the wars of that old militarist ex-
pert, Frederick the Great; No. 22, a Dutch satirical medal upon the woes of
Maria Theresa, showing four Powers attempting to cut up a map of her
lands at the Peace of Breslau in 1742; Nos. 24, 25 and 26, upon the bless-
ings of peace after the treaty of St. Hubertusburg following the burdens
of the Seven Years' War, and No. 26 (Illustrated) particularly, showing
the Temple of Janus closed; finally. No. 27, upon the Peace of Teschen,
concluded between Bavaria, Prussia, Austria and Saxony.
"No. 23 belongs to this period and is especially interesting, commemo-
rating the Peace Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle, in 1748, between France, Eng-
land and the United Provinces, and at the same time an eclipse of the sun.
One side shows the sun in eclipse, above a landscape, emblematic of war;
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56 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
and the other, part of the globe, radiant with sunshine, to which the dove
of peace ascends. To quote the above-mentioned catalog:
" 'After the def nite conclusion of the Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle, the
preliminaries of which had already been signed the night of April 30-May
1st, an eclipse of the sun appeared, on July 25, 1748, which was visible in
Europe, Asia and Africa. When a short time later the sun shone brightly
again, the hope of peace was again revived.*
**No. 28 belongs to the period of the wars incidental to the French
Revolution, when in April, 1795, the Peace of Basle was concluded between
France and Prussia, by which Prussia dropped out of the coalition of Euro-
pean sovereigns against the young republic.
**The last four numbers finally commemorate the end of the Franco-
Prussian War in 1871, as celebrated by several of the constituent political
parts of the German Empire, that of Saxony, with a figure of peace astride
a horse, being particularly attractive, even though it shows the character-
istic German exultant militancy.'*
Meeting adjourned 10.30.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular monthly meeting was held Friday evening, April 11th, at
the New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The following mem-
bers were present: Messrs. Beesley, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Connors, Frey,
Heaton, Kohler, Miller, Proskey, Reilly, Smith, fiwanson, Saltus, Valentine,
Wood, Wormser and Wyman.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Secretary reported the change in membership of Mr. J. Sanford Saltus
from regular to life.
Executive Committee reported the subject for the next meeting: Coins,
Medals and Tokens relating to Queen Victoria.
The President announced that one hundred years ago to-day the steam-
ship Savannah, the first steam craft to cross the Atlantic Ocean, left this
city for Savannah, Ga., on the first leg of her historical voyage.
In 1818 the Legislature of Georgia incorporated the Savannah Steam-
ship Co., an organization of Savannah's leading capitalists, which was form-
ed with the object of putting into practical operation the ambitious project
of transatlantic navigation. The ship was built in New York, and upon
completion came to her home port, from which she set forth on her pioneer
The Savannah was considered an imposing ship in those days, although
now she would be thought an insignificant little craft. She was only 350
tons, fitted out as a sailing vessel, but with arrangements for the addition
of auxiliary steam, as would be said now. The motive power was trans-
mitted through a 90-horse-power engine to two paddle wheels, one on each
side. But she was built stanchly, as they knew how to build ships 100 years
With elaborate ceremony and circumstance she set out on May 22nd
on what was to be the beginning of a new era in world history. She did
not pass out at Tybee until two days later. Then she bravely proceeded,
going on up to the coast of Newfoundland before striking across. 8he
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sighted the coast of Ireland on June 17th, so that the trip across took just
25 days.
The log of the Savannah makes romantic reading. It is related that
when the vessel approached the Irish coast she was sighted by a British
cutter, which, seeing the smoke pouring from her low funnel, naturally
supposed she was on fire, and hastened to the assistance of the "ship in
distress." The British had no information of the intended visit, or if they
had been informed by letters, they were not disposed to have any faith in
the attempt.
Later the Savannah proceeded under her own steam to Stockholm, and
thence to St. Petersburg. From Russia she sailed on her return trip direct
to Savannah, where she arrived on November 30th, 1819. And so it was
that the world first knew the possibility of crossing the ocean by steam.
Mr. Wm. F. Beller sent the following coins and medals from his collec-
tion for exhibition. All of these show steamships or steamboats:
Agricultural and Mechanical Association, St. Louis.
Papal medal of Leo XIII, 1896.
Centennial of Middletown, Conn., 1864.
Wells, Fargo & Co., March 18, 1902. 1
Ecuador, Sucre, 1884-1897.
International Industrial Exhibition of Buffalo.
Commercial Tercentenary of New York, 1914.
Steamship Company of Havana, Cuba (2 varieties).
French bronze medal, 1865, showing primitive steamship and locomotive.
Brazil, 1000 reis, 1900.
Selma, Alabama, Exposition, 1872.
Texas State Fair, Houston, Texas, award medal.
Hudson-Fulton Exposition, 1909, medals of New York and Newburgh.
Regensburg, Industrial Exposition, 1849.
Victor Emanuel III, five lira, fiftieth anniversary, 1911.
Austria, 2 vereins thaler, 1857, on completion of railway.
Springfield, Mass., 250th anniversary medal, 1886.
Mr. Wormser exhibited the following with a few remarks:
Thaler of George, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Meiningen, with a grotesque
bust of himself and his consort, Louise Elinore of Hohenlohe, no date, be-
tween 1782-1803. The portraits look almost like Rowlandson caricatures,
and I do not recall any instance of similar caricatures on current coins.
In connection with the subject of the evening — steamboats — it is inter-
esting to present representations of its predecessor, the sailboat, as they
appear on earlier coins.
Brunswick-Wolffenbuttel, Augustus, travel on ships thaler, no date,
1634-66, showing two ships, and man on shore, hesitating to embark. There
is a story that the duke gave these to his children when they went on
travels. Two varieties.
Brunswick, Rudolph Augustus, 1679, triple thaler, showing a Roman
or Viking boat, with a tier of oars and a sail.
Brunswick, Ernest August, administrator of Osnabruck, 2 Thaler, 1680.
A sailing vessel in a billowy sea, a rocky mountain and a hilly shore line in
the background, "The same in spite of the varied waves."
Hanau, Count Frederick Casimir, a galleon, carrying the Church, the
cornerstone of which was laid with solemn festivities by Elector John George
of fiaxony in 1658, May 25th, which event this 1% thaler commemorates.
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58 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Saxony, ducat and ^ gulden, struck by Frederick Augustus, elector and
King of Poland, in memory of the death of his mother, Anna Sophia of Den-
mark. A ship is shown entering the peaceful harbor, its sails all reefed.
Hildesheim, medal, 1742, to commemorate the second centennial of the
introduction of the Reformation in the city, "Safe in the guidance of Christ,"
describes the journey of the stately ship.
Emden, medal to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the rule of the
College of 40. A view of the harbor of the city, alive with different types
of sailing vessels, sharply depicted and filling the foreground.
Brandenburg, Frederick William, 1683, guinea ducat, a galleon, blown
by the wind, the sails full, struck for the African Company, probably of gold
from the expedition, the first German colonial venture, of which we in our
days are seeing the end. For details see the able article by our illustrious
president, Mr. Frey, in the American Numismatic Society Journal of 1914.
Dutch Indies, 1802, one guilder, a sailing ship with full-set sails, the
type possibly suggested by the guinea ducat and the ships supposed typical
of a colonial empire.
Mr. Wyman exhibited as follows: Portrait medals relating to the Eng-
lish victories in the Napoleonic wars: Two of the Duke of Wellington, one
of General Lord Hill, one of the Marquis of Anglesey, one of Sir John
Moore, one of Lord Symdock, one of Marshal Sir Thomas Picton. Mr. Wy-
man also showed contemporaneous portraits or prints of each of the above
and autograph letters of Hill and Anglesey.
Dr. D. W. Valentine exhibited his four most interesting coins, as fol-
lows: 1802 half dime, dime, half dollar and dollar.
Mr. Elliott Smith exhibited 13 steamship and ferry tokens.
Mr. E. Beesley exhibited the following: Order of Garter, 1688 (silver);
Elizabeth, Broad (gold); Rose Noble; William IV Coronation Medal
(gold); Gold octodrachm; Queen Carolina Coronation Medal (gold); Medal
Great Eastern steamship (bronze); halfpenny token of Bristol, 1811.
Mr. George H. Blake; $50 check, dated Nov. 12th, 1811, on the Man-
hattan Bank, signed by Robt. Fulton; 1896 silver certificate, low No. 67,
with Fulton portrait on reverse side; Federal Reserve $20 bill, inverted
reverse, showing large ocean steamer on Hudson River.
Mr. Henry C. Millet: 1788 Connecticut cent, 6H, finest known speci-
men; 1787 Connecticut cent, 15F, uncirculated.
Mr. Connor: Metal badge of the Gillespie Loading Co., found on one of
the victims of the explosion at their plant on October 4th. One very small
vest-pocket folding pair scales.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary and Treasurer.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, May 9th, at the New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey pre-
siding. The following members were present: Messrs. Beesley, Blake,
Boyd, Butler, Belden, Frey, Heaton, deLagerberg, Proskey, Smith, Swanson,
Valentine, Wormser and Wyman.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
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Executive Committee reported the subject for the next meeting: "Coins
of Poland."
Treasurer reported the purchase of one Victory Bond for the Club.
The subject for the evening, "Coins, Tokens and Medals Relating to
Queen Victoria," was then in order.
Mr. M. Wormser exhibited: East India Co. one mohur dated 1841.
Mr. Beesley exhibited the following: Set of Jubilee gold and silver;
War Medal, Suakin, 1885; Bronze Medals — 1837, Queen's visit to London;
1847, Queen's visit to Cambridge; bronze and silver medals — 1876, Queen's
medal for International exhibit; bronze medal of Queen Victoria, 1843,
struck in Belgium; pewter Marriage Medal; Maundy set dated 1845; brass
platter, engraved head of the Queen.
Mr. Wyman exhibited: General Servi<;e Medal, 5 bars; Punjab Medal, 2
bars; South African, 1853, medal; Indian Mutiny Medal, 2 bars; Egypt
Medal, 1 bar; New Zealand, 1863-1866, Medal; Second Afghan War Medal;
Indian General Service, 1895, Medal, 2 bars; Queen's Transvaal Medal, 5
Mr. Rud Kohler exhibited: Two Jubilee, 1887, sovereigns; 1 young
head, sovereign; 1 Australian sovereign, Sydney mint; 1 Model Crown 1848.
Mr. David Proskey exhibited: 1887 Jubilee set of proofs from farthing
to £5, including Maundy money; 1839, proof set, 14 farthing to 5 shillings,
all with plain edges, an excessively rare set; 1846 and 1853 Gothic crowns,
proofs, with plain and inscribed edges; 1849 "Godless" florin; 1864 bronze
penny, the rarest date; 1856 farthing with "VICTOEIA" (error); 1875
farthing with "FARTIING" (error); one-third farthings for Malta; 1893
proof set from farthing to 5 shillings with veiled headdress; 1838 First
coinage, 1, li^, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 pence; 1870 Newfoundland gold $2;
1756, '57 Australia gold half and one sovereign; 1840 India sets, % to 1
rupee, with the two styles of portraits; 1862 India sets % to 1 rupee, with
crowned, draped portraits as "Queen" and "Empress"; various model coins,
Me* %, %. ^ farthing, and other fractional pieces, two shilling and five
shilling patterns; gold medal given a U. S. naval oflScer for services in Dr.
Kane's Polar Expedition searching for Sir John Franklin, only one known
to date; various large Coronation and Anniversary Medals with 14 differing
portraits; total, 117 pieces.
Medallic Art Committee reported that at the next meeting the Victor
Emanuel Medal would be ready, and also the new seal of the Club.
Regularly moved, seconded and carried that the officers of the Club
and the Medallic Art Committee pass on the designs of the new seal.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, June 13th, at the New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey pre-
siding. The following members were present: Messrs. Beesley, Boyd, Butler,
Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Swanson, Smith, Wyman, Wormser and Wood, and
as guest, Mrs. Kudlich.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Topic for the evening, "Coins of Poland."
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60 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Moritz Wormser's exhibit was as follows: Danzig, beginning with
Stephan Bathori, down to Augustus of Saxony, and as a final piece, a medal
commemorating the ex-Emperor William's visit to Danzig in 1892. Two
different ducats of John Sobieski, two of Sigismund and two of Vladislaus,
with different portraits. A ten-ducat piece of Sigismund III, and a five-
ducat piece of John Casimir. City of Thorn — Conflagration thaler, coins of
Riga, under Swedish sovereignty, also thaler of Courland, which, by the
Polish arms has reference to Kingdom of Poland, although mostly struck In
Saxony. Coins of Poland proper, Stephan Bathori and the medal, Conquest
of Livonia. Thaler and ducat of Stanislaus Augustus. Two gulden, 1830,
Russian domain, and five gulden, 1831.
Exhibit of Mr. D. Proskey: Medals relaitve to Poland, silver, bronze and
white metal, 81 pieces. Copper coins of Poland from Vladislaus I to Alex-
ander II, two hundred and sixty-five pieces, including Lithuania, Courland,
and Riga when Polish. Mr. Proskey's Polish silver coin cabinet will be
shown at the July meeting. He also showed bronze plaques of the Holland
Society of New York, 1911-1912, the latter showing seal of Peter Stuyvesant
and early view of New York's docks and buildings. St. Eustatius Island,
with Philipsburg counterstamps; %, 1, 2 and 5 peso tokens of Caracas on
^ reals. New variety of San Domingo brass ^ real, 1848, with small let-
tered legend. Sarawak, 20 cents, silver, 1915.
The Executive Committee reported that the subject for the next meet-
ing would be "Temperance Medals and Tokens," also to continue the sub-
ject, "Coins of Poland." Also reported that they had fixed the price on the
King of Italy medal as follows: $2.50 for the bronze and $7.50 for silver,
and, furthermore, that at the next meeting the gold medal to be presented to
His Majesty King Victor Emanuel would be exhibited at the Club.
The Medallic Art Committee reported that the joint committee had
passed on the new Club Seal, and exhibited the obverse and reverse design
of the King of Italy medal in plaster.
Under the head of new business the curator informed the Club that we
had quite a number of valuable pamphlets and books relative to numis-
matics, which he requested the Club to permit him to put on loan with the
American Numismatic Society.
Moved by Mr. Smith, sceonded by Mr. Wyman, that the Curator be em-
powered to place on loan, with the American Numismatic Society, such
books, pamphlets, etc., as he may deem advisable. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 11.00 P. M.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the Club was held Friday evening, July 11, at
the New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The following mem-
bers were present: Messrs. Beesley, Butler, Blake, Boyd, Davidson, Elder,
Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wyman and Wormser.
As guests: Mr. L. H. Davidson and Mr. D. L. Angell.
Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
Subject for the evening: "Coins of Poland" and "Temperance Medals
and Tokens."
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The President stated that the exhibits of the evening consisted of a
continuation of the coins of Poland, and the medals and tokens relating to
temperance, prohibition, and anti-prohibition.
In introducing the latter, he said: *'This is not the first time that a
prohibition law has been enacted for the State of New York." He then
quoted from "American Commonwealths, New York," by Horace E. Scudder,
as follows: The Legislature fulfilled the pledges on which a majority of
its members were chosen by the passage, April 9, 1855, of a rigid prohib-
itory law under the title 'An act for the prevention of intemperance,
pauperism and crime." It permitted the sale of liquors for mechanical,
chemical or medicinal uses, under strict regulations, but prohibited the
traffi-c for all other purposes. Its provisions for search, for prosecutions,
and for the destruction of forfeited liquors were very stringent. The statute
gave rise to a great deal of litigation, and many cases were carried to the
Court of Appeals, where it was declared unconstitutional in March, 1856.
The decision held that in so far as the act related to liquors owned within
the State when it went into effect, it could not be sustained, while the
Legislature might establish restrictions for liquors subsequently manufac-
tured or imported. The act was also pronounced defective in that it took
away from offenders the right of trial by jury. The decision led to a revul-
sion of feeling, and the great controversy over slavery for the time over-
shadowed every other subject. The Legislature in 1857 enacted stringent
license laws regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors, and these have been
subjected to successive amendments. They have been enforced with varying
efficiency, according to the demands of public sentiment in the several locali-
ties. The speaker closed his remarks with a brief account of General Neal
Ekjw, the "Father of the Temperance Movement in the United States."
Thomas L. Elder exhibited what undoubtedly is the largest collection of
temperance medals and tokens in the United States. He showed 250 exam-
ples, which included a few duplicates, but with examples of the very earliest
temperance medals issued in this country, commencing with those of the
early '30s. His collection includes about 50 of the types showing the well
and "old oaken bucket," the latter a favorite topic for the early advocates
of sobriety. Of the Washington temperance societies and others he showed
about a dozen with the heads of Washington; of the Father Matthew types
about eight varieties with his bust; of the "fountain" types about sixteen
varieties. The collection has early examples by Bale in several metals.
The whole collection and the others exhibited seemed pertinent to a very
timely and much discussed subject. Summary of Mr. Elder's exhibit:
Bronze, 40; brass, 85; silver, 15; white metal, 70; various metals, 20;
total, 250.
Exhibited by Mr. C. H. Imhoff: A copper token struck by the Prohibi-
tionists July 4, 1855, showing an inverted wine glass; brass temperance
token with well and bucket.
Exhibited by Mr. Wormser: Ten Fenigow, 1917, iron money struck
during the German occupation, showing Polish eagle.
Exhibited by Mr. Rud Kohler: Two Zlote of Nicholas I dated 1837 and
1831; temperance token, 1855.
Exhibited by Mr. Elliott Smith: General collection of Elder temperance
Exhibit of Mt. D. Proskey: Silver coins of Poland, being the smaller
part of his collection of that country, varying from the bracteate of the
twelfth century to the crown or dollar sizes up to the Russian issues of
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♦*Weir' and **01d Oaken Bucket" Types of Temperance Medals Shown by
Mr. Thomas L. Elder, July, 1919.
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*Weir* and **01d Oaken Bucket** Types of Temperance Medals Shown by
Mr. Thomas L. Elder, July, 1919.
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64 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
1850 — over 40 different coins. The copper coins and the medals were
shown at the June meeting. Also, a small assortment of medals pertaining
to the temperance and prohibition periods in the United States — 57 varieties.
By Dr. Valentine: Collection of Polish crowns and small size silver.
New business. The President called attention to the fact that one of
our Honorary Members, the Marquess of Milford Haven, formerly Prince
Louis of Battenberg, is evidently giving up collecting. His interesting
collection of British Naval Medals is to be sold at auction in London during
the latter part of this month.
Executive Committee. Mr. Smith reported the subject for the next
meeting, "Your Three Colonial Coins of North America."
Medallic Art Committee exhibited the new Club reverse, and the King
of Italy Medal in gold.
Regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Club give Mr. J. M.
Swanson, the designer of the above medal, a rising vote of thanks.
Meeting adjourned at 10.30 P. M.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
Among the Temperance Medals shown by Mr. Elder at the July, 1919
meeting was an interesting group of pieces in his own collection, showing
In detail the "Well" and "Old Oaken Bucket" types, which are illustrated
and described herewith.
1. Obv. A man standing to right by a well, holding the old Oaken
Bucket in his hands, a sprig at either side of the well HOW SWEET FROM
(in semi-circle) line over the well IT (under the well) INCLINED TO MY
LIPS. Lettering medium small; sprig at left heavy and distant from AS.
LONG LIFE — A. W. R. in 6 lines in center. Around border: PLEDGED TO
at top. Letter H on well. Rarity 1.
2. Obv. Similar to preceding, but general type and lettering smaller;
sprig at the left smaller and finely engraved; one leaf under A. Letter B.
on well. Rv. Similar to No. 1, but lettering smaller. Size 24 mm. R. 1.
3. Obv. Like preceding, but figure taller and more slender, the well
smaller; the sprig at right very small and finely modeled; and the leaves
of each sprig smaller than either of preceding. No letter on well. A star
before HOW and after IT. Rv. Lettering similar to preceding, but larger
than either token preceding. Size 25. R. 5.
4. Obv. Same^general types but man faces to the left. Large shrubs
on either side of well and I. F. T. in front of man's left foot. Rv. DECLA-
AS A BEVERAGE. Size 24 MM. Note.— I. F. T. likely has reference to
the die sinker True, who made some of the Hard Times Tokens. This token
was issued between 1837 and 1840. R. 3.
5. Obv. Man standing to left similar to preceding; shrub at left, not
any at right. Letter T (True) on the well. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET —
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THAT HANGS — IN THE WELL, in three semi-circles. Rv., TAUNTON
COLD WATER ARMY. CELEBRATION, around border. In center inside
WILL INTOXICATE, in 7 lines. Size 23. Rarity 6.
6. Obv. A man stands at a well, facing to the left, a large tree at the
right; a small shrub at the left NATIONAL CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE
FRANCIS MURPHY, around border. "I, DO — PLEDGE MY — WORD &
2 6 mm. Rarity 5.
7. Obv. Similar to last, struck evidently from the old die used in mak-
— PROHIBITION— INDIANA. Size 26. Pierced. Rarity 5.
8. Obv. A young man standing to right, by a well, holding a bucket
in his hands; a scythe hanging over side of the well which has a spout pro-
truding from the right; a large, finely modeled rosebush at right, a shrub at
the left of the well; THOMAS in ex. The rose-bush distant from lettering
at the right. Around border: HOW SWEET FROM THE GREEN MOSSY
MY; clasped hands at top of wreath. Inside wreath: WE AGREE TO —
A BEVERAGE. The wreath has five flowers on each branch. WM. 38 mm.
R. 4.
9. Obv. Somewhat similar to last, but well has no spout and the word
THOMAS on side of the well. The rose bush narrower and near to lettering
at right. Same inscription as last. Rv. TEMPERANCE DECLARATION in
semi-circle at top. Inside a wreath with 6 flowers on either stem; WE
— BEVERAGE. WM. Size 37. Pierced at top. In proof state. R. 5.
10. Obverse. The man stands to right holding a bucket, at the well,
the well large, with a spout, a large rose-bush at the right, with several bees
flying over it; a tall, narrow shrub at left. B. & S. N. Y. (Bale & Smith,
N. Y.) in Ex. Same reading as preceding in one circle around border. Rv.
TOXICATING — LIQUORS — AS A BEVERAGE. The lettering inside the
wreath very small, and in six lines; the wreath small with five blooms on
either branch. WM. Unpierced. 34 mm. R. 6.
11. Obv. A man slightly taller tlian preceding stands facing to the
right at the well, the body of which is very large. Short rose-bush at right;
and thick short shrub at left. THOMAS on the boards of the well at left.
in two lines beneath. Rv. DECLARATION OF THE COLD WATER ARMY.
Clasped hands above wreath. WE AGREE^ — TO — ABSTAIN — FROM — THE
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66 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
lines. The reverse lettering unusually large, the wreath and flowers also
large. WM. 34. With steel ring to suspend. R. 5.
12. Obv. Same as No. 8 with word THOMAS in Ex. Rv. THE BEAR-
— SOCIETY, in 5 lines, inside a closed wreath. Pierced at top. W. M. 38.
R. 5.
13. Obv. Similar to lot 10, but larger, and no bees over rose-bush, at
the right of the well B. & S. NY. in Ex. Rv. THE BEARER — OF THIS
MENS — TOTAL ABSTINENCE — SOCIETY. 7 lines. Unpierced. 38. WM.
R. 5.
14. A man standing to the right at a well; small sprig at right, a large
tree at the left. Reading similar to No. 1. Rv. TEMPERANCE DECLARA-
TION — ORGANIZED A. D. 1856. Clasped hands over top of wreath. WE
Thick flan. Size 34 MM. Rarity 5.
15. Same obverse as last. Rv. Eagle standing on sprig facing to left,
YORK. WM. Size 34. R. 5.
Note. The last two numbers come in silver, but in that metal are ex-
cessively rare.
16. Obv. A man stands to right by a well; BALE on the base; a tree
at left bends to the right; a small shrub at right. Rv. around border:
center in 5 horizontal lines: — TEMPERANCE — LEADS TO HEALTH-
17. Obv. A woman stands by a well and hands a cup of water to a
traveler who stands holding a pack over his shoulder. THE OLD OAKEN
BUCKET — ^HEALTH. Rv. Inside wreath: I — WILL — TOUCH NOT — TASTE
NOT — HANDLE NOT — THE UNCLEAN — THING, in 7 lines. WM. 35.
Unpierced. R. 5.
A regular meeting of the Club was held Friday evening, August 8th,
President A. R. Frey presiding. The following members were present:
Messrs. Belden, Beesley, Beatty, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Frey, Newell, Proskey,
Swanson, Smith, Valentine, Von Lieven, Wormser and Wood.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Subject for the evening: "Your Three Colonial Coins of North Amer-
Exhibited by Mr. D. Proskey: Pine Tree Shilling (large planchet) ;
New York Cent, 1787, figures facing the left; Mott token, 1789, double thick,
one of the early impressions, break in die not showing.
Mr. Blake exhibited a 10-centavo note of Philippine National Bank.
Exhibit of Mr. Elliott Smith: A proof impression of the Continental
Dollar in pewter, currency spelled with one R.
Executive Committee: Mr. Smith reported that the Secretary has sold
20 bronze and 5 silver of the King of Italy Medal. He also stated that the
Club had presented to Mr. J. M. Swanson a copy of the medal in silver, and
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to Mr. J. Sanford Saltus a set of uniface medals in silver of the obverse and
reverse of the above medal.
The topic for the September meeting will be "Coins, Medals and Tok-
ens of Chile."
Meeting adjourned at 10:45.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting was held Friday evening, September 12th, at the
New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The following members
attended: Messrs. Beesley, Beatty, Blake, Belden, Boyd, Butler, Connor,
Elder, Davidson, Frey, Proskey, Swanson, Wood, Wormser and Valentine;
and as guest, Mr. Samuel Pulis.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Under head of miscellaneous business, Mr. Blake reported that he had
investigated the seizure of paper money by the Secret Service Department,
and he requested that the committee be continued. Regularly moved and
seconded that the committee be extended. Motion carried.
Executive Committee: Mr. Smith reported the sale of twenty-five bronze,
and nine silver. King of Italy medals, and further stated that at the last ex-
ecutive meeting they had decided to sell by auction the old reverse die of
the Club medal. The Secretary put up the die, and same was sold for $15
to Mr. Elliott Smith.
The subject for the next meeting was then brought before the Club, and
after a general discussion it was decided to request the members to bring
an interesting selection of Coins of the Roman Emperors.
Mr. Frey then vacated the chair and Vice-President Smith presided. Mr.
Frey thought it would be a good plan to discard the old club pin and have
a new design made, using the new reverse. After a general discussion it
was decided to continue using the old pin.
Mr. Wormser made the following motion! That at the next meeting
of the club all members be requested to wear their pins. Motion carried.
The Secretary reported that quite a number of the club pins were for
sale, and as a result of the discussion six of them were sold at the meeting.
Membership Committee reported Mr. Samuel Pulis' application for
membership. Same will be acted upon at the next meeting.
Moved by Mr. Wormser, and seconded by Mr. Boyd, that the club present
to our Honorary Corresponding Members in Italy a copy of the King of
Italy Medal in bronze. Motion carried. The Secretary was then ordered
to send Memmo Cagiati of Naples and M. Lanfranco of Rome, Italy, a copy
of the King of Italy Medal in bronze.
Regularly moved, seconded and carried that the club invite the members
of the A. N. A. who attend the next convention at Philadelphia to our meet-
ing on Friday evening, October 10th, at 6.30 P. M.
The President requested Mr. Wormser to invite A. N. A. members at
the convention.
Exhibition of coins of Chile:
Mr. Kohler: One-half dollar of 1905 and one dollar of 1917, same size,
and one dollar of 1910 of the larger size; 1871 and 1883 ten pesos in gold,
and 1904 ten pesos, small size, on the silver basis; 1859 two pesos on the
silver basis.
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68 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Moritz Wormser: 1808 doubloon, Santiago mint, of Ferdinand VII;
1864 ten pesos, gold basis; 1865 necessity peso, known as the Brower
Dollar (Copiapo) 1 P. Chile, and 1 P. necessity piece, Coquimbo.
Mr. D. Proskey: Santiago mintage during Spanish occupation, Charles
III and IV to Ferdinand VII, %, i^, 1, 2, 4 and 8 reales, showing the
peculiarity of bearing the portraits of Charles IV and superscription of
Ferdinand VII in 1809, '12, '13 and '16, while the portraits of Ferdinand
VII appear on coins of 1810, '12 and '17. Copiapo peso and Coquimbo
^ and 1 peso necessity coins. 1823 Constitution 2 reals, and 1833 Re-
form of Constitution 4 reales. Independent Chile coinage from 1817 to
1834 of volcano type; Condor breaking chain links from 1839 to 1851, \^
to 8 reales. The flying Condor type from 1852 to 1861 in 5, 10, 20, 50
centavos, while the pieces 1853 to 1859 bear the standing defiant Condor
with shield on right. The standing Condor with shield on left from 1863
to 1894, 5c., 10c. , 20c., 50c., 1 peso. The new unnatural Condor on rock,
by Roty, from 1895 to 1916, 5c. to peso, in diminishing sizes and metallic
qualities, some of 900, others 720, 700, 500, 450 fineness. Copper proofs,
1835 ^ and 1 centavo; proofs of 1851 ^ and 1 centavo, with and without
stars at date. Regular issues of i^, 1, 2, 2^^ centavos from 1835 to 1898.
Proclamation peso 1789, Charles IV, in copper. Copper patterns, gold
doubloon, 1836, 1, 2, 5, 10 pesos; 1868, 5c., lOc, 1 peso; 1868 (for silver).
Nickel 1/^, 1, 2 centavos; 1871 to 1876, 9 pieces (including the rare 1872
^ centavo). Silver medal of National Products Exposition 1888-9, Ecuador
1/5 and 1 sucre, struck in Santiago. Totals — Copper, 41; nickel, 9; silver,
134; a total of 184 pieces.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting was held Friday evening, October 10th, at the New
Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The following members at-
tended: Messrs. Beesley, Belden, Burke, Beatty, Boyd, Blake, Elder, Frey,
Kohler, Newell, Noe, Proskey, Raymond, Riley, Swanson, Valentine, Wood
and Wormser. And as guests: Mrs. Wayte Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Proskey, Miss Helen Proskey, Dr. E. L. Robinson, J. E. Morse, H. H. Yaw-
ger and R. W. McLachlan.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Treasurer's report read and accepted.
Owing to the sudden illness of the Secretary, Mr. Boyd, Mr. George H.
Blake was appointed Secretary pro tem.
Mr. Smith, chairman of the Executive Committee, stated that no meet-
ing had been held.
Membership Committee reported favorably on the application of Mr.
Samuel Pulis. Mr. Pulis was elected to membership.
Under head of miscellaneous business, the Nominating Committee for
officers for 1920 came up, and the following committee was duly elected:
J. M. Swanson, D. Proskey and Howland Wood.
Suggestions for topic of next meeting resulted in choosing "Consular
Roman Coins Prior to Augustus,'* in any metal.
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President A. R. Frey called on Mr. J. E. Morse, who thanked the Club
for an invitation to be at this meeting, and called attention to the increasing
interest in paper money. Mr. H. H. Yawger also thanked the Club for the
opportunity of being present. Mr. McLachlan of Montreal spoke on numis-
matic matters in Canada. Dr. Robinson of Newport, R. I., thanked the Club
for the privilege and pleasure of being present. Dr. Burke spoke of his
great interest in Greek copper coins, and as a result of the interest he
created by his talk the topic of "Greek Copper Coins" was fixed for the
January meeting.
Mr. Wood and Mr. Wormser spoke of the A. N. A. Convention, and Mr.
Wormser was congratulated upon his election as chairman of the Board of
Governors of the A. N. A.
Exhibits of the evening were as follows:
Mr. Wayte Raymond: Fine aurei of Faustina and Lucius Verus in very
fine condition.
Mr. McLachlan: Two Peace Medals of the Dominion of Canada to com-
memorate the termination of the Great European War, also a half crown
of James I.
Mr. Beesley exhibited first bronzes of Augustus, Marcus Aurelius, Anto-
ninus Pius, Maximinus, Lucilla, Hadrian, Julia Mamaea Livia, Tiberius,
Etruscilla, Aelius, Sever us Alexander, Gordianus Pius; middle bronzes of
Claudius, Antonia, Lucilla, Domitian, Trajan, Commodus.
Mr. Proskey's exhibit was Roman Imperial Denarii with finest portraits,
and included pieces of Pompey the Great; Sextus Pompey; Julius Caesar;
Brutus, with dagger reverse; Marc Antony, with Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus
reverse; Marc Antony, with trophy, of third Imperator type; Augustus, with
Crocodile "Aegypto Capta"* reverse; another, with naval trophy; another,
with Temple of Mars displaying the army standards; another, with shield
between two shrubs; two others, with portraits facing right and left, with
comet reverses "DIVVS IVLIVS"; another, of the "Tribute Penny" type,
probably coined by Tiberius; Tiberius, "Tribute Penny"; Germanicus; Ger-
manicus with Caligula; Caligula; Caligula with Augustus; Claudius; Clau-
dius with Nero; Nero; also one with Agrippina, Jr., reverse; Galba, with
Civic Crown reverse; Otho, "Securitas P. R." reverse; Vitellius, "Libertas
Restituta"; Vest)asian, "Jbvis Custos"; Vespasian, reverse Titus and Domi-
tian vis-a-vis; Tins, with thunderbolt over throne; Domitian, with statue of
Pallas on naval trophy pedestal; Nerva, with clasped hands, "Concordia
Exercituum"; Trajan, with Victory holding Dacian shield; Hadrian, with
title "Augustus PP," and Consul Third Term; Sabina, with title "Augusta
Hadriani Aug"; Aelius, reverse "Concord"; Nero, 15 different large bronzes,
two bearing the very rare Tribunitian dates.
Meeting adjourned 10:30 P. M.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting was held Friday evening, November 14th, at the
New Grand Hotel, President A. R. Frey presiding. The following members
were present: Messrs. Belden, Beesley, Blake, Beatty, Boyd, Butler, Burke,
S. H. Chapman, Davidson, Elder, Frey, Newell, Proskey, Pulits, Raymond,
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70 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAH BOOK
Schulman, Smith, Valentine, Wood and Wormser; and as guests, Mr. F. Mor-
gan and Mr. I. L. Steinman, Secretary of the Pacific Coast Numismatic So-
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Miscellaneous business: Special paper money committee, Mr. Blake, re-
ported as follows: That he had communicated with Mr. W. H. Moran, chief
of Secret Service Division, in regard to the seizure of broken-bank bills and
Confederate currency from the stock of C. F. Clarke & Co., and the stand
they would take with legitimate dealers and collectors of paper money.
Mr. Moran's letters read as follows:
George H. Blake, Esq.,
12 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.:
My dear sir — I have your letter of October 18th, regarding the attitude
of this Bureau toward collectors of paper currency and dealers in broken-
bank bills and Confederate States notes.
In reply I beg to advise you that I am just in receipt of the September
issue of The Numismatist, on pages 346 and 347 of which appears a letter
which Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Leffingwell, addressed to
Congressman William A. Ashbrook, clearly defining the attitude of this
Service on the question, and I quote from this letter a paragraph to em-
phasize it, in order that there may be no mistake with reference to position.
"In reply you are advised that the agents of the Secret Service Division
are suppressing, as far as possible, the indiscriminate sale by curio dealers
and others of Confederate States currency (and fac-similes of it), as well
as defunct State bank issues, because this class of currency has been used
more or less extensively to defraud. It is not the purpose to interfere with
the legitimate business of numismatists and collectors generally, nor the
interchange of single specimens, either through sale or trade; but where
a dealer has a stock of these Confederate and State bank bills which he
places on sale to anybody who wants to purchase, seizures have been made
by the Secret Service, based on a decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit (copy of which is herewith enclosed) to the effect."
I shall be glad at any time to be advised of action taken by agents of
this Service in any individual case where the dealer or collector feels that
he has been too severely dealt with, or that a departure from the policy
described in the above paragraph exists.
I feel sure that a complete understanding on this question will result in
suppressing an unlawful industry and benefit both the legitimate collectors
of this currency and the public, and that we shall have the hearty co-op-
eration of these collectors in our efforts to stamp out the criminal misuse
of broken bank and Confederate States currency.
(Signed) W. H. MORAN, Chief.
Mr. George fl. Blake,
12 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.:
Sir — I have your letter of November 5th, further relative to the attitude
of this Service with reference to collectors and dealers in broken-bank bills
and Confederate States currency, and appreciate your statement that the
Service will have the hearty co-operation of these dealers and collectors in
the effort to suppress the unlawful use of this currency.
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I am not at all sure just what the United States Attorneys in the vari-
ous jurisdictions will advise with reference to dealers, who might be collect-
ors, trafficing in these worthless instruments, particularly where these deal-
ers publicly display the bills for sale. Under such circumstances I fail to
see how such dealers will be able to designate as between persons who de-
sire these things for private collections and those who intend them for un-
lawful use. I should be inclined to let our agents proceed under the law
wherever they find broken bank bills and Confederate States currency of-
fered for sale.
At the same time, I repeat the statement made in my previous letter to
you — that it is not the purpose of this Service to interfere with legitimate
collectors in the sale and exchange among themselves of specimens.
I will look into the Clarke case in order to ascertain whether or not it
is contrary to our attitude above expressed.
(Signed) W. H. MORAN, Chief.
After general discussion, Mr. Blake stated that he would request the
Sercret Service Division to grant a permit to legitimate dealers and collectors
of paper money or to license them.
Mr. Schulman expressed his pleasure in being here again after an ab-
sence of three years. He further stated that all coins in Europe are selling
at extremely high prices, and that a great number of new collectors had
come into the field.
Mr. Steinman extended a cordial invitation to attend the meetings of the
Pacific Coast Numismatic Society to any of our members when visiting
San Francisco, and further stated he was very glad to renew old acquaint-
ances in the East.
Mr. Morgan expressed his pleasure in being with us tonight, and inform-
ed us that he was an ex-cent collector.
Membership Committee reported Mr. Festus Morgan, 136 West 44th
St., for membership.
The Executive Committee reported the topic for December meeting,
**Greek Copper Coins.*'
The Nominating Committee reported as follows:
For President, Dr. D. W. Valentine.
Vice-President, J. M. Swanson.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. C. C. Boyd.
Executive Committee, M. Wormser, J. M. Swanson, Elliott Smith, F. C.
Cf. Boyd.
Membership Committee, B. L. Belden, Geo. H. Blake, Thos. L. Elder,
D. Proskey, D. Butler.
Publication Committee, A. R. Frey, Rowland Wood, Elliott Smith.
Medallic Art Committee, J. M. Swanson, J. Sanford Saltus, E. Beesley,
E. Davidson, J. deLagerberg.
The next order of business was exhibition of Roman Consular Coins.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
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72 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Friday
evening, December 12, 1919, President Frey presiding and the following
members present: Messrs. Beatty, Beesley, Belden, Blake, Dr. Burke, Frey,
Kohler, Newell, Proskey, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wood and Wormser.
Owing to the illness of Secretary Boyd, George H. Blake was asked to
serve. Minutes of meeting of November 14th were read and approved.
Reports from committees were as follows:
Paper Money Committee and Medallic Art Committee reported progress.
Membership Committee presented for ballot the name of Mr. Festus
Morgan, who was unanimously elected.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee reported on the general
good and prosperous condition of the Club, and saw an enlarged field of use-
fulness for the coming year. The election of officers for the year 1920 be-
ing in order, upon motion, the Secretary was instructed to cast one ballot
for the names presented by the Nominating Committee at the November
meeting. This having been done, the President duly declared the following
elected to serve the coming year:
President: Dr. D. W. Valentine.
Vice President: J. M. Swanson.
Secretary-Treasurer: F. C. C. Boyd.
Executive Committee: Moritz Wormser, J. M. Swanson, Elliott
Smith, F. C. C. Boyd.
Membership Committee: B. L. Belden, George H. Blake, Thos. L.
Elder, Dudley Butler, David Proskey.
Publication Committee: A. R. Frey, Rowland Wood, Elliott Smith.
Medallic Art Committee: J. M. Swanson, J. Sanford Saltus, E.
Beesley, A. E. Davidson, J. deLagerberg.
The retiring president then escorted the new president, Dr. Valentine,
to the chair. He made a short speech concerning projected plans for the
Club for the next year.
The next in order were the following exhibits, which were described
by their owners:
Mr. Newell: Ancient Greek Coins.
Dr. Burke: Ancient Greek Coins.
Mr. Beesley: Ancient Greek Coins.
Mr. Smith: Regimental Emblems of Austrian Regiments.
It was voted to continue at our January meeting, the study of "Greek
Copper Coins."
GEORGE H. BLAKE, Acting Secretary.
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Proceedings 1920
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, January 9th, Dr. D. W. Valentine presiding, and the following
members present: Messrs. Beesley, Beatty, Boyd, Burke, Butler, Elder, Frey,
Kotiler, Proskey, -Smith, Swanson, Wood and Wormser.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Executive Committee announced as the subject for the February meet-
ing, "Contemporary Lincoln Medals."
The next order of business was the exhibition of "Greek Copper Coins,"
the continued subject of the last meeting.
Mr. Smith exhibited some large bronzes of Ptolemy VI and VII, head of
Zeus, reverse, eagle on thunderbolt.
Dr. Burke: Large portrait copper coins, Hieron on obverse, reyerse
Viga, in superb condition. Also two smaller portraits of same king. Selec-
tion of copper Greek coins from Campania and all the southern States of
Italy under Greek influence. Coppers from Africa, Carthage and Cyrene,
coins from all the Greek islands and from Greece proper. Some rare speci-
mens from the northern portion of the Black Sea dating as early as 350 B.
C. All of Dr. Burke's exhibits were in the finest state of preservation.
D. Proskey: Small portion of Mr. Proskey 's collection of ancient Greek
coins including Ptolemaic Egyptian series, selected mainly for types, 433
Mr. Beesley exhibited 16 pieces in very fine condition from his collection
of Greek coins.
Mr. Wood exhibited a medal issued by the city of Detroit in memory of
one who died in the cause of humanity.
E. Smith: Medal given by State of Pennsylvania to the members of the
National Guard who saw service on the Mexican border.
Dr. Valentine: First issue fifty-cent fractional currency, inverted re-
verse. Dr. Valentine stated that this is the first one that he has heard of.
Mr. Wormser: Saxony-Poland (1733), Frederick Augustus, Butterfly
Thaler of 32 gros on his death; 1910 gold 10-kr., Norway; Transylvania,
Stephen Bocskay 10 ducats, 1605; Transylvania, Sigismund Rakoszy, 10
ducats, 1607.
Dr. Valentine, Mr. Proskey, Dr. Burke and Mr. Wormser gave very in-
teresting talks on their exhibits.
The Membership Committee reported the name of Mr. Hans Deering, 17
Battery Place, New York City, for membership, which will come up for ac-
tion at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10 P. M.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Friday
evening, February 13th, at the New Grand Hotel, Dr. D. W. Valentine pre-
sdiing. The following members were present: Messrs. Beesley, Boyd, Blake,
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74 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Butler, deLagerberg, Elder, Frey, Hesslein, Kohler, Proskey, Smith, Swan-
son, Valentine, Wood and Wyman.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
Paper Money Committee: Mr. Blake reported progress.
Membership Committee reported favorably on the application of Mr.
Hans Deering, 17 Battery Place, New York City. Mr. Deering was elected
Executive Committee reported the subject for the next meeting: "Wash-
ing on Medals Issued Prior to 1860," and a general discussion to institute
a new policy for the running of thB Club.
The subject for the evening was "Lincoln Medals," and the exhibitors
were as follows: Messrs. Proskey, Boyd, Smith and Elder.
Mr. Wyman gave an interesting talk on his recent trip to Europe.
The Secretary was requested to send a letter of condolence to our mem-
ber, Mr. Moritz Wormser, upon the recent loss of his wife, and a letter of
condolence to the sister of Mr. Henry C. Miller, our member, who died re-
Meeting adjourned at 10.45.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Friday
evening, March 12th, Dr. D. W. Valentine presiding. The following mem-
bers were present: Messrs. Beesley, Boyd, Blake, Belden, Elder, Frey, Koh-
ler, Low, Lipper, Proskey, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wood and Wormser.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Subject for the meeting: "Washington Medals Issued Prior to 1850."
Mr. Low exhibited a Washington Confederatio Cent, and also a set of
rare half cents from 1840 to 1849 inclusive, also 1796 with pole, and 179 7.
Mr. Elliott Smith: A 25c. solid-disk Fessenden.
Dr. D. W. Valentine: 1881 $3 gold piece.
Mr. D. Proskey: Washington Cent, small and large eagle, proof, and
Georgius Triumpho proof.
A general discussion relative to the new policies in conducting the
meetings was gone into very thoroughly, and the propositions put forward
by the Executive Committee were accepted with the exception of one.
The subject for the next meeting will be "The Coins and Medals of
The Membership Committee reported the name of Mr. Dan Fellows
Piatt, Englewood, N. J.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15.
F. C. C. BOYD, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, April 9th, 1920, at the New Grand Hotel, President Valentine
presiding. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Dr. Burke, Messrs. Beatty,
Blake, Butler, Boyd, Davidson, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Pulis, Reilly,
Smith, Swanson, Wood, Wormser, Wyman, and Belden, and, by invitation,
Mr. Westervelt.
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The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The President announced the subject of the meeting, "Coins and Medals
of Holland," and also invited the members to exhibit such new acquisitions
in other lines as they might consider of interest.
The Executive Committee reported the following recommendations:
That the striking of the President Frey Medal be authorized.
That the subject for the next meeting be: "Your selection of Swedish
Coins and Medals," and that a notice be sent to the Swedish newspapers.
It was moved and carried that the report of the Executive Committee be
accepted and the recommendations adopted.
The Membership Committee reported favorably the name of Mr. Dan
Fellows Piatt, of Englewood, N. J., and Mr. Piatt was unanimously elected
a member of the Club.
The nomination for membership of Mr. Leonidas Westervelt, proposed
by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Elder, was received, and referred to the
Membership Committee.
Mr. Boyd stated that he had been requested by Chicago representatives
of the A. N. A. to convey to the members of the Club a cordial invitation to
attend the Convention in Chicago in August next.
It was moved and carried that notice of the Club meetings be sent to
the editor of the Evening Post.
It was moved and carried that a one-sixteenth page advertisement of
the Club meetings be put in The Numismatist for one year.
It was moved and carried that Mr. Frey be invited to read a paper on
an event in Swedish history at the May meeting.
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Frey: A complete set of the copper siege pieces of Deventer in
practically uncirculated condition. These were found during some excava-
tions in that town a few years ago. The set comprises the ^, 1, 2, and 4
sols, struck during the siege of 1578.
By Dr. Valentine: A few copper and silver coins of modern Holland, also
a few copper coins of Dutch Colonies — 1 of Surabuya and 1 in silver of Cura-
cao. Gold dollars, Philadelphia mint, 1863 and 1865.
By Mr. Wormser: Holland, 8 gold pieces from Louis Napoleon to Queen
Wilhelmina; 1 guilder of Dutch Indies, 1802; ducaton of West Frisia for
East India Company. SiBveral new acquisitions.
By Mr. J. Guttag: Set of copper, silver and gold pieces of revolutionary
coinage of Oaxaca; medal on first President of Lithuania; two pieces of
Bryan money; Colombia, 10 pesos, gold, 1919.
By Mr. Blake: Rare and unusual denominations of state bank notes,
consisting of the following: $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $6.00,
$7.00, $8.00, $9.00, $15.00, $25.00.
By Mr. Proskey: Silver coins of Holland under the kings: William I, 5,
10, 25 cents, %, 1, 3 guilders, 1818-40, also proofs of 10 and 25 cents,
1818, and broad guilder, 1837; William II, 10 and 25 cents, proofs, 1849,
^, 1, 2^ guilders, 1845-9, also the 1841 21/2 guilders with "Van Der Kel-
len" in full under bust, and a proof pattern 10 cents, 1843, with Gothic
"W under beribboned crown; William III, 5, 10, 25 cents, ^, 1, 2^
guilders, 1849-71, all proof but last; Wilhelmina, 5 cents to 2^ guilders,
1892-1915, the three types of portrait. Total, 38 pieces.
As a recent acquisition Mr. Proskey showed the very rare medal in silver
illustrating the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12 and 13, 1861, with
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1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
1 2
Three Rare American Medals Shown by Mr. David Froskey,
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reverse, "To Maj. Robert Anderson, U. S. A., from the Citizens of Ntw York
City, as a Slight Tribute to His Patriotism." 70mm. diameter.
There are illustrated herewith, three rare American medals shown by
Mr. David Proskey at meetings of the Club:
1. Medal by Furst, De Witt Clinton, Mayor of New York, rev. view
of City Hall. Founded May 26, 1803, Occupied May 1813.
2. Bronze medal by Muller in honor of Defenders of Fort Pickens for
The Chamber of Commerce of New York.
3. J. Fenimore Cooper Medal for Jesse D. Elliott by B. Lovett.
On motion adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
The "Sumter" Medal, Shown by Mr. David Proskey.
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78 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening. May 14, 1920, at the Grand Hotel, President Valentine presid-
ing. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs. Beatty, Beesley, Butler, de-
Lagerberg, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Reilly, Smith, fiwanson. Wormser,
Wyman and Belden, and, by invitation, Messrs. L. Westervelt, Victor Berg-
er, Ernest R. Wernstrom, Peter O. Tremblay, V. Kindberg, Henry B. Curry,
R. Robertson and Guy deLagerberg.
The minutes of the meeting of April 9 were read and approved.
After welcoming the guests, the President announced the subject of the
meeting: "Your Selection of Swedish Coins and Medals.*'
The exhibits were as follows:
By Dr. Valentine: Some modern silver and copper coins of Sweden, and
a few of the older series.
By Mr. deLagerberg: Coins: (silver) Carl XI, 1607, % Mark; Gustavus
Adolphus II, *'Erfurt Thaler," 7 Sept., 1631-1632; (copper) "Arboga Fyrck,"
1624; Carl II, 1661, 2^ Ore K. M. (so-called **Avesta 2% Ore"). Royal
Medals: Carl XI. (Hildebrand I describes this medal on page 440, "For-
eign work. Sweden's prosperity and independency to foreign relations lat-
ter part of king's reign.") Only specimen known, but this one is held,
struck in lead, by the Reichsbank in Munich, Bavaria. Christina. (Hilde-
brand describes this medal, page 313, "The queen's desire to prove her
independency. Obverse, handsome large decolette bust to right, name.
Reverse, allegorical scene, Paradise bird among the clouds, "Libero i Nacqvi
e Morro Sciolto.") Gustaf Prins of Vasa. Obverse, the bust of Prince
Gustaf to right, with inscription "Prins Gustaf af Vasa." Reverse, crowned
laurel branch curved like a "C," inside of which the inscription, "Till Carola
Drottning af Sachsen den 5th Augusti 188'3," by M. deLagerberg and A.
Lindberg. Private Medals: Count Carl August Ehrensward jeton. (Hilde-
brand I, page 246, describes the piece, viz.: Obverse without inscription,
the bust to right. On the edge a string of pearls. Without reverse. Diam.
6% lin. (Swedish scale). Designed by C. Enhorning"). Miscellaneous:
St. Bartholomew, Swedish West Indies (ceded to France in 1877), a crown
counterstamped on U. S. Cent of 1802. From the Howorth Collection. Cur-
rency: No. 95285, "Nio Daler Kopparmynt," Stockholm, 31st January, 1774.
No. 86182, "Tio Schillangar Koppar Skiljemynt," Stockholm, 27th July,
By Mr. Wormser: Coins and medals of time of Swedish world power:
Ducats and Thaler of Gustavus Adolphus, struck at Augsburg, Erfurt, Nurn-
berg, in Germany; Double Thaler of Gustavus Adolphus, on horseback,
struck in Germany; medal on victory at Leipzig, with spirited battle scene;
two Ducats and Thaler of Christine for Pomerania; Thaler of Swedish Chan-
celor. Axel Oxenstierna; Crown and Ducat of Charles XI for Riga, in Baltic
Provinces; medal of Charles XH's visit at Bender, in Turkey — the downfall
of Swedish world power.
By Mr. Guttag: Swedish copper-plate money; 4-Daler of Frederick, 2-
Daler of Charles XI, two % Daler of Adolph Frederick, % -Daler of Fred-
erick I.
By Mr. Berger: Several specimens of the earliest Swedish copper coins.
By Mr. Proskey: Medal, by Furst, showing portrait of DeWitt Clinton
as Mayor of New York, with reverse, view of the City Hall, "Founded May
26, 1803, Occupied May 4, 1813." This is the first medal of its kind seen
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here. Brazil, 20,000 Reis, gold, 1724, John V. A series of medals of va-
rious kings of Sweden, mainly the work of Hedlinger. Fifty-one pieces.
By Mr. Beesley: Swedish copper-plate money; 4-Daler, 1736; 2-Daler,
1720; 1-Daler, 1742; %-Daler, 1744.
By Mr. Swanson: Portrait medal of Adolph Lindberg, former engraver
of the mint, by his son, Eric Lindberg, present engraver of the mint, and re-
garded as one of the best medalists at the present time.
By Mr. Kohler: A few modern Swedish gold coins, among them one
having an overdate similar to our early gold coins.
By Mr. Blake (through Mr Smith): Swedish plate money; i^-Daler,
1744; 4-Daler, 1739.
By Mr. Butler: Papal Scudo, 1829; Thaler of Hamburg, 1604; Duca-
ton struck for Utrecht, 1778.
By Mr. Elder: Unique gilt proof of a medal of Edwin Booth; bust to
left in heavy wreath; reverse, Edwin Booth on a tablet, with a sprig, "Born
November 18th, 1833; Died June 7th, 1893."
By Mr. Reilly: Japanese silver plates; 3 Akita Province, of 18.4, 9.2
and 4.6 momme; 1 Yamagata of 8 momme, and 1 large plate or oban of 44
momme, stamped for both Akita and Yamagata.
By Mr. Wyman: Eight Roman Republican Denarii, remarkable for con-
dition, including a very rare one issued in Spain during the time of Augustus
Mr. Frey read an interesting account of an historical tragedy of the
year 1657. The story dealt with the revengeful disposition of Christina,
Queen of Sweden, and how she contrived the assassination of her equerry,
the Marquis Monaldeschi.
It was moved and carried that the thanks of the Club be tendered to
Mr. Frey for his interesting paper.
The Executive Committee recommended the following subject for the
next meeting: "The Work of American Artists As Illustrated on U. S. Cents
and Patterns."
The Membership Committee reported favorably on the name of Mr.
Leonidas Westervelt, and he was unanimously elected a member of the Club.
The nominations for membership of Messrs. Victor Berger, 108 Park
Row, New York, and Ernest R. Wernstrom, 516 Third Avenue, New York,
both proposed by Mr. deLagerberg and seconded by Mr. Belden, were re-
ceived and referred to the Membership Committee.
On motion adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, June 11th, 1920, at the Grand Hotel, President Valentine pre-
siding. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs. Beattj^, Beesley, Blake,
Elder, Frey, Guttag, Kohler, Newell, Noe, Proskey, Raymond, Reilly, Smith,
Swanson, Wormser, Wyman and Belden, and, by invitation, Mr. Edward
Flieder, of Seattle.
The minutes of the meeting of May 14th were read and approved.
The President announced the subject of the meeting: "The Work of
American Artists as Illustrated on United States Coins and Patterns."
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80 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Exhibits were as follows:
By Dr. Valentine: Colonial cents of Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecti-
cut, New Jersey, and two Fugios.
By Mr. Wormser: U. S. A. current coins; St. Gall klippe thaler; South
African Republic War "Pond"; William IV 2 mohurs; Westphalia, 10 thal-
ers; Mecklenburg, Fred. Wm., 2 ducats; Elizabeth of Russia, St. Andrew
ducat; Basel, 2 ducats; Schaffhausen ducat; Cleves and Geldria thaler;
Isenburg, 2 ducats.
By Mr. Proskey: The question having been raised as to the ability of
our American die-sinkers to design coins equal to those of other countries,
this exhibitor endeavored to show that the United States Mint pattern for
coins in past decades indicate that our artists have equalled and excelled
those of foreign countries of the same periods, but our officials have not
selected competent judges to select the best or most beautiful designs from
the many patterns made in the mint, as may be proved by our currency
since about 1840, the ugliest having always been selected, with very few
1850 3 Cents, radiant Liberty cap. Reverse, palm wreath enclosing
1860, 1861 $5, Liberty profile facing right with starred Phrygian cap.
Reverse, upright flying eagle.
1861-2-3 $10. Regular types of current issues, with mottoes '"God Our
Trust" added over eagle. It required five years to decide this matter, as in
1866 the motto "In God We Trust" first appears on the gold and silver
currency. This delay may have been owing to the Civil War, and the au-
thorities were not sure of "Gott Mit Uns."
1867 5 Cents, by J. B. Longacre, plumed profile of Liberty facing left.
Reverse, large "V" on decorative shield — the most beautiful design made
for our minor coins.
1870 $1, 50, 25, 10, 5 Cents. Female seated facing left, shield and Lib-
erty pole at side. Reverse, values in figures within wreaths of cotton, corn
and wheat.
1870 $1, same obverse, with reverse of the regular issue.
1870 50, 25, 10 Cents. Phrygian Liberty similar to that on the 1860-1
$5 patterns preceding; also one with starry diadem and another with plain
coronet. Reverses, values in figures in oak and olive wreaths, date below
wreath, "Standard Silver" above; 50, 25, and 10 Cents of each type. These
were made smaller than the regular issues, owing to the prevailing pre-
miums on all silver and gold money, which gradually decreased until specie
payments were resumed around 1880.
1871 25 and 10 Cents, Indian Princess seated on a globe holds a Liberty
pole. Reverses, values in figures in wreaths of cotton, corn and wheat.
1871 $1, Half and Quarter Dollar, Dime and Half Dime, seated Indian
Princess as on preceding, but with stars added. Reverses, same as on reg-
ular issues of this date.
1872 Doubly Eagle, same as regular type, the beautiful work of Long-
1872 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2i-^, $1, by Barber. Profile to left with Phry-
gian cap. Reverses, eagle standing on three arrows supports a shield on
1872 Dollar, Half and Quarter, by Barber. Columbia seated, facing left,
rests her left arm on shield and broadsword, her right extended over a
defiant eagle. Reverses, eagle and shield as on last preceding.
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1873 Trade Dollars, set of six, from which was selected for currency
the most stupid design for obverse, with a new "marvelous" eagle on re-
verse which the observer may have difficulty in determining whether its
breast or back Is portrayed.
1877 Dime, diademed profile of Liberty to left. Reverse, same as reg-
ular issue.
1877 Eagle, large profile of Liberty to left with Phrygian cap. Reverse,
eagle with upraised wings.
1877 Half Dollars, set of ten different, nine obverses with nine revers-
es, one pair muled.
187 8 Half Eagles, three different, and Quarter Eagle similar to one of
them; all excelling any adopted since 1834.
1879 and 1880 Dollars of the various goloid series, four different heads
of each date. *
1879 Double Eagle, type of the regular Longacre issue, but the weight
and alloys recorded between the stars.
1879 Dollar, female head with cotton and wheat on cap, same as the
adopted type (by Morgan) of 1878. Reverse, large upright eagle with
^wings extended downward.
1881 Five Cents, like the obverse adopted in 1883, but reverse a iarge
^*V'* in wreath of cotton , corn and wheat. This and the 1867 specimen
show that the "V nickel without Cents" was no new thing.
The aforementioned designs were exhibited by Mr. Proskey to shov."^
also the great difference in the work and designs from those produced by
non-coin die-sinkers whose medallic designs, however fitting for display
medals, were unfit in the opinion of Mr. Proskey "for the uses of a circulat-
ing medium on account of the easily abraided large designs on surfaces un-
protected by proper rims."
By Mr. Smith: U. S. flying-eagle cent, no date, no inscription; mem-
bers* badge Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; markmanship medal, third class,
U. S. Army; two coins of one of the Cleopatras; French medal, Palmes Uni-
versitaire; Croix de Guerre, 1914-1918; Croix de Guerre, two miniatures,
different sizes; Hungarian war medal in silver of the revolution; Austrian
medal in silver of Franz, officers' and under-officers' badge of Niemburg
(this war) ; medal given by the people of the Rockaways to soldiers of this
war; brass badge of honor and welcome to the Imperial Japanese Commis-
sion, 1917; Decoration of Morocco; Medal of Holland dated 1781, free-
dom of the seas in silver; medal of Holland, naval victory, 1781 in silver;
two trial pieces for medal to soldiers of the Spanish-American War.
By Mr. Guttag: Panama-Pacific complete set, $2.50 and $5, Pratt, gold;
$10 (two varieties), $20 (two varieties) (St. Gaudens).
By Mr. Wyman: Denarius of L. Piso Frugi, a rare variety with the
horseman on the reverse to the left instead of to the right as is usual; de-
narii (2) of C. Piso Frugi, interesting because from the same dies, and thus
indicating that the various symbols, letters, etc., are for the purpose of
distinguishing dies.
By Mr. Raymond: Syracuse medallion of the finest period of Creek
coinage; gold octodrachm of Ptolemy III of Egypt; Roman gold aurei of
Augustus Tiberius with head of the deified Augustus; and Sept. Severus
electrum hecte of Ionia and Lesbos; double zecchino of Antignate with por-
trait of Giovanni II Bentivoglio (1494-1509).
Mr. Blake of the Special Paper Money Committee stated that a full ac-
count of the activities and conclusions of the committee had been published
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82 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
in The Numismatist, and he would therefore only report that the committee
had finished its work, and would request its discharge. It was moved and
carried that the report be received and the committee discharged with
The Treasurer reported a cash balance on hand, June 1st, of $293.03,
and accounts receivable amounting to $203.50. It was moved and carried,
that the report be received and placed on file.
The Executive Committee reported the subject for the next meeting:*.
"Colonial and Continental Paper Money." It was moved and carried ttiat
the report be accepted.
The Membership Committee reported favorably on the nominations for
membership of Messrs. Victor Berger and Ernest R. Wernstrom, and they
were unanimously elected to membership.
The President called on the guest of the evening, Afr. Flieder, who
made some interesting remarks, stating, among other things, that the reve-
nue authorities in Seattle required the payment of a war tax on sales of
coins. He was advised by several members of the Club to make a protest
to the authorities in Washington.
On motion adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day, July 9th, 1920, at the Hotel Navarre, President Valentine presiding.
Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs. Arnold, Beatty, Beesley, Blake,
Boyd, Elder, Guttag, Kohler, Proskey, Sears, Smith, Swanson, Wernstrom,
Wormser, Wyman, and Belden, and by invitation, Messrs. D. L. Angell, of
Milwaukee, and Carl T. Naumburg, of New York.
The minutes of the meeting of June 11th were read and approved.
The President announced the subject of the meeting: ''Colonial and
Continental Paper Money.**
Dr. Valentine exhibited a number of specimens showing the different
kinds of paper used — plain laid ,watermarked, pulpy fibre, split fibre, silk
fibre on surface and in body of paper, and mica on surface.
Mr. Proskey brought his very large collection, from which he exhibited
many interesting specimens, the room being inadequate to display the en-
tire collection.
New acquisitions exhibited were as follows:
Dr. Valentine: Gold Dollar, 1855, D mint; three unsevered sheets of
Civil War cardboard tokens, 1, 2 and 3 cents.
Mr. Guttag: New Italian issue, 1919, 5c.; recent paper money of Aus-
tria, Hungary, Poland, Servia, and Czecho-Slovakia.
Mr. Sears: Continental Dollar in brass.
Mr. Wormser: Hanau thaler of Fred. Casimir; Choire, thaler of Joseph
Mohr de Zernetz; Lucerne, 12 munz gulden; Wurtemberg, 1798 thaler,
regular issue and pattern.
Mr. Arnold: France, satirical 10 centimes, 1870, Napoleon III wearing
German helmet, reverse Owl.
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Mr. Wyman: Austrian paper fractional currency, issued since the armis-
tice, by the smaller towns.
Mr. Nauraburg: Williams College bronze war service medal.
The Executive Committee reported that word was received from the
manager of the Grand Hotel on Saturday last that the hotel dining-room
liad been closed, but that the Club could be accommodated at the Hotel
Navarre, which proposition was accepted for this meeting.
The subject recommended for the next meeting was: **Medals of Joan
of Arc, Coins of Charles VII of France and Henry VI of England." It was
moved and carried that the report be accepted and the recommendation
The following nominations for new members were received and referred
to the Membership Committee: Robert Robertson, 144 33rd Street, Brook-
lyn, proposed by Rud. Kohler; Carl T. Naumburg, 60 Wall Street, New
York, proposed by Moritz Wormser.
It was moved and carried that the selection of the place for the next
meeting be referred to the Executive Committee, with power.
On motion adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, August 13, 1920, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth avenue, Presi-
dent Valentine presiding. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs. Beatty,
Berger, Butler, Connor, Davidson, Elder, Frey, Outtag, Kohler, Proskey,
Smith, Swanson, Wernstrom, Wormser, Wyman and Belden, and as guests,
Mrs. Dudley Butler and Mr. Robert Robertson.
The minutes of the meeting of July 9 were read and approved.
The President announced the subject of the meeting: Medals of Joan
of Arc, Coins of Charles VII of France and Henry VI of England.
Dr. Valentine: Gros blanc of Charles VI and Charles VII of France;
half groat of Henry VI, London mint, and groat of Henry VI, Calais mint.
Mr. Belden: Galvano plaquette, Joan of Arc, by Giovani Cariati.
Mr. Proskey: Portrait medals of Charles VII of France and Henry VI
of England.
Mr. Smith: Thirty silver and bronze medals of Joan of Arc.
Mr. Kohler: Bronze medal of Joan of Arc; silver groat of Henry VI of
England, Calais mint.
Mr. Wormser: Medal of the American Numismatic Society on the visit
of the Anglo-French Commission, showing Joan of Arc as representing
France; gold coins of Henry VI and Charles VII.
New acquisitions were exhibited as follows:
Mr. Proskey: Peruvian medal recording the burning of their bank notes
in 1877; box medals of 1892 campaign, Harrison and Morton, Cleveland and
Stevenson, made like four double eagles stacked, first seen here; Kane Lodge
of New York, Masonic medal showing Dr. Kane in Arctic region; St. Chris-
topher medal for automobilists, insuring safety; medal of a Brooklyn Fair,
April, 1869, of the "Woman's U. S. S. of A. for Heathen Lands," first seen
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84 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
here; silver medal with five bars of the New York Columbus celebration,
1892, Committee of 100, ''Executive,** of which only 4 were struck (in sil-
ver); half dime of 1849, counterstamped "Good for 5c. in Trade at the
Bar"; Nero, large bronze, showing the unusual profile to left.
Mr. Berger: Swedish 5 ore, 1895, reverse incuse.
Mr. Wyman: Gold aureus of Mark Antony and Augustus Caesar struck
in Gaul just before the final break between the two rulers.
Mr. Guttag: Set of five specimens of paper money issued in North
Mr. Wormser: Courland thaler of 1645 and ducat of 1780; Landau
siege piece, 1702; Bouillon, 5 francs, 1815; Palatinate, Ferdinand, 5 ducats,
and Charles II, ducat, 1788; Nuremberg, Joseph, 2 thalers.
The Executive Committee made the following recommendations: That
Kelly's Restaurant be the permanent meeting place of the Club; that the
topic for the September meeting be: Selections from your collection of World
War decorations, badges and medals. It was moved and carried that the
two recommendations of the Executive Committee be adopted.
The Membership Committee reported favorably on the following nom-
inations for membership: Mr. Carl T. Naumburg, 60 Wall Street, New York
City; Mr. Robert Robertson, 140 33d street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Both were
unanimously elected members of the Club.
After welcoming the guests, President Valentine, on behalf of the Club,
presented a gold watch, pencil and chain to Mr. J. M. Swanson, the designer
of the Club medals.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Friday
evening, September 10th, at 8 P. M., at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Ave.,
New York City, Dr. Valentine, President, presiding. The following members
were present: Messrs. Beatty, Berger, Blake, Butler, Connor, Davidson,
Elder, Kohler, Newell, Proskey, Riley, Robertson, Smith, Swanson, Wern-
strom, Westervelt and Wormser, and as guest, Mrs. Butler.
After the roll call the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and
The Executive Committee recommended as the subject for the next
meeting, "Your Selection From Your Collection of Civil War Pennies." The
subject was approved, with an amendment proposed by Mr. Proskey of
"Irish Gun Money" as an additional subject.
A copy of the "Bolletino del Cercolo Numismatico Napoletano" for 1920
was received with thanks and placed among the Club records.
The subject for the exhibition of the evening was "World War Decora-
tions, Badges and Medals." The following were shown:
By Mr. Elliott Smith: Canadian badge, exemption from war service,
bronze; Great Britain, open scroll badge "For King and Empire, Services
Rendered," silver; Czecho-Slovakia, bronze, with ribbon.
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By Mr. Foster Yawger and Mrs. H. H. Yawger of Rochester: Rochester
Medal for war service; Rochester Mother's Medal; Naval aviation insignia.
By Mr. Proskey: Medaille Militaire. Iron Cross.
By Mr. Davidson: Medals and badges awarded to L. H. Davidson;
Krench medal for field service; New Rochelle city badge; Italian decoration
**A1 Valore Militare, Piave 18-21 June, 1918," and documents.
By Mr. Connor: A selection of about 160 pieces from his very large col-
lection, illustrating very fully all our manifold war activities, among them
the following: Bars for boys' war gardens. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
awards, Limit Club Pin for purchase of $1000 W. S. S. Tiffany silver med-
al for sale of $5000 W. S. S. Pin for sale of $15,000 W. S. S. 32 Honor
medals of merit of cities. States and other communities given to returning
soldiers. Badges as follows: Red Cross Field Service; Military Census of
different States; 32nd Michigan Auxiliary; Shipbuilding; Harbor Defense
League of New York; Public Safety of Jersey; W. S. S.; War Chest Medals.
**Token of Gratitude given by Boys of Camp Merritt." Identification tag,
Loyal Order of Moose. Philadelphia Schools Essay Contest, first prize.
Liberty Loan, U. S. Treasury and local district medals. Hawaii Junior Work-
ing Reserve Badge. A collection of buttons, among them the following: U.
S. exemption registered military service; New Brunswick Home Defense
League; Volunteer Reserve Signal Corps; National Defense League of differ-
ent localities, and National Security League; 14th U. S. N. A. Auxiliary;
Colorado Springs Reserve Watch.
Among the new acquisitions there were shown by Mr. Robertson a col-
lection of Swedish coins; 1 ortug of Carl VIII Knutson; 1 ore, Sigismund of
Stockholm; 5 ore klippe, 1568, of Erik XIV; 4 marks of Carl and Gustavus
By Mr. Swanson: Medal of the Belgian Society of the Friends of the
By Mr. Proskey: Chicago A. N. A. medal; two very thick and large
bronze medals by C. G. Woolsey of himself and of his friend John Allen.
MORITZ WORMSER, Secretary pro tem.
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, October 8th, 1920, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Avenue,
President Valentine presiding. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs.
Beatty, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Elder, Guttag, Heaton, Higgins, Kohler, Pros-
key, Reilly, Smith, Wood, Wormser, and Belden, and, by invitation, Mr.
Leonard Kusterer of Bridgeport, Conn.
The minutes of the meeting of September 10th were read and approved.
The President announced the topic of the meeting: Your selection from
your collection of Civil War Pennies and Irish Gun Money.
The exhibits were as follows:
By Dr. Valentine: Several silver Civil War cents and one specimen of
Irish Gun Money.
By Mr. Guttag: Civil War tokens issued at the following cities: Iron-
ton, Mo.; Boston, Mass.; Winona, Minn.; Providence, R. I.; Huntsville^
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Ala.; Norfolk, Va.; Newport, Ky.; Nashville, Tenn.; Wheeling, W. Va. ;
Bangor, Me.; Washington, D. C; Worcester, Mass.; Leavenworth, Kans.;
Norwich, Conn.; Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
By Mr. Proskey: One hundred and eighteen Civil War tokens issued in
1863 in the following Western localities:
Illinois — Chemung, Chicago, Dekalb, Dixon, El Paso, Freeport, Lena,
La Salle, Mendota, Peru, Rockford, Sycamore.
Indiana — Elkhart. Madison, South Bend, Peru.
Iowa — Cedar Rapids.
Ohio — Cincinnati, Cleveland, West Jefferson, Woodsfield, Piqua, Stry-
Michigan — Adrian, Albion, Almont, Ann Arbor, Bay City, Battle Creek,
Corunna, Dowagiac, East Saginaw, Flint, Grand Rapids, Hudson, Hillsdale,
Ionia, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lawton, Lyons, Lowell, Marshall, Maple Rapids,
Morenci, Niles, Paw Paw, Pontiac, Saginaw City, Salina, Schoolcraft, Tecum-
seh, Ypsilanti.
Wisconsin — ^Columbus, Fond du Lac, Janesville, Kenosha, Madison, Ra-
cine, Watertown.
Twenty-five tokens issued in New York City bearing Washington heads,
in nickel and german silver, unusual metals; Benjamin & Herrick, Albany,
in brass, from the very first dies, which broke.
Ninety-nine specimens of gun money, issued by James II in Ireland,
1689 and 1690, consisting of eight crowns or five-shilling pieces, thirty-seven
half crowns, forty-five shillings, one of which is silver, and nine sixpence;
five Limerick siege tokens, 1691.
New acquisitions were exhibited as follows:
By yr. Smith: Half Disme, 1792, extremely fine; half cent, 1793, un-
circulated; quarter eagle, 1796, uncirculated; five sovereigns, 1887, Queen
Victoria jubilee; medal in copper struck by Germany to give her troops for
entry into Paris in 1914, and a number of gold and silver coins.
By Mr. Belden: Copper badge, two sizes, of the National Association of
Mexican War Veterans; Pennsylvania First Defenders* Medal, Civil War;
badge, Veterans, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Civil War; badge, Veterans,
23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Civil War.
By Mr. Guttag: New issues of nickel coins: 5 and 10 centimes, Ecua-
dor; 50 centimes, Italy; 25 ore, Denmark; 50 ore, Norway.
By Mr. Wormser: United States, Maine Centennial Half Dollar; Fursten-
berg, quadruple Mining Crown; Russia, Peter the Great, two gold and one
silver medal on naval victories; Sweden, Charles XI, Ducat; Warsaw, ducat,
1812; Belgium, 20 francs 1914, in both languages; Piacenza, Eduardo Far-
nese, 4 ducats; Transylvania, Leopold, octagonal ducat; Olmutz, Charles,
5 ducats; two crowns for Bremen and Verdun; Baden, ducat of Amelia
By Mr. Blake: $1.00 legal-tender note, Series of 1917, signature of
Treasurer placed in error on the left half of note and the signature of the
Register on the right half. This note has just been discovered in circula-
tion. It is understood that a large number of these notes were printed.
By Mr. Kohler: Half scudo. Gold, 1759, Madrid mint, of Charles III,
first year; American mint's earliest date of Charles III is 1760; type is same
as that of Ferd. VI. The later issues in 70s and 80s have a different type.
By Mr. Proskey: 12^-cent note, July, 1815, Paterson, N. J., Bank;
Washington medal, 1913, for Sons of Revolution, heavy bronze; Washing-
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ton placque, by "Kelly after Peale," oblong square bronze; 1789, Santiago
Proclamation 2 Reals of Charles IV, for Juan Lucas Perez.
The Executive Committee recommended as the topic for the November
meeting, Ohio in Numismatics. Recommendation adopted.
Next in order was the election of the Nominating Committee, which re-
sulted in the unanimous election of Messrs. Proskey, Blake and Butler.
It was moved and carried that the Secretary write to the General Secre-
tary of the American Numismatic Association, calling his attention to the
error in his annual report, published on page 425 of the October Numis-
matist, which states that this Club is a branch member of the American
Numismatic Association, and requesting that this error be corrected in a
subsequent number of The Numismatist.
The nomination for membership of Mr. Leonard Kusterer, proposed by
Elliott Smith and seconded by Dr. Valentine, was received and referred to
the Membership Committee.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary,
A regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on Fri-
day evening, November 12th, 1920, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Avenue,
President Valentine presiding. Members present: Dr. Valentine, Messrs.
Adams, Beatty, Beesley, Berger, Blake, Butler, Frey, Kohler, Newell, Pros-
key, fimith, Westervelt, Wood, Wormser and Belden, and, by invitation, Mr.
Walter A. Pleisher of Philadelphia.
The minutes of the meeting of October 8th were read and approved.
The President announced the topic of the evening: "Ohio in Numis-
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Proskey: Ohio war tokens in various metals — silver, nickel,
brass and copper — 408 pieces; of Cincinnati, 350 pieces; a total of 758
pieces; a few Ohio store cards not in the main collection; Ohio State war
medal, 1861-5; Cincinnati Exposition, Ohio Valley, 1910, medal, silver;
Garfield Statue Medal, reverse the Cleveland Memorial Building; Ohio bank
notes and minor rebellion issues, 58 notes. Also freak New York tokens
struck on one side, and several rare "mules."
By Mr. Kohler: $3 note, Granville Alexandria Society, Granville, O.;
$1 note, Jefferson Bank of New Salem; $1 note, Cincinnati & Whitewater
Canal Co.; $5 note, Miami Exporting Company.
By Mr. Smith: The Kirtland Safety Society Bank bill for $3, signed by
J. Smith, Jr., Cashier.
By Mr. Blake: Two $5 national bank notes of first charter period, one
on First National Bank of Ashland, O., and one on Farmers' National Bank
of Ashtabula, O.
New acquisitions:
By Mr. Frey: A rare uniface copper heller of Buckhorn, Wurttemberg,
without date, but issued about 1703. This coin bears the punning device of
a, beech tree (German Buche) pulled up by the roots, and a horn.
By Mr. Adams: A gold doubloon of Peru, dated 1839, REPUBLICA
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PERUANA, struck at the Cuzco mint, the first gold coin issued after the
confederation of North and South Peru. A pattern piece issued for the Re-
public of Colombia for one escudo, dated 1834, showing the unusual design
of seven crowns in the centre of the reverse. Also what purports to be a
silver proclamation piece of Ferdinand VI of Spain, with V. F. 7th on the
obverse and a crown in the centre of the reverse field. The last two pieces
are unpublished.
By Mr. Westervelt: Jenny Lind Medal recently received from Sweden.
By Mr. Smith: Roman "Tribute Penny" in very fine condition.
By Mr. Blake: Medal of the World's Fair, Chicago, 1892.
By Mr. Wormser: City of Crailsheim, Germany, 5, 10, and 50 Pfg. pieces,
1918, with obscene historical scene, apropos of blockade of Germany.
The Nominating Committee reported the following recommendations
for officers and committees, to be voted upon at the annual meeting in De-
President, A. R. Frey; Vice-President, B. L. Belden; Secretary and
Treasurer, J. M. Swanson; Executive Committee, Elliott Smith, J. M. Swan-
son, George H. Blake, F. C. C. Boyd; Membership Committee, Thomas L.
Elder, Dr. Valentine, D. Butler, W. G. Beatty, D. Proskey; Publication Com-
mittee, A. R. Frey, H. Wood, Dr. Valentine; Medallic Art Committee, M.
Wormser, J. Sanford Saltus, R. Robertson, A. E. Davidson, E. Beesley.
The Secretary reported that the error in the report of the General Secre-
tary of the A. N. A., which stated that the Club was a branch member,
which was published in the October issue of The Numismatist, was correct-
ed in the November issue, and read the correspondence relating thereto.
The Executive Committee recommended that the December meeting,
which is the annual meeting, be Ladies' Night, and that the topic for the
meeting be "Ladies on Coins." Recommendation adopted.
The Membership Committee reported favorably on the nomination for
membership of Mr. Leonard Kusterer, 12 6 Summit Street, Bridgeport, Conn.,
and Mr. Kusterer was unanimously elected a member of the Club.
Mr. Frey, chairman of the Publication Committee, reported that the
material for the 1920 year book, up to the present time, was in shape for
printing, and will be entirely completed immediately after the December
meeting, so that the year book covering the last three years will be ready
for publication when authorized.
It was moved and carried that a committee be appointed to draft a reso-
lution to be presented at the next meeting condemning the manufacture
and sale of so-called California gold half and quarter dollars. The Chair
appointed as such committee, Messrs. Blake, Smith and Proskey.
The President then welcomed the guest, Mr. Pleisher, who made some
appropriate remarks, after which the meeting, on motion, adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
The Annual Meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held on
Friday evening, December 10th, 1920, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth
avenue, President Valentine presiding. Members present: Dr. Valentine,
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Messrs. Adams, Beatty, Blake, Boyd, Case, deLagerberg, Elder, Frey, Gut-
tag, Kohler,, Newell, Proskey, Robertson, Swanson, Wernstrom, Wood,
Wormser and Belden, and, by invitation, Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Blake, Mrs.
Edith Brown, Miss Holman, Mrs. Swanson, Miss Alice Swanson and Mr.
William Van Wert.
The minutes of the meeting of November 12th were read and approved.
After a few words of welcome to the guests, the President announced
the topic of the evening: Ladies on Coins.
The exhibits were as follows:
By Dr. Valentine: Isabella U. S. quarter dollar.
By Mr. deLagerberg: Sweden, Queen Christina, two Coronation Medals
and two other medals; Queen Ulrika Eleonora, Coronation Medal, 1680,
two medals by A. Meybush; Queen Ludovika Ulrika, 1786, medal by C. G.
Coronation Medal of Queen Louisa Ulrika of Sweden, 1751.
Obverse: The Queen's portrait right side in full ornate robes with dia-
dem and pearls on head and decorations on breast, etc.
Reverse: "Merit Redduntur Honores" on a band. The Queen, with
crown on head. Sceptre and Globe in hands, seated on the throne between
four flower-bedecked pillars under a crowned canopy. At foot of throne
the Swedish Lion and on the side will be seen "The Riks-Globe'* and Miner-
va's helmet and spear. In the exergue "Corona Imposita 26 November,
1751." — Designed by D. Fehrman.
Fehrman; Swedish Numismatic Society Anniversary Medal, 1901, by Lea
Ahlborn; plaquette of H. T. Cedergren, by Erik Lindberg; Russia medal
of Empress Ann Johannovna, 1730, and Empress Katharina II, 1765; Dutch
East India, medal. Colonial Exhibition at Samarang 1914; La Societe des
Amis Hollandais-Belges de la Medaille d'Art, plaquette. Wireless Teleg-
raphy, by Eng. Jeon de Bremaecker, medal struck during the World War
in aid of sculptors' and medalists' families, by C. I. Van Hoef.
By Mr. Wernstrom: La Societe des Amis Hollandais-Belges de la Me-
daille d'Art, plaquette by Jean C. Wienecks — Jeune Fille. Sweden: Medal
ol the famous Swedish singer, Christina Nilsson, Countess de Casa Miranda,
1917. Austria: Medal, silver, by A. Scharff of Walburga Spottl.
By Mr. Elder: Decadrachm of Syracuse, Sicily, B. C. 413-400, by Evaine-
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tos; head of Persephone; reverse. Victorious Quadriga. This coin came
from the hoard found at Sta. Maria di Licodia, on the slopes of Mt. Etna,
near the city of Catania.
By Mr. Newell: Tetradrachms, mostly of Syracuse, showing a selection
of styles of hairdressing in the fifth and fourth centuries B. C; also, por-
trait coins, one silver stater of Amastious, Queen of Amastris; one sixteen
litra piece of Philistis of Syracuse; one tetradrachm of Antiochus VIII and
his mother, Cleopatra Tryphaene; one gold octodrachm of Ptolemy I, Here-'
nice, Ptolemy II, Arsinoe; one silver decadrachm of Arsinoe II; one gold
decadrachm of Berenice II; one gold octodrachm of Arsinoe III; one gold
octodrachm of the later Ptolemies; one bronze coin of Cleopatra VII; one
silver drachm of Cleopatra and Juba II; one silver tetradrachm of Eucra-
tides, Heliocles and Laodicea of Bactria, one silver drachm of Musa of
By Mr. Guttag: U. S. 25-cent piece of 1920, struck in nickel.
By Mr. Belden: Two British War Medals bearing the portraits of Queen
Victoria, General Service, bar, "Fort Detroit'* (one of the three bars is-
sued for actions in America during the war of 1812), and Northwest Can-
ada, 1885, with bar, "Saskatchewan."
By Mr. Wormser: Collection of gold and silver coins, showing women's
heads on coins, regents, patronesses of art, queens, empresses, commemo-
rating family life, wedding anniversaries, weddings, and deaths.
New acquisitions were exhibited as follows:
By Mr. Blake: $2 National Bank note of first charter period, numbered
"1." $10 National Bank note of the third charter period, numbered "1."
By Mr. Robertson: Japan: Gold Manen oban, 1860; Akita, koban, 1862;
Tanuma Go Momme, 1765. Sweden: Riksdaler, Gustavus Vasa, 1542; two
ore, 1541; riksdaler, John III, 1578; two marks. Erik XIV, 1563: Charles
IX, one mark, 1606; Charles IX, one-half mark, 1607; Gustavus Adoiphus,
four marks, 1614; Gustavus Adoiphus, Coronation coin, one-eighth riks-
daler; Christina, one-half riksdaler, 1642.
By Mr. Guttag: Chile, gold 20 pesos, 1916. New issues: Costa Rica, 5
and 10 centavos, 1918; Finland, 10 pennia, 1919; Japan, 1 sen; Bulgaria,
1917; Sweden, 1919; Portugal, 1 and 2 centavos, 1918; Peru, copper. 1
By Mr. Proskey: Napoleon I, 20 francs, 181,5, struck during the Hun-
dred Days; Brazil, Maria and Peter III, half joe, 1779; medal of the Mar-
quise de Sevigne, 1696, on her death; medal of Charlotte Corday, decapitat-
ed 1793; an exceptionally fine large bronze of Lucius Verus, reverse Fortune
seated; two medals, one portraying Pomona and Flora, by Mitchell, the
other, Truth and Fiction, by W. Wyon; Chinese dollar (1910) portraying
first President with military costume and plumed cap; dollar with Pilgrim
landing on the Rock; a series of Russian paper money of the Imperial,
Kerensky and Bolshevik Governments, ranging from 1 kopeck to 1000
rubles, in new condition.
By Mr. Belden: Two brass medals issued for presentation to American
Indians during the reign of George I of England, 1714 to 1727; United
States Indian Peace Medal of Jefferson, 1801, largest size — over four inches
— silver, with ring for suspension, made of two shells united by a collar,
as are all original Jefferson Indian Peace Medals; silver medal issued by
the American Fur Company for presentation to Indians, 1806-1811, bear-
ing portrait of John Jacob Astor.
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Astor Medal.
The Committee appointed at the last meeting regarding so-called Cali-
fornia gold half and quarter dollars reported progress.
The Treasurer's report was, on motion, accepted and ordered placed on
The Executive Committee recommended as the topic for the next meet-
ing, Coins of Switzerland.
It was moved and carried that medals be included making the topic
coins and medals of Switzerland. ^
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The following nominations for membership were received and referred
to the Membership Committee: Harry F. Rahr, Brooklyn, proposed by Rud.
Kohler; William Van Wert. New Rochelle, N. Y.. proposed by George H.
Blake; Carl Grimskald, New York City, proposed by J. deLagerberg.
The election of officers and committees was next in order, and resulted
as follows by unanimous vote:
President, Albert R. Frey.
Vice President, Bauman L. Belden.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Swanson.
Executive Committee, George H. Blake, J. M. Swanson, Elliott
Smith, F. C. C. Boyd.
Membership Committee, Thomas L. Elder, Dr. D. W. Valentine,
Dudlfey Butler, W. Gedney Beatty, David Proskey.
Publication Committee, Moritz Wormser, Rowland Wood, Dr. D.
W. Valentine.
Medallic Art Committee, Edward T. Newell, J. Sanford Saltus, R.
Robertson, A. E. Davidson, E. Beesley.
President Frey then took the chair and made some interesting remarks,
among other things calling attention to the following anniversaries occur-
ring in 1921: April 27, 1521, Magellan killed on the Philippine Islands;
May 5, 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died at St. Helena; July 19, 1821, coro-
nation of George IV, King of Great Britain, and suggested that these might
well be considered when selecting topics for the meetings of the Club.
It was moved and unanimously carried by a rising vote that the thanks
of the Club be extended to its retiring President, Dr. D. W. Valentine, for
the able, impartial, and courteous manner in which he has conducted his
Remarks were made on various subjects by Messrs. Proskey, Wood,
Guttag and Dr. Valentine.
President Frey then called upon the guests of the evening — Mr. Van
Wert, ]\lrs. Valentine, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Blake, Miss Brown, Miss Holman
and Miss Alice Swanson — each of whom spoke a few words of appreciation,
after which the meeting, on motion adjourned.
BAUMAN L. BELDEN, Secretary.
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Treasurer's Report
December 10th, 1920.
Balance on hand December 31, 1919 $20.86
Permanent Fund 200 . 00
Dues Received — January 56.00
February 16.00
March t. 18.00
April ". ;' 12.00
May 4.00
June 4.00
July 2.00
August 2.00
November 4.00 $ 338 . 86
January $ 6.39
February 5.30
March 5.34
April 16.80
May 2.00
June '. 2.00
July 2.00
August 2.00
September 2.00
October 2.00
November 2.00
December 7.75
Total Disbursements $ 55.58
Cash on hand $ 283 . 28
Accounts Receivable
Medals $90.00
Life Membership 50.00
Dues Receivable 32.00
Total Accounts Receivable $ 172.00
Medals on Hand:
Heath Medal — 6 at $1.50 $ 9.00
King Italy Medal — 12 at $2.50 30.00
Boyd Medals — 8 at $2.00 , 16.00
Club Pins — 9 at $1.00 9.00
Total Assets $ 64.00
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Proceedinsrs 1921
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Friday
evening, January 14, 1921, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Avenue, Pres-
ident Frey presiding. Members present: Messrs. Belden, Berger, Blake,
Butler, deLagerberg, Elder, Frey, Kohler, Proskey, Robertson, Smith, Swan-
son, Valentine, Wernstrom, Wormser, and Mr. C. H. Rembold of Cincinnati,
Ohio, visiting.
The minutes of the meeting of December 10 were read and approved.
The subject of the evening was announced, *'Swi8s Coins and Medals,"
and exhibitions and remarks by exhibitors followed.
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Blake: Thaler, St. Gall, Switzerland, 1620.
By Mr. deLagerberg: Medal struck in 1914 celebrating the centenary
of the entrance of the Republic of Geneva into the Swiss Confederation;
medal struck by the City of Murten for their soldiers, commemoration medal,
World War, 1914-1919; medal, six hundredth anniversary of the battle at
Morgarten, 1315, first victory of the Swiss over the Austrian army; medal.
Cremation Society of Geneva, recognition of its founder and president. Dr.
Burkhard Reber, 25th anniversary, 1887-1912; placquette, bi-centennial of
Jean Jacques Rousseau as citizen of Geneva, 28 July, 1712-1912; placquette,
the citizens of Geneva celebrating the 350th anniversary of the foundation
of the College and Academy-Institute, by Calvin, the 5th of July, 1909;
medal struck by Huguenin Freres, Le Locle, to President Woodrow Wilson,
January 8th, 1918; medal struck by Swiss families, 1918, in gratitude to the
President and the people of the United States, designed by Hans Frei.
By Mr. Elder: 10 coins, divisions of the thaler, from Zurich, Solothurn,
Vaud and Berne, fine to proof.
By Mr. Kohler: Swiss brass coins of 1918, 1919, and 1919 issue of nick-
el coinage resumed; also placquette of Jean Jacques Rousseau, second
By Mr. Wormser: 10 gold coins of Switzerland: Berne, 1 ducat 1718;
double duplone, 1797; 4 ducats, 1798; Basel, duplone, 1795; St. Gall, ducat,
1781; Soleure, duplone, 1797; ^ duplone, 1789; Geneva, 10 francs, 1848;
ducat, 1762; Zurich, Zvingli ducat, 1719.
By Mr. Proskey: A total of 626 coins in gold, silver, German silver,
nickel and copper, representing coinages of all the Swiss cantons as well as
the Helvetic Confederation.
The report of the Executive Committee was a recommendation that the
subject for the February meeting be "Largest and Smallest Coins and Paper
Money." Report was adopted and recommendation approved.
Membership Committee reported not yet ready to pass upon three
names under consideration.
The committee appointed to consider and take some action regarding
the so-called California gold half and quarter dollars presented resolutions
which were approved and adopted by the Club. The text of the resolutions
is as follows:
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Resolution Passed by The New York Numismatic Club, January 14, 1931
WHEREAS, The United States Government has never authorized or
issued any gold coins in California, or elsewhere, of a smaller denomination
than one dollar, and
WHEREAS, From about 1852 to 1886 certain merchants, bankers and
brokers in California did make and issue gold tokens inscribed with dates
of issue and face values of
*'^ DOL."
'•% DOL."
said issues not being forbidden by the U. S. Government until 1886, thereby
giving them an historical and numismatic value to collectors, and
WHEREAS, Certain unscrupulous persons have since that time manu-
factured and sold small metal discs in the likeness of gold coins, with in-
scriptions such as 1, 1/^ and ^ and a date, but of a low standard of fine-
ness and intrinsic value, and
W"HEREAS, Such fabrications, which are in no sense coins, have been
sold to uninformed persons as genuine California gold coins, and
WHEREAS, Such deception tends to discredit Numismatics and dis-
courage collectors in the collecting of the private issues of California gold
coins, issued previous to 1886, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, That The New York Numismatic Club unqualifiedly con-
demns the manufacture and sale of said articles or modifications of same,
and calls upon all Numismatists to protest against the further tolerance
of their manufacture and sale as coins, and to endeavor to suppress the
traffic therein; Be it also
RESOLVED, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the Coin
Clubs and Numismatic Societies, in Boston, Springfield, New York, Balti-
more, Chicago, San Francisco, and other places, with the request that such
Clubs take similar action in the matter, and be it also
RESOLVED, That a copy be forwarded to the Secret Service of the
. Treasury Department, in Washington, asking if anything further can be
done by this Club, to aid the Secret Service in stamping out this evil.
Motion made and carried that the committee be thanked by the Club
and discharged.
Remarks were made by Mr. deLagerberg commenting on the splendid
progress made by the Belgian .Society of Friends of Medallic Art. He also
showed to the members a photograph of its president, Mr. Victor Tourneur,
which had courteously been sent to him. Mention was made of Mr. Thorsen
of Omaha having been appointed by the Swedish Numismatic Society as
correspondent for that Society in America.
Mr. Wormser called attention to a new magazine being published by
Memmo Cagiati, our corresponding member in Naples, Italy.
The President then called upon the guest of the evening, Mr. Rembold
of Cincinnati, Ohio, manager of a newspaper in that city. Mr. Rembold told
how he became interested in coin collecting a few years ago, described to
some extent his manner of collecting and his collection, and narrated some
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96 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
interesting experiences with other numismatists while visiting cities in the
middle West and in the East. "^
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, February 11, 1921, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Avenue,
President Frey presiding. .Members present: Messrs. Beesley, Belden, Case,
Guttag, Hcnderron, Kohler, Newell, Proskey, Reilly, Robertson, Smith,
Swanson, Valentine and Wormser, and Mr. J. Montgomery, visiting.
The minutes of the meeting of January 14, 1921, were read and ap-
proved. The subject of the evening was announced, "Largest and Smallest
Coins and Paper Money, * and exhibition and remarks by exhibitors follow-
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Beesley: 1/32 ducat of Regensberg; V^ ducat of Maria Theresa
for Transylvania (very rare).
By Mr. Frey: Specimens of the large copper 25 kashas and 50 kashas
of Negapatnam. These thick coins were issued by the Dutch Government
prior to 1784.
25 and 50 Kashas of Negapatnam ("The City of Serpents"), in the Madras
district. Issued about 169 3 when this territory was controlled
by the Dutch East India Company.
Obverse: Figure of the deity called Kali of Tanjore.
Reverse: Tamil inscription in two lines "Negapatnam" Conf. Grogan. 49 4-
495; Stephanik 6538; Fonrobert 2784, 2785.
By Mr. Kohler: Widow's Mite of Morocco; gold and silver coins of
Costa Rica, very small.
By Mr. Newell: Greek Coins: Largest gold, dekadrachm of Berenice III
of Egypt; smallest gold (electrum), 96th of a stater of the Island of Cos;
largest silver, dekadrachm of Syracuse; smallest silver, hemitartemorion of
Aradus in Phoenicia.
By Mr. Proskey: Card money, one-cent values of 15 New York issues
during 1862; one-cent notes of Paterson, N. J., 1794; New York City, 1790
and 1815; smallest silver coins of Athens 500 B. C; Silver Paras of Turkey,
1223 A. H., three varieties; gold 1/32 ducats and 1/16 ducats; Sweden %
daler, 1750.
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By Mr. Smith: Gold 25c., Cal., 1856, octagonal; gold, $1 U. S., 1849;
gold $2 0, U. S., 1914; two large copper circular pieces of Japan, about 4%
to 5 inches, believed to be medals; gold 400 reis, Portugal, 1728; gold
20,000 reis, Brazil, 1724; gold, ^4 fanam; gold 1/32 ducat.
By Dr. Valentine: 1 kwang of the fourteenth century; 1 kopeck of Rus-
sia, second issue; 10 heller of Austria, size of postage stamp, but on bristol
paper; one cent, U. S., card of Rebellion period.
By Mr. Guttag: A large number of small bank notes now in use in most
of tlie European and South American countries.
Under the head of new acquisitions:
By Mr. Proskey: Indiana medal, Chicago Republican Convention, 1920;
freak cent, 1816, bearing two impressions, second date near center; proof
two reales, proclamation, 1808, of Ferdinand VII, for Guatemala; VI pfen-
nig of Stralsund, 1672.
By Mr. Smith: Gold Broad, Cromwell, 1656; gold 5 pound, England,
pattern, 1826; gold stater, Greece, about 350 B. C; gold 10 Korona, Hun-
gary, 1892; gold 10 korona, Hungary, 1887; gold % doubloon; gold 20 yen,
Japan, old style; gold 10 yen, Japan, old style; gold 5 yen, Japan, old style;
gold 2 yen, Japan, old style; gold 1 yen, Japan, old style; large gold oban
(1860), Japan; silver piece of eight; silver ^^ crown, Cromwell, 1658; two
small silver medals of Frederick, 1697; Victory Medal with 6 bars; three
pieces of wooden money from Austria.
A report was read stating the condition of the treasury February 1,
19 21, as appended below. Report approved.
The Secretary presented applications for membership as follows: John
Montgomery, 397 East 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y., proposed by Mr. Robertson,
seconded by Mr. Proskey; Mrs. Agnes Baldwin Brett, 404 West 116th St.,
New York, N. Y., proposed by Bauman L. Belden, seconded by Edward T.
Newell; the applications for membership to be placed in the hands of the
Membership Committee and their report to be presented at the next meeting.
The report of the Executive Committee was a recommendation that the
subject for the March meeting be "Metallic Coins of Odd and Unusual
Shapes." Report was adopted and recommendation approved.
Hearing no report from the Membership Committee, the three members
proposed at the December meeting, Messrs. Harry F. Rahr of Brooklyn;
William Van Wert of New Rochelle and Carl Grinskold of New York City,
were unanimously elected to membership.
Publication Committee reported progress.
Medallic Art Committee had no report to offer.
Under new business a discussion ensued relative to letters received from
Akron, Ohio, and vicinity addressed to New York Numismatic Society, Eng-
lewood, N. J., the address of our former president. Dr. Valentine. The let-
ters were turned over to the Secretary with instructions to reply in what-
ever manner his judgment should dictate.
A request for co-operation on the part of all the members and officers
of the Club came from the Secretary with especial reference to the keeping
of the records of the Club correct in every detail.
A few remarks were heard from Mr. Montgomery, stating his pleasure
at being present and expressing his interest in the affairs of the Club.
Remarks were made by Dr. Henderson of Columbus, Ohio, a member
not very often present. Dr. Henderson had just completed the work re-
quired of him as a member of the United States Assay Commission, and
showed a United States Assay Commission medal of 1921, a mint product of
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98 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
the usual character. Cr. Henderson stated the belief that, following the
recommendations of the Coinage Committee at Washington and the desire
of those interested, the striking of a peace coin by the United States, in
whatever year peace is declared, of either a one-half or one-dollar denomina-
tion, would probably receive favorable action in both the House and Senate.
A letter addressed to the Club from the Medallic Art Company, relative
to their work in the past in the production of artistic medals, was read.
Reference to an exhibition of the work of the Medallic Art Company, at a
meeting of the New York Numismatic Club, contained in the letter, result-
ed in a motion being passed to refer the letter to the Executive Committee
for their consideration.
On motion made and passed, the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SW ANSON, Secretary.
Treasurer's Report
February 1, 1921.
Jan. 1, Received from former Treasurer $33.28
Dues received from former Treasurer 38.00
Dues received for month of January 80. 00
Cash received for medals 7.50
1 Liberty Bond Coupon 1.19
Cash received for 1 Club Pin 1.00
Liberty Bonds 250.00
Total Receipts $ 410 . 97
Jan., Typewriting $ 2.00
Postage 1.88 3.88
Balance on hand bonds and Cash $ 407 . 09
Liberty Bonds $250.00
Cash $ 157 . 09
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatx Club was held Friday
evening, March 11, 1921, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth avenue. President
Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beatty, Belden, Blake,
deLagerberg, Kohler, Montgomery, Newell, Proskey, Reilly, Robertson,
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emith, Swanson, Valentine, Wood, Wormser, and Mr. G. S. Perez, Superin-
tendent of Schools, Philippine Islands, as a guest of the Club.
The minutes of the meeting of February 11, 1921, were read and ap-
The subject of the evening was announced: ^'Metallic Coins of Odd and
Unusual Shapes,'' and exhibitions and remarks by exhibitors followed.
The exhibitions were:
Dr. Valentine: '^ daler Swedish plate money of 1750.
Mr. deLagerberg: The Royal Academy of Sweden's Anniversary Silver
Medal, 1920, designed by Erik Lindberg, conferred on Mr. deLagerberg for
his many years of activity in the United States in furthering Swedish Numis-
matics and Medallic Art; Societe Hollandaise-Belge des Amis de la Me-
daille d'Art, last placquette struck by said society, exercises 1914-1919,
by title "A I'aube de la Victoire," designed by G. Devreese; two exquisite
delicate and unusual patinated commemoration medals by the famous Nor-
ivegian medalist, Mr. Ivar Throndsen; University of St. Thomas, Philippine
Islands, Tercentenary, commemoration placquette, issued at Manila, design-
ed by Crispulo Zamora.
Placquette of the University of St. Thomas, Philippine Islands.
The University was founded in 1611. The placquette is struck in Com-
memoration of its Tercentenary, at Manila Mint. — Designed by Crispulo
Mr. Robertson: Sweden, 16 ore klippe, Erik XIV; 8 ore klippe, Johan
III; 4 mark klippe, Johan III; 1 ore klippe, Gustavus Adolphus. China,
Pu coin, Jen She Province, B. C. 450; Pu coin, Wang Mang, A. D. 9-23;
Bridge money B. C. 600. Japan, Sendai sen, 1784; Kanragori lead coin,
24 Fun; "E" Sen, pretzel-shaped; Sword-Guard sen, Akita 1860. New
acquisitions: % ortug, Sten Sture, dated 1480, the second dated issue of
any coin of Sweden; riksdaler, Gustaf Vasa, 1544; riksdaler, Johan III,
1576; ^ ore, Sigismund, 1597; riksdaler, Christina, 1643; 8 mark, Carl
XI, 1665; 4 mark, Carl XI, 1673, with the 4 retrograde, extremely rare,
only eight specimens known; riksdaler, Carl XII, 1718; riksdaler, Ulrika
Eleonora, 1719; riksdaler, Frederik I, 1728, all from Sweden.
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100 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Mr. Kohler: Tempo, Japan; tempo, Loo Choo; modern nickel coins of
lozenge shape, crenated and multi-cornered edges.
Mr. Newell: Agrigentum, bronze trias in shape of a seal; Olbia, in
Thrace, fish-shape bronze coin; Aeglna, silver stater whose "blank" took a
freak shape (three-leaf clover) when coined; square-shaped silver purana of
Ancient India covered with punch marks; another similar, but octagon
shape; square silver drachma of Appollodotus. Greek King in North India.
Mr. Reilly: An extensive exhibition of Oriental odd-shaped pieces of
great variety, containing a number of rarities.
Mr. Proskey: A very lafge exhibition of odd and unusual shapes.
Mr. Wood: France, 1920, 2 francs and 1 franc, issued by the Chambers
of Commerce of France, made in an alloy of bronze and aluminum.
Mr. Frey: Eight of the copper "bonks" of Java of 1 and 2 stuyvers,
dated from 1797 to 1818, all in beautiful condition.
Mr. Smith: Many gold coins from various countries.
Mr. Wormser: Square thalers and gold coins, among them 8 of Saxony,
1 of St. Gall; sets of Nuremberg and Stuttgart; 9 siege pieces of Nether-
lands, Spain, Vienna, and Landau; square and octagonal coins of Salz-
burg, East Frisia, Austria, Lippe, Wurttemberg and Breslau; a collection
of about 75 odd-shaped pieces of German war money, 1917.
Mr. Blake read a letter from W. H. Moran, Secret Service Division of
the Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, acknowledging receipt of the
copy of resolutions passed by this Club denouncing the manufacture and sale
of imitations of the California gold coins under a misrepresentation, stating
also that the Secret Service is suppressing this industry wherever it is
found possible under the Federal statutes, and calling attention to the fact
that in addition it is necessary to reach some phases of such misrepresen-
tation through State and municipal authorities. The letter was delivered
to the Secretary for the Club files.
An interesting statement was read by Mr. Belden concerning Pontiac,
Chief of the Ottoway Nation, taken from "Biography and History of the
Indians of North America from its discovery," by Samuel G. Drake, Elev-
enth Edition, Boston, 1860, page 547:
"Pontiak. Chief of the Ottoway Nation. In his war of 1763, which is
justly denominated 'Pontiac's War,' he appointed a commissary, and began
to make and issue bills of credit, all of which he afterwards carefully re-
deemed. He made his bills or notes of bark, on which was drawn the fig-
ure of the commodity he wanted for it. The shape of an otter was drawn
under that of the article wanted, and an otter was the insignia or arms
of his nation."
The above was thought to be of interest to paper-money collectors as it
was knowledge not heretofore mentioned among numismatists in general.
Remarks were made by the visitor, Mr. Perez, relative to educational
work in the Philippines, mentioning that although the University of Santa
Thomas had been in existence in the Philippine Islands since 1611, before
the landing of the Pilgrims in America, most of the educational progress
had been made since the occupation by the United States. Since the year
1908 most of the Filipinos had learned to speak English, and the children
were being taught and were learning to speak English, implying that the
progress of education in the Philippines was rapid and gratifying. English
textbooks were being used, published in New York, and especially appli-
cable for use in the Philippine Islands. Mr. Perez described very minutely
and commented upon a placquette which he showed of the university men-
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tioned above. He commented upon the tendency among the Filipinos to
acquire and use for ornamental purposes United States gold coins, especial-
ly the $5 and $10 pieces, the men wearing them as buttons on their cloth-
ing and as scarf pins, the women as earrings, chains on which the inevitable
fan is liung, etc. He also commented upon the tendency of the Filipino
to purchase and retain diamonds whenever possible. Mr. Perez' remarks
were highly interesting and greatly appreciated.
The Executive Committee recommended that the subject for the next
meeting, April, be "Coins and Medals of Great Explorers and Navigators."
After a discussion and upon motion made and passed, it was decided that
the subject for the April meeting be "Coins and Medals of Explorers and
Navigators and Massachusetts Coinage."
A motion was made and carried to express appreciation and thanks to
Mr. Wormser for the manifestation of his enthusiasm and interest upon
having brought an exhibition and made interesting remarks, notwithstand-
ing adverse circumstances threatening to hinder his coming.
The applications for membership of John Montgomery, 397 East 3rd
street, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Agnes Baldwin Brett, 40 4 West 116th
street. New York City, were acted upon, and both were unanimously elected
members of the Club.
Under the head of new business, a recommendation was made to con-
sider the publication of illustrations relative to exhibits of members in
connection with the printing of the Yearbook and was referred to the Pub-
lication Committee, that committee to carry out such recommendations if
found advisable.
It was moved, seconded and carried that a letter be. sent to Theodore J.
Venn, 2034 Lane Court, Chicago, 111., thanking him for his gift to the Club
of his publication, "United States Coins With a "Good Numismatic Future."
A copy of Miscellanea Numismatica for February, 1921, was received
from our corresponding member, M. Cagiati, in Italy.
Upon the recommendation of the Secretary, Mr. G. S. Perez was elected
corresponding member of the New York Numismatic Club.
Upon motion made and carried, the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
Mr. Robertson has shown many Swedish coins at Club meetings from
time to time, and in connection with coins shown at the March 1921 and
other meetings, furnishes the following description and illustrations of
some of his
The period of Gustaf Vasa, 1521-1560, marks a new epoch in the
Swedish coinage. Previously only ortugs, equal to the English sterling,
half ortugs, bracteates, and, during the regency of Sten Sture the younger,
in 1512 a coin somewhat smaller than the riksdaler were struck, but in
1522 appeared the ore (29 mm.), in 1523 the half gulden, in 1528 the guld-
en, the first riksdaler made its appearance in 1534, and the first mark in
1536. No coins are known from 1525 to 1527 and 1551 to 1555.
The oldest known mint-engraver was one Olderick from Nuremberg
who started to work in the mint at Vesteras in 1539 and whose mint-mark
was a trefoil with toothed leaves; the Mark of 15 4 3 is one of his works but
the portrait on the riksdalers of 1542 and 1543 are not his handiwork but
another's, a more gifted craftsman, whose name is unknown. An appren- ,
tice, Erich Oloffszon, is spoken of in the records from these times, it is
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this apprentice who afterwards became so proficient in his art that he far
surpassed his master; the die to the Mark of 1560 was engraved by lilin;
his mint-mark was a leaf. The sign or figure of an acorn on these coins is
the mint-master Hans Hanson's mark.
ERIC XIV, 1560-1568, 16 ore (2 Mark), 1562 uncirculated.
Mark 1543
Mark 1560
(Blessed are those who fear the Lord.)
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Riksdaler 1543
(Saviour of the World, redeem us)
A remarkable coin is the one struck in Sweden in 1632 for the use of
its army in Germany, but very few specimens have been preserved to our
times, only about twenty being known. For this coin a new value, Creut-
zer, had to be given. Creutzers were struck in the mints at Sater and Nyko-
ping, without any distinguishing mark on them to tell in which place they
were struck.
and on the field divided by the arrows I : CR — EVTZ
Next to Gustaf Vasa the most varied and interesting coinage occurred
during the reign of Carl XI, 1660-1697. At this time Sweden was at its
height of prosperity and power, and this is shown by the wealth of coins
and die varieties that have been recorded and preserved. So, for instance
of the 2 Mark, struck from 1661 to 1697, thirty-seven years, over 120 die
varieties are known, but one of the rarest of the silver coinage from this
reign is the four mark 1673 with the "4'* retrograde; of this coin only
eight specimens are known, and the Oldenburg collection, although the
largest private collection of Swedish coins, did not possess a specimen of
this very rare coin.
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On the 17th of April, 1748, King Fredrik I was 73 years old; he had
previously on the 23rd of February founded the orders of the Seraphim,
the Sword, and the North Star, but the first knighthood was conferred by
the heir apparent. Prince Adolf Fredrik, the King being indisposed, on the
first mentioned date, and in commemoration a riksdaler was struck and
circulated on this day.
GUD MITT HOPP (God my Hope), the crowned orb with the three
crowns of Sweden surrounded by the collar of the order of the Seraphim
dividing the date 1748 and below on either side of the star of the order
D 17 — Apr.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, April 8, 1921, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth Avenue, Presi-
dent Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beesley, Blake, S. H.
Chapman, Connor, Jr., deLagerberg, Elder, Kohler, Kusterer, Liveright,
Proskey, Robertson, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Westervelt, Wood, Worm-
ser and Wyman.
The minutes of the meeting of March 11, 1921, were read and approv-
The subject of the evening was announced: "Coins and Medals of Ex-
plorers and Navigators, and Massachusetts Coinage.'*
The exhibits were as follows:
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By Mr. Blake: Cancelled check of Robt. E. Peary, the discoverer of the
North Pole. Recent acquisitions — P^ackages of 25c. and 50c. Fractional
Currency with original bands.
By Mr. S. H. Chapman: Oak Tree shilling, uncirculated, C. 2-D; Pine
Tree shilling, small type, very rare die, with small letters, tree with seven
branches on left and six on right, best specimen known; Pine Tree, small
type, C. PI. II, 8, R6; Pine Tree, small type, very rare variety, with five
branches right and left; Oak Tree threepence, very rare, only two or threes
known; Sommer Island shilling, extremely fine condition, showing details;
several very fine Rosa Americana pieces.
By Mr. deLagerberg: Swedish Red Cross Medal, struck 1921, to com-
memorate the 60th birthday of Prince Carl of Sweden, designed by F. Rafael
Ridberg; Magallanes Carnival Medal, 1921, Philippine Islands, designed
by Cripo Zamora; Societe des Amis de la Medaille d'Art, Brussels, Medal
of Peter Benoit, Antwerp, celebrated Belgian musician and composer, de-
signed by Alf. Mauguag; medal of Benjamin Franklin, by Dupre, 1784.
By Mr. Kusterer: Pine Tree shilling dug up on farm near his home.
By Mr. Robertson: Medals of Columbus, by Lea Ahlborn; .Fernandez
Cortez, by Vivier; Humboldt, by Pfeffer. New acquisitions — Sweden:
Charles X, 2 mark, 1657; Fredrik I, l mark, 1721; medal of Johan Baner,
celebrated field marshal Thirty Years War, by Wolf.
By Mr. Smith: Sweden, new coinage of 1919, 5 and 2 ore in iron, 2 ore
in copper, 1 ore in iron; set of silver coins from Royal Mint, London, reign
of Geo. V, dated 1911; medal, French Order of Palms.
By Mr. Wormser: New acquisitions — Poland, Stanislaus Augustus, ducat
and 11^ ducats; Danzig, August II, ducat; Wladislaus IV, 8 ducats; John
Casimir, double thaler; Transylvania, John Kemenyi, ducat; Denmark, Fred.
Ill, 2 ducats; Anhalt, 3 ducats; Erfurt, gold gulden; Brunswick, wild man
double ducat; Malta, Manuel de Vilhena, double zechino; Salzburg, 15 du-
cats; Scotland, James, royal.
The Treasurer's report showing the condition of the treasury March
31 was read.
The Executive Committee recommended that the subject for the next
meeting be, *'Coins, Medals and Paper Money Relating to Napoleon Bona-
parte." This recommendation was approved.
The Executive Committee, on motion carried, was empowered to collect
and catalogue all the property of the club of every sort and, acting as custo-
dian, to possess it for the Club. The above resolution was proposed by the
Executive Committee.
There was no report from the Publication Committee nor from the Me-
dallic Art Committee.
Remarks were made by Mr. Chapman on Massachusetts coinage, and
he showed photographs of the best obtainable specimens in order to portray
extensively as many varieties as possible.
Upon motion made and carried, the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SW ANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening. May 13, 1921, at Kelly's Restaurant, 922 Sixth avenue, Presi-
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106 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
dent Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beatty, Beesley, Blake,
Boyd, Elder, Guttag, Newell, Proskey, Robertson, Smith, Swanson, Valen-
tine, Westervelt, Wood and Wormser.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
A statement of the financial condition of the Club was read by the Sec-
The subject of the evening was announced: *'Coins, Medals and Paper
Money Relating to Xapoleon Bonaparte."
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Blake: Shell or proof of medal of "Napoleon, Empereur," by
Andrieu. Late acquisitions: $100 coin or Treasury note; $100 Government
bond of 1862 issue, now very rare.
By Mr. Smith: Gold coins of Napoleon I — France, 20 francs, 1807; 40
francs, year 12; 20 francs, 1815; Italy — 40 lire, 1814; Parma — 40 lire,
1815, with profile of Maria Louise. Also an autograph of Napoleon. Silver
Cross given by State of New York for service in World War. Five-pound
gold pattern of Victoria of England, by Wyon, dated 1839.
By Mr, Beesley: Medals — Removal of Napoleon's remains to France,
1840; Oath of loyalty of the army against England, 1804; Return of the
Emperor, 1815; Legion d'Honeur medal. Also a Spanish two-real piece,
1773, found by Mr. Beesley three feet below the surface of the ground.
By Mr. Wood: Gold decoration given by Maria Louise, with bust of
Napoleon on one side and Maria Louise on the other side.
By Mr, Guttag: Medal presented to Mrs. Wills for the accepted ode by
the Board of Governors of San Francisco, October 29, 1850, commemorat-
ing the admission of California. Reverse, "Eureka," star in center, nug-
get, etc.
By Mr. Robertson: Silver coins of Sweden of various denominations and
dates of the reigns of Eric XIV, Johan III, Sigismund, Carl IX, Carl XI,
Carl XII and Fredrik I; copper coins of the reign of Christina and Carl XI.
By Mr. Proskey: Two hundred and eight coins of Napoleon I, gold, silver
and copper, all differing dates and mints; 123 medals of Napoleon I, in
silver, bronze, brass, lead, etc. Recent acquisitions: The following silver
dollars of the first Mexican revolution: Morelos monogram between two
eight-pointed stars in incused circle, on Zacatecas Provisional "L. V. O. '
dollar. "ZYM" monogram in wreath in dentelated circle, on Ferdinand VII
dollar, 1812, Zacatecas Provisional. "ENlSAIE," crowned eagle standing
on the "NS," a sling below, all in a wreath in incused circle, on Ferdinand
VII Zacatecas Provisional dollar, 1811, Ferdinand VII dollar, 1813,
crowned eagle standing on a bridge; reverse, a hand holding an arrow to
a bow, a quiver, arrow, spear and sling below.
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By Mr. Wormser: Napoleon, gold 40 francs, year XI. Recent acquisi-
tions: Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, rixdaler, 10 guilders, ducat. Portu-
gal, John II, half peca and peca. Spain, series of coins of Alfonso XIII at
various ages, four 20 peseta pieces and one 100 pesetas. Five Scotch coins
— I>emy, half unicorn, rider, lion and crown. Sweden, crown of Interreg-
num, 1599. Lithuania, ducat of Sigismund Augustus. Denmark, two ducats
of Christian V, Christiansborg.
By Mr. Westervelt: Medal showing Napoleon and Maria Louise, inlaid
in cover of snuff box. Recent acquisitions: Jenny Lind medal, obverse,
head to left; reverse, spread eagle; struck in brass, 1850.
The Executive Committee recommended that the subject for the next
meeting be "Ship Designs on Coins, Medals and Paper Money."
The meeting was resolved into a committee of the whole and a discus-
sion on meeting place for the club ensued. Upon the resumption of busi-
ness a motion to appoint a committee to consider and choose a new meet-
ing place for the Club was passed. The committee appointed consists of
Mr. Proskey, Mr. Elder, Mr. Swanson.
Mr. Elder read a letter of an amusing character from a stranger in
Kansas City, calling himself a friend, and asking for a device which would
enable him to find gold that had been burled in the State of Missouri. The
stranger evidently believed Mr. Elder knew where to obtain a divining rod,
which would unearth untold treasures, for which advice and instrument he
stated his willingness to pay a reasonable amount. The letter was adjudged
by everyone undoubtedly one of the most amusing ever sent to a numis-
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, June 10, 1921, at Giolito's Restaurant, ill West 48th street,
President Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beatty, Beesley,
Belden, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Elder, Guttag, Johnson, Kohler, Montgomery,
Newell, Proskey, Robertson, Swanson, Valentine, Westervelt, Wood, Worm-
ser, and Mr. Whitehead, for a number of years in the service in India, mem-
ber of the Royal Numismatic Society, visiting.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
The exhibitors and the exhibits on the subject "Ship Designs on Coins,
Medals and Paper Money," and new acquisitions, were as follows:
By Mr. Elliott Smith: Three varieties of Canadian $4 bills, two of them
having pictures of ships.
By Mr. Beesley: The following medals: Centenary medal of New Ro-
chelle; first Governor of New York State; Battle of Vigo, 1702, defeat of
French fleet by the English; Battle of the Nile; Victory of the Nile, August
1, 1798; medal of Nelson's flagship, made of copper from Nelson's ship;
copper medal of the Great Eastern, with portrait of Brunei, the builder of
the ship.
By Mr. Westervelt: Buttons made of silver coins, period of 1812.
By Mr. Elder: Two silver coins of Annam, with dragon, one tael one-
half larger than the other.
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By Mr. Kohler: Trinidad, |5 note; Canada, $4 note; North Carolina,
50c. 1863 and 50c. 1864; 25c. Pass Christian, La.; 25c. Pass Christian, Miss.;
Peru, silver medal. El Huascar.
By Mr. Blake: A bank note of Japan for one yen, issued over 50 years
ago. The note was engraved and made by the National Bank Note Co. On
the obverse is shown a ship-of-war carrying Huns, who are about to attempt
an invasion of Japan. There is also shown an aboriginal Japanese with
bow and arrow who is ready to repel the invaders.
Japanese Banknote.
The Japanese banknote as shown by accompanying illustration was
issued about fifty or more years ago, and is for One Yen, which was equiva-
lent at that time to one dollar in gold. Now the Yen is worth about fifty
This note was issued by the Jugo (Fifteenth) National Bank which had
been established under a Bank Act, similar to the United States National
Banking Act.
The Jugo National Bank is now the Jugo Ginko in Tokio and has a
capital of 40,000,000 Yen or about $20,000,000, and is one of the largest
banks in Japan.
The pictures shown on both front and back of this note refer to one
of the most remarkable occurrences in the history of Japan. They repre-
sent the attempted invasion of Japan by 100,000 Huns, about one thousand
years ago. The ruler who attempted the invasion was Kublai Khan, who
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sent his men to the northern part of Kiushu, during the fourth year of the
reign of Koan.
These invaders were equipped with new weapons and had new methods
of fighting, which the Japanese were not acquainted with and it was to be
expected they would have no trouble in subjugating the more primitive
Japanese. Fortunately for the Japanese a very severe storm arose before
the invaders could make a landing; their ships were wrecked and those
who got near the shore, were killed or thrown back into the sea, thus com-
pletely destroying them and defeating the intended invasion. Out of the
one hundred thousand men, who were in this expedition, only three escaped
back to their own country.
It is said that, to this day, weapons and parts of boats from this expe-
dition are found occasionally at the bottom of the sea near Hokata.
A description and translation of some of the inscriptions on the note
The head of
the Record
The public Loan Bonds of the Japanese Grovern-
ment have been entrusted to the Revenue Bu-
reau of the Department of Finance at Tokio on
Security of this note.
The head of
Kiyoyukl Nakamura
We hand the cash One yen in change
for this note to the bearer at any
Motonori Mori.
The face value on the note will be circulated in the whole Japanese em-
pire, except in payment of import and export duty and interest of public
loan, and will be used without hindrance in the payment of taxes, salary
and the payment from the Japanese Government.
People who attempt to counterfeit the note or use a counterfeit paper
money, or have a printing instrument of the note, or make paper and
ink which are used in the printing of the note will be punished under
the prescribed law.
Seal of The 15th Bank.
By Mr. Frey: Copper commemorative medal showing on one side the
fleet of Columbus, with the "Santa Maria" in the foreground. Brass uni-
face ferry token of Hamburg, with a man in a rowboat. Pewter medal —
obverse, "The Chinese Junk Keying" (picture of the vessel). "About 800
tons burthen." Reverse, "The first Chinese vessel ever brought to Europe,
length 160 feet, breadth 35 feet, depth of hold 16 feet. Arrived at Eng-
land Mar. 27, 1848'^ (in 10 lines).
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By Mr. Wormser: Coins showing ships: Pilgrim half dollar; Holland,
gold 6 sty vers; Brandenburg, guinea, ducat; Denmark, guinea, double du-
cat; Italy, gold 50 lire; Russian medal on battle; Brunswick, two travel
thalers; Regensburg, peace thaler with arc; thalers with harbor scenes;
English nobles, and others. New acquisitions: Russia, proof 10 rubles;
Cologne, triple thaler; Worms, 1596, double thaler of Bishop Philipp,
unique, undescribed.
Thick Double Thaler, Bishopric of Worms.
Bishop Phillip I of Rodenstein, September 16, 1595 to March 21, 1604.
Obverse— Half moon, Philippus D G EPIS WORMATIENS 15 96, Coat
of arms with four fields surmounted by three helmets.
Reverse — St. Peter ECCLE — WORM PATR, St. Peter with key in his
right hand and book in his left hand.
This piece is entirely unknown and undescribed. The only description
of a similar coin is the Thaler of the same dies, probably unique, which
was sold at the public sale of the Schulthess collection and of the Schultze
collection in 1883. There are no other coins known of this Bishop, except-
ing a one-half Batzen. In the special book on the coins of Worms by Paul
Joseph, the single Thaler is described as No. 286, but no mention is made
of the Double Thaler.
The ilustratled piece has an interesting history, exact details of which,
however, were not given to Mr. Wormser. It is said to have belonged to
the collection of a Prince of one of the ruling houses of Germany, who, of
course, did not want to have it known that he was disposing of pieces from
his cabinet.
By Mr. Wood: Bronze and aluminum 50 centimes, 1921, issued by the
Chambers of Commerce of France.
By Mr. Newell: Two tetradrachms of Demetrius Poliorcetes, showing
Nike alighting on a prow; rare octobol of Bottiaera in Macedonia; the rare
octobol of Histiaea (only one other known, now in Paris); tetrobol of His-
tiaea; the exceedingly rare obol of Histiaea; potin tetradrachms of Alexan-
dria, with the Emperor's galley; two Sidonian octodrachms with Phoenician
galleys; stater of Aradus, with galley reverse; large bronze of Tarsus, with
galley; bronze of Plautilla, struck at Corcyra.
By Mr. Valentine: Specimen of second general issue of fractional cur-
rency, with the stern- wheel river steamer; $10 bill of 1902 issue, with a
merchant and war vessel on reverse.
By Mr. Robertson: Recent acquisitions: Sweden — Carl X Gustaf, 2
mark, 1693; Carl XI, 8 mark, 1693; 2 mark, 1673; 2 mark, 1677; Carl XII,
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4 mark, 1705; Ulrica, 5 ore, 1719; 1 ore, 1720; Fredrik I, rlksdaler, 1727,
with two heads; rlksdaler, 1731, with two heads; rlksdaler, 1731, one head
only; rlksdaler, 1748; 2 mark, 1732; Carl XV, gold carolin, 1868.
By Mr. Guttag: A number of notes of foreign countries. Including Mex-
ico, Portugal, Venezuela, Salvador, Mauritius, Haiti, Honduras, Chile, Trini-
dad and Tobago, British Guiana, Ecuador, Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Bermu-
da, New Zealand, Denmark, Nova Scotia, Grenada, Rumania, France, Greece
and Serbia. Also Egyptian new 2, 5, 10 and 20 piastres. In silver.
By Mr. Swanson: A lead impression of the obverse of the medal struck
for a celebration held in Baltimore in 1913, commemorating the 100th an-
niversary of the writing of the "Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott
Key. Lead impression of the obverse and reverse of the medal struck for a
celebration in 1914 of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Plattsburg.
The models from which these medals had been made were the work of the
The Executive Committee recommended that the subject for the next
meeting be "Historical and Numismatic Material Relating to George IV of
Under new business a resolution was offered as follows:
''That the report of the exhibits at our meetings as sent to The Numis-
matist be made in the briefest possible form, and that the Society after-
wards compile as interesting an account as possible to be contained in the
Year Book." After a discussion a rising vote was taken and motion to
adopt the resolution was lost.
As a guide to the Executive Committee, a motion to approve Giolito's
Restaurant as our meeting-place for the present was passed.
Mr. Whitehead, of the Numismatic Society of India, the visitor of the
evening, made a few remarks. He stated that for sixteen years he had been
a collector, and that he was principally interested in Bactrian series. He
referred to the present difficulty of obtaining coins of the above series. He
expressed his appreciation for the kindness that had been shown him and
for the interesting reception he is receiving in New York City.
Mr. Johnson of St. Louis, a member of the Club, although not having
attended one of its meetings for about ten years, who had just returned
from abroad, said a few words. Mr. Johnson was glad to be back in the U.
S. A. and was eager to get on to St. Louis. He referred to the difficulty ex-
perienced in getting articles of numismatic interest out of Europe at the
present time.
Upon motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, July 8, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 4th Ave.,
Vice-President Belden presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Blake,
Boyd, Butler, Connor, Outtag, Kohler, Montgomery, Robertson, Valentine,
Westervelt, Wood and Wormser. Mr. Whitehead of the Indian Numismatic
Society was present as guest.
Owing to the absence of the Secretary, the reading of the minutes of
the June meeting was dispensed with.
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The subject of the evening was ''Historical and Numismatic Material
Relating to George IV of England.*'
Exhibits in conection with the subject were:
By Dr. Valentine: A set of copper coins of George IV of England and
^d of Ireland.
Other exhibits of the evening were:
By Mr. Guttag: Chinese dollar of Cze-Chuen and of the Republic of
Yuan-Shl-Kai; new 5c. of France; 10 cent encased postage stamp of Italy.
By Mr. Blake: New Philadelphia Dollars.
By Mr. Boyd: A vertical strip of four specimens 50 cent first issue,
small perforation, fractional currency, with plate number on edge of strip.
By Mr. Wormser: A set of Mecklenburg gold coins, a set of Swedish
silver medals chiefly of Charles XII; Mining Medal of Anhalt.
After the exhibits the meeting was addressed by Mr. Whitehead on his
experiences in coin collecting in Northwest India. His address was extreme-
ly interesting and carried the Oriental flavor of a tale from the Arabian
Nights. It is appended below. A rising vote of thanks was extended to
Mr. Whitehead.
The Executive Committee recommended as the subject for the next
meeting "Non-Metallic Issues of Necessity Money Arising Out of the Great
Thanks were extended to Mr. Blake for Philadelphia Dollars.
The Secretary was instructed to extend the sympathy of the Club to
Mr. Elder upon the recent loss of his mother.
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
MORITZ WORMSER, Secretary pro tern.
Mr. President and Gentlemen:
Perhaps it may interest you if I speak for a few minutes on coin col-
lecting in Northwest India.
I am a member of the Indian Civil Service, and flrst went out to India
in November, 1903, being posted to the Punjab. You must bear in mind
that India is a large continent, composed of a number of provinces with
many languages and many races.
My first station was Delhi, which has but recently been made the capi-
tal of India, having been the old sacred capital of the country and recently
restored to its ancient rank. I remained there a year in the capacity of
General Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner, the ofllcer in charge of a
district. The Punjab Province contains a population of 20,000,000, and is
divided into twenty-nine Districts. At the end of 1904 I was transferred
to Ambala, a district near the Simla Hills, under the Himalayan Foot Hills,
ninety miles from this city, the summer capital of India.
Of course, you will want to hear how I came to begin coin collecting.
No Indian Bazaar is complete without a money changers shop, and the
strange thing is that in all these shops you can find coins of all ages from
the Greek coins down. The Greek coins occurred particularly in the Prov-
inces of the North West and the collection of these Greek coins was my
first love. I was never stationed for any length of time near the North
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West Frontier, where alone these coins are found, so I had to turn part of
my attention to Muhammedan coins, especially as I returned to Delhi.
In this way I acquired the taste, but my interest deepened with the
knowledge of the subject, and it is necessary for you to realize the import-
ance of the coinage as a source of Muhammedan history, as in Muhamme-
dan practice the coinage constitutes the act of accession and the assump-
tion of kingly authority, and the coins contain lengthy information as to
mints, dates, epithets, titles, and Muhammedan names. At the same time
I continued to acquire Greek coins, from agents on the frontier, who are in
touch with the caravans, coming down from Bukhara, Balkh and the Oxus
Reg:lon via the Kabul Valley.
My main lines are Greek and Delhi coins, with side interests in the is-
sues from the states and territories forming part of, or touching the Pun-
jab, such as Kashmir, especially of its Sultans, and of Kangra, and also
some central Asian issues, e. g. of the Timurids of Bukhara, who are re-
lated to the Moghul Emperors.
The most interesting of all these series are the coins of the various
early foreign invaders of India. The first ones of these invaders were the
Oreeks, Bactrians and Indo-Bactrians, who were followed in quick succes-
sion by the so-called Indo-Scythians, Indo-Parthians, Great Kushans, Little
Kushans, and the Ephthalites, or White Huns.
This brings us down to about 400 A. D. and then darkness reigns until
the coins of the Muhammedan invasion about 1000 A. D. It is in such
periods that coins constitute the only records of history.
The Greek invasion is closely associated with Alexander The Great,
that great captain whose name is a household by-word. The romance of
his penetration as far as India is of special interest to the Anglo-iSaxon race,
who accomplished in 1830, twenty-one and a half centuries later from the
Sea, what Alexander did from the land in 325 B. C. when Masson achieved
his explorations referred to below. Alexander got as far as the Punjab
when his soldiers refused to continue further. At this furthest point of his
Invasion, he built twelve Altars which some day may be found, and he then
returned without his army, partly by boats down the river and by the Gulf
of Persia and partly by land along the shore, to Babylon, where he died.
Alexander founded the Seleucid Kingdom in Babylon which lasted for 200
years, and an off-shoot of all this was the Kingdom of Bactria.
The Greek coins found on the frontier now are the only evidence of this
Bactrian Kingdom and there are many names of Kings which are only
found on these coins and on one monument. The coins are excessively rare,
and they are particularly interesting because their inscriptions are bi-
The coins provided a key by the Greek inscriptions on one side to the
then unknown Kharosthi inscriptions on the other side. The American
Explorer Masson followed Alexander's steps in 1830 in exploring the fron-
tier mountains of India, Afghanistan, and wandered freely about the Kabul
Valley for three years, when he dug into Tumuli and got an abundance of
coins and other objects, some of which contain the names of entirely un-
known Greek Princes. Afghanistan today is now closed, and is the most
inaccessible track in the entire world, and it is the most dangerous for
Europeans except when accompanied by a Military expedition. I had been
longing to go to Balkh, the capital of Bactria, where there are square miles
of mounds, but have been unable to accomplish this.
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The name of Gondophares. long only associated with early Christian
tradition, was made real by the discovery of some of his coins by Masson.
With the Muhammedan coins appeared only geometric and floral de-
signs as the Koran forbade portraits, but unorthodox Kings introduced more
interesting pictures on the coinage, such as Jahangir, with portraits of him-
self and Akbar's gold pieces with a duck and a hawk. There were Mogul
emperors who struck $500. and $1000. gold pieces particularly for pre-
sentation purposes, and there are also some very rare 5 Mohur pieces. The
series of Jahangir with the signs of the Zodiac is well known, and complete
sets are very rare.
As the striking of coins among the Muhammedans was considered a
sign of royal power and prerogative, equal to being prayed for on Friday
in the Mosque, it followed that a large number of rebel rulers struck coins
as an evidence of their claim to the throne, and it is fascinating to hunt
for coins of unknown kings and rebels in the banks of the money changers.
The reason these coins have survived is the fact that the Punjab has always
been the cock-pit of India for 2000 years, and the state of the country until
the British came had been one of continuous turmoil with petty wars, re-
belling, looting and awful famines, so that the Indians were compelled to
bury their treasures in the back yards for centuries and the earth gives
back these treasures in the shape of hoards from time to time. Today the
Indian has no faith in banks, and it is said that during the Great War In-
dia has absorbed the equivalent of four years of all metallic production.
Particularly interesting are coins of adventurers, sometimes the un-
known sons of England; among these may be named those of George
Thomas who about 1800 founded a small state in India; also those of the
adventuress. Lady Begum Somru, who had the romantic history of being
married to several husbands, and had usurped princely power.
It is an exciting occupation to hunt for new coins in the Indian Bazaar,
as new coins are constantly coming out, and I had been in the habit of
visiting the Bazaar regularly every ten days. In hunting for them one has
to fight all the suspicions and superstitions of the native money changers,
as odd coins are frequently considered as good-luck pieces, and are wor-
shipped on festival days.
I hope I have interested you by this very disjointed discourse, but
have said enough to show you the interest and fascination of coin collecting
in the Punjab and the historical importance of Indian coins.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, August 12, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 Fourth
avenue, President Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beesley,
Belden, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Connor, Elder, Kohler, Marcuson, Newell,
Proskey, Robertson, Swanson, Valentine, Von Lieven, Wood, Wormser, and
Mr. Miller visiting.
The minutes of the June and July meetings were read and approved
after correction was made.
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Blake: Non-metallic war issues of France; Savon Dentifrice de
Botot, 5, 10, 25 centimes; Credit Lyonnais, 5, 10 centimes; Dentifrices Bene-
dictins, 10 centimes; Rhum-Charleston, 5, 10, 25 centimes; Societe Gen-
erale, 5, 25 centimes; Societe Marseillaise de Credit, 15 centimes; Spido-
leine Huite pour Autos, 5, 10, 25 centimes; H. Lefebvre, 5 centimes.
By Mr. Connor: Bolshevik 3-kopek note; Flensberger 50-pfennig note;
Finland, 20, 10 and 5-pennia notes.
By Mr. Robertson: Non-metallic war issues: Sweden, 1 krona; Norway,
1 krona; I>enmark, 1 krona; Finland, 1 mark, 50 pennia, 25 pennia. Re-
cent acquisitions: Sweden — Eric XIV, 8 ore klippe, 1567; Johan III, double
riksdaler; Gustavus Adolphus, 1 kreutzer, 1632, struck in Sweden for the
use of its army in Germany; Carl XII, ducat, 1718; 4 carolins, 1718; 4
mark, 1716; 2 mark, 1706 and 1714; Ulrika Eleonora, 4 mark, 1720; Adolf
Fredrik, % riksdaler, 1767; Gustaf IV Adolf, riksdaler, 1801; % riksdaler,
1800; Carl XIV Johan, two different types of riksdaler, 1827; Gustaf V, 5
kronor gold, 1920, that is not yet released for circulation.
By Mr. Miller: Belgian encased stamp, 5 centimes; Lille emergency
note, 5 centimes; "Greek emergency note, 50 lepta; Austria (Vienna), 20
heller; Scranton (Pa.) Clearing Banks, 1 cent.
By Mr. Newell: Six electrum staters of Cyzicus, fourth century before
Christ; types, forepart of lion, Omphalus and eagles, ram, griffin, warrior,
goat's head.
American Numismatic Society: U. S. Victory Medal with a complete set
of army and navy bars; French Victory Medal; Belgium Victory Medal;
Belgium Commemorative Medal, 1914-18; Great Britain, 1914 Star, 1914-15
Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Mercantile Marine War Medal.
By Mr. Wood: France — Cardboard money, round; Toul, 5 centimes;
prisoners of war Company 19, 2 francs. Cardboard money, rectangular:
Nancy, 25 centimes; Rheims, 50 centimes; Toulouse, 5 centimes; other ex-
amples showing perforations, by blueprint process and written by hand;
paper money, 2 francs, 1 franc, 50 centimes, used by the allied armies in
the war zone; Chamber of Commerce of Paris, 2 francs, 1 franc, 50 cen-
times; also the new type of franc note; Sarre Mine Basin, 1 franc, similar
to the Chamber of Commerce note; Nice, Chamber of Commerce, two varie-
ties of the franc. Postage stamps used for money, in thick paper, in folders,
in envelopes, and in transparent paper, encased in metal frames under cellu-
loid. Madagascar, postage stamps pasted to cardboard. Austria, 1 krone
and 50 heller, stamped on thick book-cover board. Ukraine, 50 chagio
postage-stamp money. Poland, 5 varieties of paper money. Germany, card-
board money, 1 pfennig paper money, Cologne. Saxony, porcelain money,
20, 10 and 5 mark, gilt borders; 2 and 1 mark and 50 and 20 pfennig, plain
borders, and the rare "Oberschlesiens Dank" 5 mark. Philippine emer-
gency paper money, 50, 20 and 10 centimes.
In connection with his exhibit and the exhibit from the American Num-
ismatic Society, Mr. Wood made some highly interesting remarks, supple-
mented by remarks from Mr. Miller both on the non-metallic issues arising
during the Great War, the subject of the evening, and on the Victory Medals
and war decorations of the United States, England, Belgium and France.
The Executive Committee reported the subject for the September meet-
ing to be "Genuine California Gold Dollars, Half Dollars and Quarter Dol-
lars." Report approved.
The Publication Committee reported progress.
The following resolution was passed unanimously by the Club, inviting
the American Numismatic Association Convention to New York City in 1922:
"Resolved, That the New York Numismatic Club hereby extends to the
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American Numismatic Association a cordial invitation to hold its 1922 con-
vention in the city of New York; and, be it further
"Resolved, That the New York Numismatic Club pledges to the A. >J.
A. its hearty co-operation in making the 1922 convention a success."
The visitor of the evening, Mr. Miller, told of remarkable experiences
in India, Mesopotamia, and the near-East in connection with the extraordi-
nary conditions prevalent in Asia, as well as Europe, arising out of tlie
peculiarities in monetary exchange. He also referred in very interesting
anecdotes to the beliefs entertained by natives arising from designs on coins
expressed in either their like or dislike of certain issues in Abyssinia, as
well as in the above mentioned localities.
It was moved and carried that the secretary be instructed to address a
letter of condolence to Mr. Elliott Smith upon the loss of his mother, and
to Dr. Kunz upon the loss of his daughter.
Remarks by Dr. Valentine were concluded by a motion requesting tlie
Executive Committee to investigate further and obtain, if possible, a meet-
ing place for our Club more suitable to the character of the organization
than the present one. Motion carried.
Mr. Marcuson of Cleveland, a member, although seldom present, was
welcomed at the meeting, but was not disposed to speak.
The remarkably good attendance at this meeting, probably the best in
the record of the Club for August, and the harmonious character of the
proceedings, and the charm of the exhibits, is to be commented upon.
The Secretary delivered to the chairman of the Membership Committee
the names of two applicants for membership, to be acted upon at the next
regular meeting — Mr. Outtman of New York City, and Mr. Miller, Staten
Island, N. Y.
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SW ANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, September 9, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 Fourth
avenue. President Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beatty,
Blake, Boyd, Butler, Smith, Swanson and Wormser.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved.
Some very interesting remarks were made by Mr. Boyd in reference to
his exhibit of California gold. His exhibits were as follows: California gold
dollar, octagonal, 17 pieces; California gold dollars, round, 4 pieces; Cali-
fornia half dollar, octagonal, 11 pieces; California half dollar, round, 18
pieces; California quarter dollar, octagonal, 9 pieces; California gold quart-
er dollar, round, 6 pieces.
The Secretary read a letter from the President of the A. N. A., thanking
the Club for its invitation to the A. N. A. to hold its convention in New
York City in 1922. The letter stated that the convention accepted the in-
vitation and that, according to the by-laws, the formal action of the Board
of Governors of the A. N. A. would in due course be reported to the Club.
The letter was accepted and filed.
The Executive Committee reported the subject for the October meeting
to be '*Counterstamped Coins and Tokens.'* Report approved.
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By action of the Club, Mr. Miller of Staten Island was elected to mem-
bership by the Secretary casting one ballot.
The Curator reported the receipt of the King of Italy die and die of *
Club reverse, and that at the next meeting he would turn over to the Pub-
lication Committee books belonging to it, and to the Secretary books which
he should have.
Mr. Smith expressed his sincere appreciation for the letter of condol-
ence received from the Club.
An informal discussion occurred relative to the A. N. A. Convention
for 1922.
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SW ANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, October 14, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 Fourth
Avenue, President Frey presiding. Members present were: Messrs. Beesley,
Belden, Blake, Butler, Guttag, Kohler, Noe, Proskey, Robertson, Saltus,
Schulman, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Westervelt, Wood and Wormser.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
It was moved and carried to change the order of business in order to
conduct the election of the Nominating Committee for this year. Mr. Gut-
tag and Mr. Beesley were appointed tellers. After the first ballot some
fifteen names appeared as candidates. It was moved and carried that those
receiving the six highest votes be candidates and that the election occur by
balloting on these. Three of the six candidates withdrew their names and
a motion was made and carried that the secretary cast the necessary bal-
lot for the Club to elect the three remaining. Those elected were Mr.
Blake, Mr. Butler and Mr. Kohler.
The subject of the evening was then announced: "Counterstamped
Coins and Tokens."
The exhibits were as follows:
By Mr. Belden: Half escudo of Costa Rica counterstamped for Costa
Rica. Same without counterstamp.
By Mr. Frey: Eight varieties of the quarter, half and one macuta of
Angola, ranging from 1762 to 1789, all counterstamped with the Portu-
guese arms. Malta, three varieties of the four tari of 16 40 with various
counterstamps. Guadeloupe, counterstamped fleur de lis on a jeton of Louis
XIV. St. Eustatius, two sous counterstamped on a Cayenne sou. Tobago,
two varieties of the "dog" countermarked "T B" with an "o" below. Also,
a curious lot of Swedish copper coins struck over other coins, comprising 1
ore, 1722, over De Gortz daler "Phoebus"; i^ skilling, 1802, over 1768;
1^ skilling, 1803, over 1735; V2 skilling, 1805, over earlier date.
By Mr. Guttag: 50 pesos gold and 2 pesos silver issued to commemo-
rate the centennial of Mexico's independence, 1921. Encased foreign post-
age stamps from Argentine, Germany, Belgium, Norway, France and Italy,
about 25 varieties from the latter countries. Coin issued by the city of
Prague for street railway purposes, 1920. New Jugo-Slavian coin dated
1920. Italian coin issued for the railways in the city of Milan, Italy. One
and two franc pieces, 1921, issued by the Chamber of Commerce, France.
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By Mr. Kohler: Spanish dollar of Potosi mint, 1792, counterstamped
with head of George III of England. Mexico, y^ real, counterstamped **B."
Mexico, 2 reals, counterstamped for the West Indies. Spain, 40 centimes
of Isabella, counterstamped with large **P.*'
By Mr. Noe: Casts of a Metapontum coin of the third century counter-
stamped with an owl. Also casts of five plated pieces with an imitation
counterstamp apparently cut in the die.
By Mr. Proskey: Gibraltar, i/^, 1, 2, 4 and 8 reals struck over Spanish-
American silver coins.
By Mr. Schulman: Holy Trinity medal ordered by Moritz, Duke of Sax-
ony and made by Hans Reinhart, 1544.
By Mr. Wormser: Wurttemberg, 1537, Ulrich thaler, with and without
"Imperial eagle" counterstamp. Holland, 1573, "lion" counterstamp on
thaler of Cologne. Franconian District, *'F C" counterstamped on Mont-
fort gulden. Tyrol, "eagle" counterstamped on dicken of Chur. Central
America, ^2 escudo, with and without counterstamps for Costa Rica. New
acquisitions: Collection of Swedish gold and silver.
By Mr. Wood: Russia, Holland daalder of 1652, counterstamped for
Russia in 1655. Landau, siege piece of 1704 struck on a part of a bowl.
Manila, 1828, counterstamped on a Peruvian dollar of 1828. Siam, Siamese
marks on a Mexican dollar. Mexico, Maximilian peso counterstamped with
liberty cap over crown. New South Wales, the Holey dollar and the 15
pence. United States, Mexican peso with U. S. dime and half dime attached
to bring the value of the peso up to a dollar when the peso was worth 8 5
cents. Three United States cents with Haiti 50-cent piece struck over it.
New York store card struck over cent of 18^1. French sou of Louis XV
struck over United States cent.
The Executive Committee reported that the subject for the November
meeting would be "Spanish Coins Prior to 1550, and Medals of Columbus."
The Executive Committee also presented the following resolutions with
the recommendation that they be adopted by the Club:
"Whereas it has become known that the authorities of the Treasury
Department in Washington are considering the advisability of reducing the
present size of our paper money, and with this in view are seeking the ad-
vice and opinion of leading bankers and others who are specially interested
in this matter; and
"Whereas it is believed that if any change at all is made, such change
will result in much confusion and inconvenience in financial and other insti-
tutions and will cause a great deal of annoyance and expense to the general
public; and
"Whereas The New York Numismatic Club believes that if such change
is made, the best interests of all the American people will not be conserv-
ed, and therefore, in regular meeting assembled, it is hereby
"Resolved, That the said Club unqualifiedly condemns such contem-
plated change, and respectfully requests the proper authorities to abandon
the plan in question; it is further
"Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the Sec-
retary of the Treasury, to the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing, to Hon. C. G. Dawes, and to the Governors of the twelve Federal
Reserve Banks;
"Resolved, also, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to all
the principal numismatic societies of the United States, with a request that
similar action be taken by them, and having done so, a copy of such action
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»e forwarded to our Secretary for preservation in the archives of the New
York Numismatic Club."
After some discussion the resolutions were approved and adopted.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Guttag presenting a copy for the
library of the Club of the latest publication of Guttag Brothers, "Rare
Coins of the United States." On motion made and carried, the thanks of
the Club were extended to Mr. Guttag.
The Secretary read letters from Mr. Elliott Smith and Dr. George F.
Kunz acknowledging receipt of the letters of condolence sent to them re-
Mr. Blake was able to supply a number of our members with the silver
dollars of 1921.
After an absence of about two years from the United States, it was our
pleasure to welcome Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, who favored us with some in-
teresting remarks of numismatic interest following observations made by
him in France. Some of the references made by Mr. Saltus indicated the
appearance recently of a great deal of paper money in France. His refer-
ence to the enormous variety of tokens and coins peculiar to limited locali-
ties in France, and circulating in these localities, as well as the ignorance
of the value of such tokens, coins, etc., in localities where they are not
known, suggested to him great possibilities for collections being formed
along these lines. Mr. Saltus thought that as a result of the condition re-
ferred to above, which were brought on by the Great War, and the difficulty
to the traveler of obtaining and exchanging such pieces in every-day trade,
also the increasing scarcity of war money, collectors might well give the
subject their consideration, and hoped that a number of numismatists would
take an interest in it.
Our fellow member, Mr. M. Schulman from Amsterdam, Holland, was
with us and was called upon for a few remarks. Mr. Schulman's remarks
are especially worthy of note. People had asked him, he said, "Is not bus-
iness poor everywhere?" Mr. Schulman's answer was "Not so." His
thought, as he expressed it, was that when collectors purchased freely and
normally, and objects of interest to numismatists and collectors were being
bought, as he says they are, there is no real financial or industrial depres-
sion anywhere. We surely were glad to hear Mr. Schulman say that busi-
ness is good. Mr. Schulman also expressed gratification in finding everyone
in the same good health and spirits as they were when he visited us last
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
The regular meeting of the New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, November 11, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 Fourth
Avenue, President Frey presiding. Those present were: Messrs. Beesley,
Belden, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Elder, Kohler, Robertson, Saltus, Smith, Swan-
son, Valentine, Wood and Wormser; and Messrs. Merritt and Gillingham
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
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The exhibitors of new acquisitions and pieces under the subject of the
evening, ''Spanish Coins Prior to 1550 and Medals of Columbus," were as
By Mr. Beesley: 50 pfennig, 1921.
By .Mr. Kohler: 1921 50 pesos Mexico Centennial, gold; 2 pesos Mexico
Centennial, silver.
By Mr. Robertson: Recent acquisitions: Sweden, Johan III, mark, 1590,
1592; 4 ore ( V^ mark), 1581; i^ ore, 1576, 1578, 1580, 1582; fyrk (14
ore), 1576, 1578. Carl IX, riksdaler, 1610; mark, 1607; 2 ore, 1608, 1609;
1 ore, 1610, 1611; i^ ore, 1600, 1601, 1602.
By Mr. Smith: Columbus medals — Large white metal medal, size 115
mm., view of World's Fair Building. Large bronze medal, Columbus on ob-
verse, allegorical scene on reverse, size about 90 mm. Two very large alum-
inum medals, obverse Liberty head, reverse Landing of Columbus, size
about 80 mm. Twenty-seven other medals, a badge and two boxes. Also,
gold two ducats of Ferdinand and Isabella.
Under the head of unfinished business and the reports of special com-
mittees, the Nominating Committee for this year reported as follows:
To the Members of the New York Numismatic Club: Your Committee on
Nominations, elected at the October meeting, duly met for conference and
deliberation, and unanimously agreed upon the following for Officers and
Committees for the year 1922:
For President, J. Sanford Saltus.
For Vice President, Bauman L. Belden.
For Secretary and Treasurer, J. M. Swanson.
Executive Committee: George H. Blake, Chairman; Elliott Smith, F. C.
C. Boyd, Dudley Butler.
Membership Committee: Dr. D. W. Valentine, Chairman; David Pros-
key, R. Kohler, Thomas L. Elder, J. Guttag.
Publication Committee: Moritz Wormser, Chairman; A. R. Frey, How-
land Wood.
Medallic Art Committee: J. M. Swanson, Chairman; Edward T. Newell,
W. Gedney Beatty, Robert Robertson, E. Beesley.
(Signed) George H. Blake, Chairman; Dudley Butler, Rud. Kohler.
New York, Nov. 9, 1921.
The Executive Committee reported that no name or set topic for the
December meeting would be given, as that meeting is the Annual Meeting,
at which annual reports and election of officers occurs, but exhibits that
evening would consist of each member's choice of articles that interested
him especially.
The chairman of the Publication Committee announced that it is the
expectation of his committee to publish in a forthcoming publication of the
Club illustrations of coins, medals, etc., chosen from exhibits by our mem-
bers in the past, and possibly other objects of interest not having been f^x-
Mr. Fred E. Merritt, 45 Rutland Road, Brooklyn, N. Y., was proposed
for membership, recommended by 'George H. Blake and Moritz Wormser.
The application was referred to the Membership Committee and will take
its usual course.
Mr. Gillingham spoke of his hobby. He said that it was not War Med-
als only, but he called it "Medals to Wear." He showed a few interesting
specimens, and two in particular worthy of mention. They were the bronze
medal given by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the men of the Na-
tional Guard of Pennsylvania who were enrolled in the United States ser-
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Pennsylvania National Guard Medal.
vice and went overseas as the 28th Division of the A. E. F. An officer's gold
medal given by Prance for the Italian War, 1859. Mr. Gillingham stated
that this medal was seldom seen in gold, to his knowledge only one other
ever having come to notice.
Mr. Merritt was called upon and expressed his pleasure in having been
invited to the Club.
The Pennsylvania National Guard Medal shown by Mr. Gillingham, af-
ter being examined by those present, occasioned an informal discussion and
brought out some interesting remarks about the designing and execution of
decorations and medals of this character. Davison & Sons of Philadelphia,
the makers of this medal, are to be highly complimented upon the charm-
ing design and skillful execution of this work. Comments by members in-
dicated that in the opinion of collectors of these objects and artists, not
enough care is taken either by those sponsoring badges and medals of this
sort or those executing their orders to prevent and guard many issues and
awards of this sort from being mediocre in character, and sometimes almost
crude and ugly.
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
The Annual meeting of The New York Numismatic Club was held Fri-
day evening, December 9, 1921, at the Liberty Bell Restaurant, 327 Fourth
Avenue, President Frey presiding. The members present were: Messrs.
Beatty, Belden, Blake, Boyd, Butler, Elder, Guttag, deLagerberg, Miller,
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122 1918-1919-1920-1921 YEAR BOOK
Noe, Reilly, Jr., Robertson, Saltus, Smith, Swanson, Valentine, Wernstrom,
Wood and Wormser.
The minutes of the November meeting were approved as read.
The order of business was changed to introduce the election of officers
The nominations being closed no other candidate than J. Sanford Saltus
for President was presented and by unanimous vote the Secretary was in-
structed to cast one ballot electing J. Sanford Saltus president of The New
York Numismatic Club for the year ending December, 1922.
Mr. Saltus took the chair and made a very interesting speech. His
remarks praised the Club especially for its attention to numismatics at all
times in spite of the fact that like the artist wanderers of the days past it
had no permanent home and like those artists, possibly for that reason, did
very good work. The fact that Club members at their meetings did not dis-
cuss matters entirely foreign to numismatics or try to **run the city" seem-
ed to please him greatly. Mr. Saltus' remarks were heartily applauded.
After the election of Mr. Belden as vice-president, there being no other
candidate presented, he made a few remarks and told an interesting story.
Mr. J. M. Swanson was elected secretary-treasurer, there being no
other candidate presented. His speech following his election consisted of
one small forceful remark to the Club members, "Now is a good time to
begin paying 1922 dues."
In all committees the choice of the Nominating Committee as present-
ed at the November meeting met with the approval of the Club, no other
candidates for any committees were presented and the election in each case
was unanimous.
The Annual report of the Secretary read as follows:
"At the beginning of the year there were in the Club seventy-three
(73) regular members, five (5) life members, four (4) Honorary members
and five (5) Corresponding members. There have been added during the
year six (6) regular members and one (1) Corresponding member.
Taken from the roll by death during the year one Honorary member
and one regular member and two regular members resigned from the Club.
The membership of the Club on this date is seventy-six (76) regular
members, five (5) life members, three (3) Honorary members and six (6)
Corresponding members.
The business of the Club has been conducted throughout the year with-
out interruption. The twelve regular meetings having been held the sec-
ond Friday of each month."
The report was approved as read.
The annual statement of the condition of the treasury was approved as
Mr. Blake, chairman of the Executive Committee, reported as follows:
"Mr. President and Members of the N. Y. Numismatic Club,
During the last three or four meetings of the Executive Committee,
which comprise practically all its sessions since the Annual Convention of
the A. N. A., the principal subjects of its discussions have been the better-
ment of the Club in some way or other. In the main all of the Committee
have been a unit in its decisions, because every member is interested in
the welfare of the Club. Perhaps not every act of the Committee has re-
ceived the endorsement of ALL of our members, but the aim has been to
consult the good of the greatest number.
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The plan and scope of our work for the coming year has already been
discussed by the Committee and by individual members. Nineteen-twenty-
two (1922) will be an active and important year for our Club. I believe
that we are right in thinking that the N. Y. Numismatic Club leads and
others follow. If this is not altogether true we want to make it so.
At the invitation of this Club the annual convention of the American
Numismatic Association will be held in New York this coming year. To
properly arrange for and entertain those who will become our guests, will
call for the hearty cooperation of all our members. In view of the added
activities of our Club it is not unlikely that the Executive Committee will
later on ask that an Advisory Committee be appointed to act with them in
arranging our Convention program. Just at present we can only suggest
that as soon as the date for holding the convention is announced in The
Numismatist our members will hold such dates open or arrange their vaca-
tions so they will be with us.
The Executive Committee has also been considering ways and means of
enlarging the influence of the Club. It is felt that we can do much more
than we are doing for Numismatics. But to do so, more of our members
must be actively interested in the work. It has therefore been decided to
ask you to create additional standing committees which shall be appointed
by our President.
The Committees in question are to be as follows:
Paper Money Committee
United States Coins Committee
Foreign Coins Committee »
Store-cards, Tokens and Encased Postage Stamps Committee
Political and other Medals Committee
Ancient Coins Committee
War Medals and Decorations Committee
These are some of the things planned by your Committee. I ask your
hearty cooperation and support in the execution of these plans.
During the past year our Club has made itself felt in many ways. May
the coming year be one of great accomplishment!
The Executive Committee announced the subject for the January meet-
ing to be "Benjamin Franklin," and informed the Club that Thomas L».
Elder would read a paper on the subject at that meeting.
The report of the Executive Committee was received and the subject
for the January meeting approved.
The Membership Committee reported favorably on the name of Fred
E. Merritt of Brooklyn and the secretary nvas instructed to cast one ballot
electing Fred E. Merritt to membership, there being no dissenting votes.
The Publication Committee reported progress.
It was announced that our member, Mr. Beesley, has had the misfor-
tune to be confined in the New Rochelle Hospital for an indefinite period
due to having broken his collarbone. By a motion made and passed the
secretary was instructed to convey to Mr. Beesley the regret of the Club
and express the hope that he will soon be entirely well and be able to be
with us again.'
Letters of resignation as members of the Club from William Festus
Morgan and from William R. Powell were read by the secretary. A com-
munication from Mrs. C. E. Harrington of Torrington, Conn., was read
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stating that her father, Mr. Alden, passed away at his home, Torrington,
Conn., Saturday morning November 26 at 8 o'clock very peacefully. The
secretary was instructed to convey in a letter to her the sympathy of the
Club in her bereavement. Mr. Alden has been a member of the New York
Numismatic Club for very many years.
A discussion ensued relative to the best date for opening the A. N. A.
Convention in the summer of 1922. As a guide to the Executive Committee
ballots were written by the members of the Club stating their choice as to
the date of the Convention and the result showed August 26, 1922 as the
choice of the club members present.
Our ex-President, Mr. Frey, spoke a few words and conveyed to the
Club firreetings from Mr. Schulman of Amsterdam, Holland.
A motion was made and carried authorizing the secretary to receive
subscriptions for the Dr. Valentine President's medal and to obtain bids
as to the cost of producing the medal in order to determine the selling-
price of the same.
The model for the Dr. Valentine medal, the work of J. M. Swahson,
was shown to the club members and seemed to meet with their approval.
The exhibitors of the evening were Messrs. Boyd, Guttag, deLagerberg,
Robertson and Wernstrom.
Mr. deLagerberg presented some very interesting data explaining the
nature of the death of Charles XII of Sweden. Since the time of his death
there has been great mystery surrounding the occurrence.
The thanks of the Club were extended to Mr. deLagerberg for his in-
teresting remarks.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered to our out-going President. Mr.
Frey, for his service to the Club in that office.
On motion made and carried the meeting adjourned.
J. M. SWANSON, Secretary.
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Report of the Treasurer
December 1, 1021.
General Fund
Received from former Treasurer, cash balance on hand $ 33.28
Dues received 154 . 00
Sale of Club Pins 3.00
Liberty Bond Coupons 10.88
Sale of Medals 10.00
$ 211.16
Advertising $ 3.75
Postage 4.56
Typewriting 22.00
Flowers 10.00
Printing, stationery and supplies 35.90
Dinner for a Guest . . . 1 . 40
Total Disbursements $ 77.61
Cash on Hand December 1, 1921 $ 133 . 55
Permanent Fund in U. S. Bonds $ 250 . 00
Accounts Receivable
Medals $82 . 50
Life Membership 50.00
Total Accounts Receivable $ 132 . 50
Medals on Hand:
Heaton Medals, 6 at $1.50 $ 9.00
King of Italy Medals, 11 at $2.50 27.50
Boyd Medals, 8 at $2.00 16.00
Club Pins,' 6 at $1.00 6.00
Total Assets $ 58.50
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Covering Four Years* Activities of
The New York Numismatic Club
Has Been Prepared by the Following
FRED C. C. BOYD, Chairman
DR. D. W. VALENTINE, Chairman
ALBERT R. FREY, Chairman
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